////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version crypto.lib Aug_2014 "; // $Id$ category="Teaching"; info=" LIBRARY: crypto.lib Procedures for teaching cryptography AUTHORS: Gerhard Pfister, pfister@mathematik.uni-kl.de @* David Brittinger, dativ@gmx.net OVERVIEW: The library contains procedures to compute the discrete logarithm, primality-tests, factorization included elliptic curves. The library is intended to be used for teaching purposes but not for serious computations. Sufficiently high printlevel allows to control each step, thus illustrating the algorithms at work. PROCEDURES: decimal(s); number corresponding to the hexadecimal number s eexgcdN(L) T with sum_i L[i]*T[i]=T[n+1]=gcd(L[1],...,L[n]) lcmN(a,b) compute lcm(a,b) powerN(m,d,n) compute m^d mod n chineseRem(T,L) compute x such that x = T[i] mod L[i] Jacobi(a,n) the generalized Legendre symbol of a and n primList(n) the list of all primes <=n primL(q) first primes p_1,...,p_r such that q=2;i--) { if((d mod i)==0){return(powerN(m,d div i,n)^i);} } return(m*powerN(m,d-1,n)); } for(i=12;i>=2;i--) { if((d mod i)==0) { bigint rr=powerN(m,d div i,n)^i mod n; if (rr<0) { rr=rr+n;} return(rr); } } return(m*powerN(m,d-1,n) mod n); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; powerN(24,15,7); } proc chineseRem(list T,list L) "USAGE: chineseRem(T,L); RETURN: x such that x = T[i] mod L[i] NOTE: chinese remainder theorem EXAMPLE:example chineseRem; shows an example " { int i; int n=size(L); bigint N=1; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { N=N*L[i]; } list M; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { M[i]=N div L[i]; } list S=eexgcdN(M); bigint x; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { x=x+S[i]*M[i]*T[i]; } x=x mod N; return(x); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; chineseRem(list(24,15,7),list(2,3,5)); } proc Jacobi(bigint a, bigint n) "USAGE: Jacobi(a,n); RETURN: the generalized Legendre symbol NOTE: if n is an odd prime then Jacobi(a,n)=0,1,-1 if n|a, a=x^2 mod n,else EXAMPLE:example Jacobi; shows an example " { int i; int z=1; bigint t=1; bigint k; if((((n-1) div 2) mod 2)!=0){z=-1;} if(a<0){return(z*Jacobi(-a,n));} a=a mod n; if(n==1){return(1);} if(a==0){return(0);} while(a!=0) { while((a mod 2)==0) { a=a div 2; if(((n mod 8)==3)||((n mod 8)==5)){t=-t;} } k=a;a=n;n=k; if(((a mod 4)==3)&&((n mod 4)==3)){t=-t;} a=a mod n; } if (n==1){return(t);} return(0); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; Jacobi(13580555397810650806,5792543); } proc primList(int n) "USAGE: primList(n); RETURN: the list of all primes <=n EXAMPLE:example primList; shows an example " { int i,j; list re; re[1]=2; re[2]=3; for(i=5;i<=n;i=i+2) { j=1; while(j<=size(re)) { if((i mod re[j])==0){break;} j++; } if(j==size(re)+1){re[size(re)+1]=i;} } return(re); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list L=primList(100); size(L); L[size(L)]; } proc primL(bigint q) "USAGE: primL(q); RETURN: list of the first primes p_1,...,p_r such that q>p_1*...*p_(r-1) and q=0) { return(bigint((numerator(x)-(bigint(numerator(x)) mod bigint(denominator(x))))) div bigint(denominator(x))); } else { return(bigint((numerator(x)-(bigint(numerator(x)) mod bigint(denominator(x)+denominator(x))))) div bigint(denominator(x))); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,x,dp; intPart(7/3); } proc intRoot(bigint mm) "USAGE: intRoot(m); RETURN: the integral part of the square root of m EXAMPLE:example intRoot; shows an example " { ring R = 0,@x,dp; number m=mm; number x=1; number t=x^2; number s=(x+1)^2; while(((m>t)&&(m>s))||((mm) { s=(x-1)^2; } else { s=(x+1)^2; } } if(t>m){return(bigint(x-1));} if(s==m){return(bigint(x+1));} return(bigint(x)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; intRoot(20); } proc squareRoot(bigint a, bigint p) "USAGE: squareRoot(a,p); RETURN: the square root of a in Z/p, p prime NOTE: assumes the Jacobi symbol is 1 or p=2. EXAMPLE:example squareRoot; shows an example " { if(p==2){return(a);} if((a mod p)==0){return(0);} if (a<0) { a=a+p; } if(powerN(a,p-1,p)!=1) { "p is not prime"; return(bigint(-5)); } bigint n=random(1,2147483647) mod p; if(n==0){n=n+1;} bigint j=Jacobi(n,p); if(j==0) { "p is not prime"; return(bigint(-5)); } if(j==1) { return(squareRoot(a,p)); } bigint q=p-1; bigint e=0; bigint two=2; bigint z,m,t; while((q mod 2)==0) { e=e+1; q=q div 2; } bigint y=powerN(n,q,p); bigint r=e; bigint x=powerN(a,(q-1) div 2,p); bigint b=a*x^2 mod p; x=a*x mod p; while(((b-1) mod p)!=0) { m=0;z=b; while(((z-1) mod p)!=0) { z=z^2 mod p; m=m+1; } t=powerN(y,powerN(two,r-m-1,p),p); y=t^2 mod p; r=m; x=x*t mod p; b=b*y mod p; } return(x); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; squareRoot(8315890421938608,32003); } proc solutionsMod2(bigintmat MM) "USAGE: solutionsMod2(M); RETURN: an intmat containing a basis of the vector space of solutions of the linear system of equations defined by M over the prime field of characteristic 2 EXAMPLE:example solutionsMod2; shows an example " { ring Rhelp=2,z,(c,dp); int i,j; matrix M[nrows(MM)][ncols(MM)]; for(i=1;i<=nrows(MM);i++) { for(j=1;j<=ncols(MM);j++) { M[i,j]=MM[i,j]; } } matrix S=syz(M); intmat v[nrows(S)][ncols(S)]; for(i=1;i<=nrows(S);i++) { for(j=1;j<=ncols(S);j++) { if(S[i,j]==1){v[i,j]=1;} } } return(v); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; bigintmat M[3][3]=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5; solutionsMod2(M); } proc