/*! \page factory_page Multivariate polynomial factorization (factory) Factory is a C++ class library that implements a recursive representation of multivariate polynomial data. Factory handles sparse multivariate polynomials over different coefficient domains, such as Z, Q and GF(q), as well as algebraic extensions over Q and GF(q) in an efficient way. Factory includes algorithms for computing univariate and multivariate gcds, resultants, chinese remainders, algorithms to factorize multivariate polynomials, univariate polynomials over alg. function fields, and to compute the absolute factorization of multivariate polynomials with integer coefficients. The interface to the polynomial system of Factory is provided by a single class `\ref CanonicalForm' which can deal with elements of the coefficient domain as well as polynomials. For details see: Factory Developer's manual \note For more information on how to configure, install and add new code to factory, see README. \verbinclude factory/README */