powerX(int q, int i, ideal I) "USAGE: powerX(q,i,I); RETURN: the q-th power of the i-th variable modulo I ASSUME: I is a standard basis EXAMPLE:example powerX; shows an example " { if(q<=181){return(reduce(var(i)^int(q),I));} if((q mod 5)==0){return(reduce(powerX(q div 5,i,I)^5,I));} if((q mod 4)==0){return(reduce(powerX(q div 4,i,I)^4,I));} if((q mod 3)==0){return(reduce(powerX(q div 3,i,I)^3,I));} if((q mod 2)==0){return(reduce(powerX(q div 2,i,I)^2,I));} return(reduce(var(i)*powerX(q-1,i,I),I)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; powerX(100,2,std(ideal(x3-1,y2-x))); } //====================================================================== //=========================== Discrete Logarithm ======================= //====================================================================== //============== Shank's baby step - giant step ======================== proc babyGiant(bigint b, bigint y, bigint p) "USAGE: babyGiant(b,y,p); RETURN: the discrete logarithm x: b^x=y mod p NOTE: This procedure works based on Shank's baby step - giant step method. EXAMPLE:example babyGiant; shows an example " { int i,j,m; list l; bigint h=1; bigint x; //choose m minimal such that m^2>p for(i=1;i<=p;i++){if(i^2>p) break;} m=i; //baby-step: compute the table y*b^i for 1<=i<=m for(i=1;i<=m;i++){l[i]=y*b^i mod p;} //giant-step: compute b^(m+j), 1<=j<=m and search in the baby-step table //for an i with y*b^i=b^(m*j). If found then x=m*j-i bigint g=b^m mod p; while(j=1;j--) { if(x[i]==x[j]) { s=(e[j]-e[i]) mod (p-1); t=(f[i]-f[j]) mod (p-1); if(s!=0) { i=0; } else { e[1]=0; f[1]=random(0,2147483629) mod (p-1); x[1]=powerN(b,f[1],p); i=1; } break; } } } list w=extgcd(s,p-1); bigint u=w[2]; bigint d=w[1]; bigint a=(t*u div d) mod (p-1); bigint pn=powerN(b,a,p); if (pn<0) { pn=pn+p;} while(powerN(b,a,p)!=y) { a=(a+(p-1) div d) mod (p-1); if (a<0) { a=a+p-1; } } return(a); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; bigint b=2; bigint y=10; bigint p=101; rho(b,y,p); } //==================================================================== //====================== Primality Tests ============================= //==================================================================== //================================= Miller-Rabin ===================== proc MillerRabin(bigint n, int k) "USAGE: MillerRabin(n,k); RETURN: 1 if n is prime, 0 else NOTE: probabilistic test of Miller-Rabin with k loops to test if n is prime. Using the theorem: If n is prime, n-1=2^s*r, r odd, then powerN(a,r,n)=1 or powerN(a,r*2^i,n)=-1 for some i EXAMPLE:example MillerRabin; shows an example " { if(n<0){n=-n;} if((n==2)||(n==3)){return(1);} if((n mod 2)==0){return(0);} int i; bigint a,b,j,r,s; r=n-1; s=0; while((r mod 2)==0) { s=s+1; r=r div 2; } while(iN . N is prime if and only if for each prime factor p of A we can find a_p such that a_p^(N-1)=1 mod N and gcd(a_p^((N-1)/p)-1,N)=1 EXAMPLE:example PocklingtonLehmer; shows an example " { bigint m=intRoot(N); if(size(#)>0) { list S=PollardRho(N-1,10000,1,#); } else { list S=PollardRho(N-1,10000,1); } int i,j; bigint A=1; bigint p,a,g; list PA; list re; while(im){break;} while(1) { p=p*S[i+1]; if(((N-1) mod p)==0) { A=A*p; } else { break; } } i++; } if(A<=m) { A=N div A; PA=list(S[size(S)]); } for(i=1;i<=size(PA);i++) { a=1; while(a0) { L=#; } for(i=1;i<=size(L);i++) { if((n mod L[i])==0) { re[size(re)+1]=L[i]; while((n mod L[i])==0) { n=n div L[i]; } } if(n==1){return(re);} } int e=size(re); //here the rho-algorithm starts bigint a,d,x,y; while(n>1) { a=random(2,2147483629); x=random(2,2147483629); y=x; d=1; i=0; while(i1) { re[size(re)+1]=d; while((n mod d)==0) { n=n div d; } break; } if(i==k) { re[size(re)+1]=n; n=1; } } } if(allFactors) //want to obtain all prime factors { i=e; while(iB) break; while(w*P[i]<=B) { w=w*P[i]; } k=k*w; } bigint a=random(2,2147483629); bigint d=gcd(powerN(a,k,n)-1,n); if((d>1)&&(d2)&&(Jacobi(n,p)==-1)){i++;continue;}//n is no quadratic rest mod p j=1; while(j<=p) { if(j>2*c+1) break; f=S[j][2]; v=S[j][3]; s=0; while((f mod p)==0) { s++; f=f div p; } if(s) { S[j][2]=f; v[i]=s; S[j][3]=v; l=j; while(l+p<=2*c+1) { l=l+p; f=S[l][2]; v=S[l][3]; s=0; while((f mod p)==0) { s++; f=f div p; } S[l][2]=f; v[i]=s; S[l][3]=v; } } j++; } } list T; for(j=1;j<=2*c+1;j++) { if((S[j][2]==1)||(S[j][2]==-1)) { T[size(T)+1]=S[j]; } } //the system of equations for the exponents {l_s} for the f(s) such //product f(s)^l_s is a square (l_s are 1 or 0) bigintmat M[k+1][size(T)]; for(j=1;j<=size(T);j++) { if(T[j][2]==-1){M[1,j]=1;} for(i=1;i<=k;i++) { M[i+1,j]=T[j][3][i]; } } intmat G=solutionsMod2(M); //construction of x and y such that x^2=y^2 mod n and d=gcd(x-y,n) //y=square root of product f(s)^l_s //x=product s+m bigint x=1; bigint y=1; for(i=1;i<=ncols(G);i++) { kill v; intvec v; v[k]=0; for(j=1;j<=size(T);j++) { x=x*T[j][1]^G[j,i] mod n; if((T[j][2]==-1)&&(G[j,i]==1)){y=-y;} v=v+G[j,i]*T[j][3]; } for(l=1;l<=k;l++) { y=y*B[l]^(v[l] div 2) mod n; } d=gcd(x-y,n); if((d>1)&&(d0) { s=#[1]; } else { s=1; } while(k1) { if(K[size(K)][2]!=K[size(K)-1][2]) { d=gcd(K[size(K)][2],K[size(K)-1][2]); if(ellipticMult(q,a,b,K[size(K)],d)[3]==0) { K[size(K)][2]=K[size(K)-1][2]; } } } i=int(m); break; } } i=i+1; Q=ellipticAdd(q,a,b,mP,Q); } k++; } if(size(K)>0) { int te=1; for(i=1;i<=size(K)-1;i++) { if(K[size(K)][2]!=K[i][2]) { if(ellipticMult(q,a,b,K[i],K[size(K)][2])[3]!=0) { te=0; break; } } } if(te) { return(K[size(K)][2]); } } return(ShanksMestre(q,a,b,s)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ShanksMestre(32003,71,602); } //==================== Schoof's algorithm ============================= proc Schoof(bigint N,bigint a, bigint b) "USAGE: Schoof(N,a,b); RETURN: the number of points of the elliptic curve defined by y^2=x^3+a*x+b over Z/N NOTE: algorithm of Schoof EXAMPLE:example Schoof; shows an example " { int pr=printlevel; //test for ellictic curve bigint D=4*a^3+27*b^2; bigint G=gcd(D,N); if(G==N){ERROR("not an elliptic curve");} if(G!=1){ERROR("not a prime");} //=== small N // if((N<=500)&&(pr<5)){return(countPoints(int(N),a,b));} //=== the general case bigint q=intRoot(4*N); list L=primL(2*q); int r=size(L); list T; int i,j; for(j=1;j<=r;j++) { T[j]=(testElliptic(int(N),a,b,L[j])+int(q)) mod L[j]; } if(pr>=5) { "==================================================================="; "Chinese remainder :"; for(i=1;i<=size(T);i++) { " x =",T[i]," mod ",L[i]; } "gives t+ integral part of the square root of q (to be positive)"; chineseRem(T,L); "we obtain t = ",chineseRem(T,L)-q; "==================================================================="; } bigint t=chineseRem(T,L)-q; return(N+1-t); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; Schoof(32003,71,602); } /* needs 518 sec Schoof(2147483629,17,3567); 2147168895 */ proc generateG(number a,number b, int m) "USAGE: generateG(a,b,m); RETURN: m-th division polynomial NOTE: generate the so-called division polynomials, i.e., the recursively defined polynomials p_m=generateG(a,b,m) in Z[x, y] such that, for a point (x:y:1) on the elliptic curve defined by y^2=x^3+a*x+b over Z/N the point@* m*P=(x-(p_(m-1)*p_(m+1))/p_m^2 :(p_(m+2)*p_(m-1)^2-p_(m-2)*p_(m+1)^2)/4y*p_m^3 :1) and m*P=0 if and only if p_m(P)=0 EXAMPLE:example generateG; shows an example " { if(m==0){return(poly(0));} if(m==1){return(poly(1));} if(m==2){return(2*var(1));} if(m==3){return(3*var(2)^4+6*a*var(2)^2+12*b*var(2)-a^2);} if(m==4) { return(4*var(1)*(var(2)^6+5*a*var(2)^4+20*b*var(2)^3-5*a^2*var(2)^2 -4*a*b*var(2)-8*b^2-a^3)); } if((m mod 2)==0) { return((generateG(a,b,m div 2+2)*generateG(a,b,m div 2-1)^2 -generateG(a,b,m div 2-2)*generateG(a,b,m div 2+1)^2) *generateG(a,b,m div 2)/(2*var(1))); } return(generateG(a,b,(m-1) div 2+2)*generateG(a,b,(m-1) div 2)^3 -generateG(a,b,(m-1) div 2-1)*generateG(a,b,(m-1) div 2+1)^3); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring R = 0,(x,y),dp; generateG(7,15,4); } static proc testElliptic(int q,bigint aa,bigint bb,int l) "USAGE: testElliptic(q,a,b,l); RETURN: an integer t, the trace of the Frobenius NOTE: the kernel for the Schoof algorithm: looks for the t such that for all points (x:y:1) in C[l]={P in C | l*P=0},C the elliptic curve defined by y^2=x^3+a*x+b over Z/q with group structure induced by 0=(0:1:0), (x:y:1)^(q^2)-t*(x:y:1)^q -ql*(x:y:1)=(0:1:0), ql= q mod l, trace of Frobenius. EXAMPLE:example testElliptic; shows an example " { int pr=printlevel; ring S=q,(y,x),(L(100000),lp); number a=aa; number b=bb; poly F=y2-x3-a*x-b; // the curve C poly G=generateG(a,b,l); ideal I=std(ideal(F,G)); // the points C[l] poly xq=powerX(q,2,I); poly yq=powerX(q,1,I); poly xq2=reduce(subst(xq,x,xq,y,yq),I); poly yq2=reduce(subst(yq,x,xq,y,yq),I); ideal J; int ql=q mod l; if(ql==0){ERROR("q is not prime");} int t; poly F1,F2,G1,G2,P1,P2,Q1,Q2,H1,H2,L1,L2; if(pr>=5) { "==================================================================="; "q=",q; "l=",l; "q mod l=",ql; "the Groebner basis for C[l]:";I; "x^q mod I = ",xq; "x^(q^2) mod I = ",xq2; "y^q mod I = ",yq; "y^(q^2) mod I = ",yq2; pause(); } //==== l=2 ============================================================= if(l==2) { xq=powerX(q,2,std(x3+a*x+b)); J=std(ideal(xq-x,x3+a*x+b)); if(deg(J[1])==0){t=1;} if(pr>=5) { "==================================================================="; "the case l=2"; "the gcd(x^q-x,x^3+ax+b)=",J[1]; pause(); } return(t); } //=== (F1/G1,F2/G2)=[ql](x,y) ========================================== if(ql==1) { F1=x;G1=1;F2=y;G2=1; } else { G1=reduce(generateG(a,b,ql)^2,I); F1=reduce(x*G1-generateG(a,b,ql-1)*generateG(a,b,ql+1),I); G2=reduce(4*y*generateG(a,b,ql)^3,I); F2=reduce(generateG(a,b,ql+2)*generateG(a,b,ql-1)^2 -generateG(a,b,ql-2)*generateG(a,b,ql+1)^2,I); } if(pr>=5) { "==================================================================="; "the point ql*(x,y)=(F1/G1,F2/G2)"; "F1=",F1; "G1=",G1; "F2=",F2; "G2=",G2; pause(); } //==== the case t=0 : the equations for (x,y)^(q^2)=-[ql](x,y) === J[1]=xq2*G1-F1; J[2]=yq2*G2+F2; if(pr>=5) { "==================================================================="; "the case t=0 mod l"; "the equations for (x,y)^(q^2)=-[ql](x,y) :"; J; "the test, if they vanish for all points in C[l]:"; reduce(J,I); pause(); } //=== test if all points of C[l] satisfy (x,y)^(q^2)=-[ql](x,y) //=== if so: t mod l =0 is returned if(size(reduce(J,I))==0){return(0);} //==== test for (x,y)^(q^2)=[ql](x,y) for some point J=xq2*G1-F1,yq2*G2-F2; J=std(J+I); if(pr>=5) { "==================================================================="; "test if (x,y)^(q^2)=[ql](x,y) for one point"; "if so, the Frobenius has an eigenvalue 2ql/t: (x,y)^q=(2ql/t)*(x,y)"; "it follows that t^2=4q mod l"; "if w is one square root of q mod l"; "t =2w mod l or -2w mod l "; "-------------------------------------------------------------------"; "the equations for (x,y)^(q^2)=[ql](x,y) :"; xq2*G1-F1,yq2*G2-F2; "the test if one point satisfies them"; J; pause(); } if(deg(J[1])>0) { int w=int(squareRoot(q,l)); //=== +/-2w mod l zurueckgeben, wenn (x,y)^q=+/-[w](x,y) //==== the case t>0 : (Q1/P1,Q2/P2)=[w](x,y) ============== if(w==1) { Q1=x;P1=1;Q2=y;P2=1; } else { P1=reduce(generateG(a,b,w)^2,I); Q1=reduce(x*G1-generateG(a,b,w-1)*generateG(a,b,w+1),I); P2=reduce(4*y*generateG(a,b,w)^3,I); Q2=reduce(generateG(a,b,w+2)*generateG(a,b,w-1)^2 -generateG(a,b,w-2)*generateG(a,b,w+1)^2,I); } J=xq*P1-Q1,yq*P2-Q2; J=std(I+J); if(pr>=5) { "==================================================================="; "the Frobenius has an eigenvalue, one of the roots of w^2=q mod l:"; "one root is:";w; "test, if it is the eigenvalue (if not it must be -w):"; "the equations for (x,y)^q=w*(x,y)";I;xq*P1-Q1,yq*P2-Q2; "the Groebner basis"; J; pause(); } if(deg(J[1])>0){return(2*w mod l);} return(-2*w mod l); } //==== the case t>0 : (Q1/P1,Q2/P2)=(x,y)^(q^2)+[ql](x,y) ===== P1=reduce(G1*G2^2*(F1-xq2*G1)^2,I); Q1=reduce((F2-yq2*G2)^2*G1^3-F1*G2^2*(F1-xq2*G1)^2-xq2*P1,I); P2=reduce(P1*G2*(F1-xq2*G1),I); Q2=reduce((xq2*P1-Q1)*(F2-yq2*G2)*G1-yq2*P2,I); if(pr>=5) { "we are in the general case:"; "(x,y)^(q^2)!=ql*(x,y) and (x,y)^(q^2)!=-ql*(x,y) "; "the point (Q1/P1,Q2/P2)=(x,y)^(q^2)+[ql](x,y)"; "Q1=",Q1; "P1=",P1; "Q2=",Q2; "P2=",P2; pause(); } while(t<(l-1) div 2) { t++; //==== (H1/L1,H2/L2)=[t](x,y)^q =============================== if(t==1) { H1=xq;L1=1; H2=yq;L2=1; } else { H1=x*generateG(a,b,t)^2-generateG(a,b,t-1)*generateG(a,b,t+1); H1=subst(H1,x,xq,y,yq); H1=reduce(H1,I); L1=generateG(a,b,t)^2; L1=subst(L1,x,xq,y,yq); L1=reduce(L1,I); H2=generateG(a,b,t+2)*generateG(a,b,t-1)^2 -generateG(a,b,t-2)*generateG(a,b,t+1)^2; H2=subst(H2,x,xq,y,yq); H2=reduce(H2,I); L2=4*y*generateG(a,b,t)^3; L2=subst(L2,x,xq,y,yq); L2=reduce(L2,I); } J=Q1*L1-P1*H1,Q2*L2-P2*H2; if(pr>=5) { "we test now the different t, 00) { d=#[1]; } while(i<=d) { L=ellipticRandomCurve(N); if(L[3]>1){return(L[3]);} //the discriminant was not invertible P=list(0,L[2],1); j=0; M=1; while(jB) break; while(w*S[j](4-th root(N) +1)^2 - m*P=0=(0:1:0) - (m/q)*P=(x:y:z) and z a unit in Z/N Then N is prime. EXAMPLE:example ECPP; shows an example " { list L,S,P; bigint m,q; int i; bigint n=intRoot(intRoot(N)); n=(n+1)^2; //lower bound for q while(1) { L=ellipticRandomCurve(N); //a random elliptic curve C m=ShanksMestre(N,L[1],L[2],3); //number of points of the curve C S=PollardRho(m,10000,1); //factorization of m for(i=1;i<=size(S);i++) //search for q between the primes { q=S[i]; if(n0;i--) { if(s[i]=="a"){v[i]=0;} if(s[i]=="b"){v[i]=1;} if(s[i]=="c"){v[i]=2;} if(s[i]=="d"){v[i]=3;} if(s[i]=="e"){v[i]=4;} if(s[i]=="f"){v[i]=5;} if(s[i]=="g"){v[i]=6;} if(s[i]=="h"){v[i]=7;} if(s[i]=="i"){v[i]=8;} if(s[i]=="j"){v[i]=9;} if(s[i]=="k"){v[i]=10;} if(s[i]=="l"){v[i]=11;} if(s[i]=="m"){v[i]=12;} if(s[i]=="n"){v[i]=13;} if(s[i]=="o"){v[i]=14;} if(s[i]=="p"){v[i]=15;} if(s[i]=="q"){v[i]=16;} if(s[i]=="r"){v[i]=17;} if(s[i]=="s"){v[i]=18;} if(s[i]=="t"){v[i]=19;} if(s[i]=="u"){v[i]=20;} if(s[i]=="v"){v[i]=21;} if(s[i]=="w"){v[i]=22;} if(s[i]=="x"){v[i]=23;} if(s[i]=="y"){v[i]=24;} if(s[i]=="z"){v[i]=25;} if(s[i]==" "){v[i]=26;} } for(i=1;i<=size(s);i++) { n=n+v[i]*t^(i-1); } return(n); } static proc numberToWord(bigint n) { int i,j; string v; list s; bigint t=27; bigint mm; bigint nn=n; while(nn>t) { j++; mm=nn mod t; s[j]=mm; nn=(nn-mm) div t; } j++; s[j]=nn; for(i=1;i<=j;i++) { if(s[i]==0){v=v+"a";} if(s[i]==1){v=v+"b";} if(s[i]==2){v=v+"c";} if(s[i]==3){v=v+"d";} if(s[i]==4){v=v+"e";} if(s[i]==5){v=v+"f";} if(s[i]==6){v=v+"g";} if(s[i]==7){v=v+"h";} if(s[i]==8){v=v+"i";} if(s[i]==9){v=v+"j";} if(s[i]==10){v=v+"k";} if(s[i]==11){v=v+"l";} if(s[i]==12){v=v+"m";} if(s[i]==13){v=v+"n";} if(s[i]==14){v=v+"o";} if(s[i]==15){v=v+"p";} if(s[i]==16){v=v+"q";} if(s[i]==17){v=v+"r";} if(s[i]==18){v=v+"s";} if(s[i]==19){v=v+"t";} if(s[i]==20){v=v+"u";} if(s[i]==21){v=v+"v";} if(s[i]==22){v=v+"w";} if(s[i]==23){v=v+"x";} if(s[i]==24){v=v+"y";} if(s[i]==25){v=v+"z";} if(s[i]==26){v=v+" ";} } return(v); } proc code(string s) "USAGE: code(s); s a string ASSUME: s contains only small letters and space COMPUTE: a bigint, RSA-coding of the string s RETURN: return RSA-coding of the string s as string EXAMPLE: code; shows an example " { ring r=0,x,dp; bigint p=398075086424064937397125500550386491199064362342526708406385189575946388957261768583317; bigint q=472772146107435302536223071973048224632914695302097116459852171130520711256363590397527; bigint n=p*q; bigint phi=(p-1)*(q-1); bigint e=1234567891; //bigint d=extgcd(e,phi)[2]; bigint m=wordToNumber(s); bigint c=powerN(m,e,n); string cc=string(c); return(cc); } example {"EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; string s="i go to school"; code(s); } proc decodeString(string g) "USAGE: decodeString(s); s a string ASSUME: s is a string of a bigint, the output of code COMPUTE: a string, RSA-decoding of the string s RETURN: return RSA-decoding of the string s as string EXAMPLE: decodeString; shows an example " { bigint p=398075086424064937397125500550386491199064362342526708406385189575946388957261768583317; bigint q=472772146107435302536223071973048224632914695302097116459852171130520711256363590397527; bigint n=p*q; bigint phi=(p-1)*(q-1); bigint e=1234567891; bigint d=extgcd(e,phi)[2]; execute("bigint c="+g+";"); bigint f=powerN(c,d,n); string s=numberToWord(f); return(s); } example {"EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; string s="78638618599886548153321853785991541374544958648147340831959482696082179852616053583234149080198937632782579537867262780982185252913122030800897193851413140758915381848932565"; string t=decodeString(s); t; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * set stuff * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static proc set_multiply_list_content(list h) "USAGE: set_multiply_list_content(h) RETURN: An integer c als product of all elements in h EXAMPLE: example set_multiply_list_content; shows an example; " { int c = 1; for (int i=1;i<=size(h);i++) { c = c*h[i]; } return(c); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list h=2,4,5; set_multiply_list_content(h); } static proc set_delete_certain_element(list a, int e) "USAGE: set_delete_certain_element(a,e) RETURN: A list a without element e. If e was not in the list before, a will not be changed EXAMPLE: example set_delete_certain_element; shows an example. " { list output_list = a; for (int i=1;i<=size(a);i++) { if (a[i]==e) { output_list = delete(output_list,i); } } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list h=2,4,5; set_delete_certain_element(h,4); set_delete_certain_element(h,10); } static proc set_bubblesort_int(list output_list) "USAGE: set_bubblesort_int(output_list) RETURN: An ascending sorted list with integer values. EXAMPLE: set_bubblesort_int; shows an example. " { output_list = bubblesort(output_list); //Cast every value into an integer for (int i=1; i<=size(output_list);i++) { output_list[i] = int(output_list[i]); } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list output_list=10,4,5,24,9; set_bubblesort_int(output_list); } static proc set_is_set(list a) "USAGE: set_is_set(a) RETURN: 1 if the list is a set, 0 the list contains any duplicated elements EXAMPLE: set_is_set; shows an example. " { int i,v; for (v=1; v<=size(a); v++) { for (i=v+1; i<=size(a); i++) { if (a[i]==a[v]) { return(0); } } } return(1); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list set = 1,5,10,2; list noset = 1,5,10,2,5; set_is_set(set); set_is_set(noset); } static proc set_contains(list a, int e) "USAGE: set_contains(a,e) RETURN: 1 if the list contains e, 0 otherwise EXAMPLE: set_contains; shows an example. " { for (int v=1; v<=size(a); v++) { if (a[v]==e) { return(1); } } return(0); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list set = 1,5,10,2; set_contains(set,5); set_contains(set,40); } static proc set_delete_duplicates(list a) "USAGE: set_delete_duplicates(a) RETURN: a list a without any duplicated elements EXAMPLE: set_delete_duplicates; shows an example. " { int i; list output_list = a[1]; for (i=1; i<=size(a); i++) { if (set_contains(output_list,a[i])==0) { output_list = insert(output_list,a[i]); } } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list set = 1,5,10,2,10,5; set_delete_duplicates(set); } static proc set_equals(list a,list b) "USAGE: set_equals(a, b) RETURN: 1 if the lists are equal from a set-structure standpoint, 0 otherwise EXAMPLE: set_equals; shows an example. " { //Checks if the lists have the same length if (size(a)!=size(b)) { return(0); } //Sorts the lists a = set_bubblesort_int(a); b = set_bubblesort_int(b); //Checks every single element of both lists for (int i=1; i<=size(a); i++) { if (a[i]!=b[i]) { return(0); } } return(1); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list set1 = 1,5,10,2; list set2 = 10,2,5,1; list set3 = 1,5,9,2; set_equals(set1,set2); set_equals(set1,set3); } static proc set_insert(list a, int e) "USAGE: set_insert(a,e) RETURN: list a containing element e EXAMPLE: set_insert; shows an example. " { if(set_contains(a,e)) { return(a); } else { a=insert(a,e); return(a); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list set = 1,5,10,2; set_insert(set,5); set_insert(set,22); } static proc set_union(list a, list b) "USAGE: set_union(a, b) RETURN: list a as union of a and b EXAMPLE: set_union; shows an example. " { for (int i=1; i<=size(b); i++) { if (set_contains(a,b[i])==0) { a = insert(a,b[i]); } } return(a); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list set1 = 1,5,10,2; list set2 = 5,10,93,58,29; set_union(set1,set2); } static proc set_section(list a, list b) "USAGE: set_section(a, b) RETURN: list output_list as intersection of a and b EXAMPLE: set_section; shows an example. " { list output_list; for (int i=1; i<=size(a); i++) { if (set_contains(b,a[i])==1) { output_list = insert(output_list,a[i]); } } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list set1 = 1,5,10,2; list set2 = 5,10,93,58,29; set_section(set1,set2); } static proc set_list_delete_duplicates(list a) "USAGE: set_list_delete_duplicates(a) RETURN: list output_list with no duplicated lists EXAMPLE: set_list_delete_duplicates; shows an example. " { int v; int i; int counter; int out_size; list output_list=insert(output_list,a[1]); //Create a new list and try to insert every list element from a into that list. If a list is already inserted into the //new list, do nothing. for (i=2; i<=size(a); i++) { out_size = size(output_list); counter = 0; for (v=1; v<=out_size; v++) { if (set_equals(output_list[v],a[i])==1) { counter++; } } if (counter==0) { output_list = insert(output_list,a[i]); } } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list set1 = 1,5,10,2; list set2 = 1,10,2,5; list set3 = 1,2,3; list superset = set1,set2,set3; set_list_delete_duplicates(superset); } static proc set_construct_increasing_set(int maxelement) "USAGE: set_construct_increasing_set(maxelement) RETURN: list output_list with increasing elements from 1 to maxelement EXAMPLE: set_construct_increasing_set; shows an example. " { list output_list; for (int i=1; i<=maxelement; i++) { output_list = insert(output_list, i); } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; set_construct_increasing_set(10); } static proc set_addtoall(list a, int element) "USAGE: set_addtoall(a,alement) RETURN: Transformed list with e_i+element for every element e_i in list a EXAMPLE: set_addtoall; shows an example. " { list output_list; int c; for (int i=1; i<=size(a); i++) { c = a[i]+element; output_list = insert(output_list,c); } return(set_turn(output_list)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list set = 1,5,10,2; set_addtoall(set,5); } static proc set_turn(list a) "USAGE: set_turn(a) RETURN: Turned list a EXAMPLE: set_turn; shows an example. " { list output_list; for (int i=1; i<=size(a); i++) { output_list[size(a)+1-i] = a[i]; } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list set = 1,5,10; set_turn(set); } static proc set_subset_set(list a) "USAGE: set_subset_set(a) RETURN: Set of subsets EXAMPLE: set_subset_set; shows an example. " { int v; int choice; list output_list; list start = a[1]; list insertion_list; int output_length; output_list = insert(output_list,start); for (int i=2; i<=size(a); i++) { choice = 0; start = a[i]; output_list = insert(output_list,start); output_length = size(output_list); for (v=2; v<=output_length; v++) { insertion_list = set_insert(output_list[v],a[i]); output_list = insert(output_list, insertion_list,size(output_list)); } } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list set = 1,5,10; set_subset_set(set); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * knapsack_utilities: Utility functions needed for knapsack * -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ proc calculate_ordering(bigint num1, bigint primitive, bigint mod1) "USAGE: calculate_ordering(num1, primitive, mod1) RETURN: x so that primitive^x == num1 mod mod1 EXAMPLE: example calculate_ordering; shows an example; " { for (int i=1;i<=int((mod1-2));i++) { if ((primitive^i%mod1)==num1) { return(i); } } return(0); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; bigint mod1 = 33; bigint primitive = 14; bigint num1 = 5; calculate_ordering(num1,primitive,mod1); } proc is_primitive_root(bigint primitive, bigint mod1) "USAGE: is_primitive_root(primitive, mod1) RETURN: 1 if primitive is a primitive root modulo mod1, 0 otherwise EXAMPLE: example is_primitive_root; shows an example; " { list output_list; for (int i=1;i<=int((mod1-1));i++) { output_list = set_insert(output_list,int((primitive^i%mod1))); } if (bigint(size(output_list))==bigint(mod1-1)) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; is_primitive_root(3,7); is_primitive_root(2,7); } proc find_first_primitive_root(bigint mod1) "USAGE: find_first_primitive_root(mod1) RETURN: First primitive root modulo mod1, 0 if no root can be found. EXAMPLE: example find_first_primitive_root; shows an example; " { for (int i=0;i<=int(mod1-1);i++) { if (is_primitive_root(bigint(i),mod1)==1) { return(i); } } return(0); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,x,lp; find_first_primitive_root(7); find_first_primitive_root(557); } proc binary_add(list binary_list) "USAGE: binary_add(binary_list) RETURN: binary encoded list, increased by 1 EXAMPLE: example binary_add; shows an example; " { int residual=1; int position = size(binary_list); while((residual==1)&&(position!=0)) { if(binary_list[position]==0) { binary_list[position]=1; residual=0; } else { binary_list[position]=0; position--; } } if (position==0) { binary_list = insert(binary_list,1); } return(binary_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,x,lp; list binary_list = 1,0,1,1,1; binary_add(binary_list); } proc inverse_modulus(int num, int mod1) "USAGE: inverse_modulus(num, mod1) RETURN: inverse element of num modulo mod1 EXAMPLE: example inverse_modulus; shows an example; " { if (num>=mod1) { return(0); } else { for (int i=1;i1;i--) { if(n%i==0) { prime1 = 0; } } return(prime1); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,x,lp; is_prime(10); is_prime(7); } proc find_biggest_index(list a) "USAGE: find_biggest_index( a) RETURN: Returns the index of the biggest element of a EXAMPLE: example find_biggest_index; shows an example; " { list sortedlist = bubblesort(a); return(find_index(a,sortedlist[1])); } proc find_index(list a, bigint e) "USAGE: find_index(a, e) RETURN: Returns the list index of element e in list a. Returns 0 if e is not in a EXAMPLE: example find_index; shows an example; " { for(int i=1;i<=size(a);i++) { if (bigint(a[i])==e) { return(i); } } return(0); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list a = 1,5,20,6,37; find_index(a,20); find_index(a,6); find_index(a,100); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Knapsack Algorithmus such as solving several knapsack problems, * kryptographic algorithms and algorithms for creatings suitable knapsacks * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ proc subset_sum01(list knapsack, int solution) "USAGE: subset_sum01(knapsack,solution) RETURN: binary list of the positions of the elements included in the subset sum or 0 if no solution exists NOTE: This will return the first solution of the ssk-problem, given be the smallest binary encoding. It wont return several solutions if they exist EXAMPLE: example subset_sum01; shows an example; " { int i; int v; int comparable; //Check if the knapsack is a set if (set_is_set(knapsack)==1) { //Create a binary list full of zeroes list binary_list; for (i=1;i<=size(knapsack);i++) { binary_list = insert(binary_list,0); } binary_list = binary_add(binary_list); for(i=1;i<=2^(size(knapsack));i++) { comparable = 0; //Create the Subset-Sum for the actual binary coding of binary_list for (v=1;v<=size(knapsack);v++) { comparable = comparable+knapsack[v]*binary_list[v]; } //Check if the sum equals the solution if (comparable==solution) { return(binary_list); } else { binary_list = binary_add(binary_list); } } return(0); } else { return(0); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list h=1,4,7,32; subset_sum01(h,20); subset_sum01(h,11); subset_sum01(h,33); } proc subset_sum02(list knapsack, int sol) "USAGE: subset_sum02(knapsack,sol) RETURN: binary list of the positions of the elements included in the subset sum or 0 if no solution exists EXAMPLE: example subset_sum02; shows an example; " { list summands; int calcu; int i; //Create a sorted copy of the knapsack, calling it worksack list worksack = set_bubblesort_int(knapsack); int counter = 1; while((counter<=size(worksack))&&(sol>0)) { //Try to substract an element of the knapsack from the capacity. Create a list with all the summands used calcu = sol-worksack[counter]; if (calcu>=0) { sol = sol-worksack[counter]; summands = insert(summands,int(worksack[counter])); } counter++; } if(sol>0) { return(0); } //Get the index of the summands of the original knapsack and change the bits in the binary list wich will be the solution list binary_list; for (i=1;i<=size(knapsack);i++) { binary_list = insert(binary_list,0); } for (i=1; i<=size(knapsack);i++) { if (set_contains(summands,knapsack[i])==1) { binary_list[i]=1; } } return(binary_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list h=1,4,7,32; subset_sum02(h,20); subset_sum02(h,11); subset_sum02(h,33); } proc unbounded_knapsack(list knapsack, list profit, int capacity) "USAGE: unbounded_knapsack(knapsack,profit,capacity) RETURN: list of maximum profit of each iteration. For example, output_list[2] contains the maximum profit that can be achieved if the knapsack has capacity 2. EXAMPLE: unbounded_knapsack; shows an example; " { int i; int v; list output_list; for (i=1;i<=capacity+1;i++) { output_list = insert(output_list,0); } for (i=1;i<=capacity+1;i++) { for(v=1;v<=size(knapsack);v++) { if (knapsack[v]0) { y_list = nolist; for (i=1;i<=size(E);i++) { //Create all possible elements of y_i (y_list). minimax_list will be replaced of an empty list in each iteration minmax_list = nolist; for (v=1; v<=size(capacities);v++) { if (set_contains(E,v)==1) { minmax_list = insert(minmax_list, bigint(capacities[v])/bigint(m[v,E[i]])); } } //Sort the elements so that it is easy to pick the smallest one minmax_list = bubblesort(minmax_list); //insert Element y_i into y_list, wich is the smallest of (b_i/w_ij) like in the PECH algorithm description. y_list = insert(y_list,minmax_list[size(minmax_list)],size(y_list)); } //Check if all y_i in y_list are smaller than 1. If so, every additional selection will exceed the capacity and the algorithm stops. checkint=0; for(i=1;i<=size(y_list);i++) { if (y_list[i]>=1) { checkint=1; } } if (checkint==0) { return(output_list); } //Find the index of the selection and update the binary output_list minmax_list = nolist; for (i=1;i<=size(E);i++) { minmax_list = insert(minmax_list, profits[E[i]]*y_list[i],size(minmax_list)); } index = find_biggest_index(minmax_list); output_list[E[index]]=1; //Update the capacities by substracting the weights of the selection for (i=1;i<=size(capacities);i++) { capacities[i] = capacities[i]- m[i,E[index]]; } E = set_delete_certain_element(E,index); } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,x,lp; matrix m[3][3] = 1,4,10,7,8,3,1,9,7; list c = 12,17,10; list p = 3,2,5; multidimensional_knapsack(m,c,p); } proc naccache_stern_generation(int key, int primenum) "USAGE: naccache_stern_generation(key, primenum) RETURN: a hard knapsack list EXAMPLE: example naccache_stern_generation; shows an example; " { //Check if primenum is a prime and the gcd-Condition holds if ((is_prime(primenum)==0)||(gcd(key,(primenum-1))!=1)) { return(0); } else { int i; int p; list primelist; int primecounter=2; //Generate the knapsack containing the smallest prime numbers so that primenum exceeds the product of all of them while(set_multiply_list_content(primelist)=1;i--) { new_element = calculate_ordering(knapsack[i],primitive,mod1); output_list = insert(output_list,int(new_element)); } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; //Please note that the values for primenum and hardknapsack have been obtained from the example of naccache_stern_generation and naccache_stern_encryption! list knapsack = 2,3,5,7; int mod1 = 211; int primitive = 2; m_merkle_hellman_transformation(knapsack,primitive,mod1); } proc m_merkle_hellman_encryption(list knapsack, list message) "USAGE: m_merkle_hellman_encryption(knapsack, message) RETURN: an encrypted message as integer NOTE: This works in the same way as merkle_hellman_encryption. The additional function is created to keep consistency with the needed functions for every kryptosystem. EXAMPLE: example m_merkle_hellman_encryption; shows an example; " { return(merkle_hellman_encryption(knapsack,message)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; //Please note that the values for primenum and hardknapsack have been obtained from the example of m_merkle_hellman_transformation! list knapsack = 1,43,132,139; list message = 1,0,0,1; m_merkle_hellman_encryption(knapsack,message); } proc m_merkle_hellman_decryption(list knapsack, bigint primitive, bigint mod1, int message) "USAGE: m_merkle_hellman_decryption(knapsack, primitive, mod1, message) RETURN: decrypted binary list EXAMPLE: example merkle_hellman_decryption; shows an example; " { //Convert message int factorizing = int((primitive^message)%mod1); int i; //Create binary list of length of the knapsack, containing zeroes. list binary_list; for (i=1;i<=size(knapsack);i++) { binary_list = insert(binary_list,0); } //factorize the converted message, mark the factor positions in knapsack as bits in binary_list for (i=1;i<=size(knapsack);i++) { if(factorizing%knapsack[i]==0) { binary_list[i]=1; } } return(binary_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; //Please note that the values have been obtained from the example of m_merkle_hellman_encryption and m_merkle_hellman_transformation! list knapsack = 2,3,5,7; int message = 140; bigint primitive = 2; bigint mod1 = 211; m_merkle_hellman_decryption(knapsack,primitive,mod1,message); } proc merkle_hellman_transformation(list knapsack, int key, int mod1) "USAGE: merkle_hellman_transformation(knapsack, key, mod1) RETURN: hard knapsack EXAMPLE: example merkle_hellman_transformation; shows an example; " { list output_list; int new_element; //transform every element in the knapsack with normal strong modular multiplication for (int i=size(knapsack);i>=1;i--) { new_element=knapsack[i]*key%mod1; output_list = insert(output_list,new_element); } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list knapsack = 1,3,5,12; int key = 3; int mod1 = 23; merkle_hellman_transformation(knapsack,key,mod1); } proc merkle_hellman_encryption(list knapsack, list message) "USAGE: merkle_hellman_encryption(knapsack, message) RETURN: encrypted integer EXAMPLE: example merkle_hellman_encryption; shows an example; " { int solution = 0; if (size(knapsack)!=size(message)||(set_is_set(knapsack)==0)) { return(0); } else { for (int i=1;i<=size(knapsack);i++) { solution = solution+knapsack[i]*message[i]; } return(solution); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; //Please note that the values have been obtained from the example of merkle_hellman_transformation! list hardknapsack =3,9,15,13; list message = 0,1,0,1; merkle_hellman_encryption(hardknapsack,message); } proc merkle_hellman_decryption(list knapsack, int key, int mod1, int message) "USAGE: merkle_hellman_decryption(knapsack, key, mod1, message) RETURN: decrypted binary list EXAMPLE: example merkle_hellman_decryption; shows an example; " { int new_element; int t = inverse_modulus(key,mod1); int transformed_message; list binary_list; if ((set_is_set(knapsack)==1)&&(key=1;i--) { new_element=knapsack[i]*t%mod1; easy_knapsack = insert(easy_knapsack,new_element); } //solve the easy knapsack problem with subset_sum01 or subset_sum02 transformed_message = (message*t)%mod1; transformed_message; binary_list = subset_sum01(easy_knapsack,transformed_message); return(binary_list) } else { return(0) } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; //Please note that the values have been obtained from the example of merkle_hellman_decryption and merkle_hellman_transformation! list hardknapsack =3,9,15,13; int key = 3; int message = 22; int mod1 = 23; merkle_hellman_decryption(hardknapsack, key, mod1, message); } proc super_increasing_knapsack(int ksize) "USAGE: super_increasing_knapsack(ksize) RETURN: super-increasing knapsack list EXAMPLE: super_increasing_knapsack; shows an example; " { list output_list = insert(output_list,1); int next_element; for (int i=2; i<=ksize; i++) { next_element = calculate_max_sum(output_list)+1; output_list = insert(output_list,next_element); } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; super_increasing_knapsack(10); } proc h_increasing_knapsack(int ksize, int h) "USAGE: h_increasing_knapsack(ksize, h) RETURN: h-increasing knapsack list EXAMPLE: h_increasing_knapsack; shows an example; " { int v; if (ksize<=h+1) { return(set_turn(super_increasing_knapsack(ksize))) } else { list out = set_turn(super_increasing_knapsack(h+1)); int next_element; for (int i=h+2; i<=ksize; i++) { next_element = 0; for (v=i-h; v<=i-1; v++) { next_element = next_element+out[v]; } next_element++; out = insert(out,next_element,size(out)); } return(out); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; h_increasing_knapsack(10,5); } proc injective_knapsack(int ksize, int kmaxelement) "USAGE: injective_knapsack(ksize, kmaxelement) RETURN: list of injective knapsacks with maximal element kmaxelement and size ksize EXAMPLE: injective_knapsack; shows an example; " { //Create a List of size ksize with the greatest possible elements keeping the set structure list list_of_lists; list A = insert(A,kmaxelement); int i; for (i=2;i<=ksize;i++) { A = insert(A,kmaxelement-(i-1)); } A = set_turn(A); list_of_lists = insert(list_of_lists,A); //Create all possible sets containing the possible elements of A int residual; int position; while(A[1]==kmaxelement) { residual=3; position = ksize; while((residual!=0)) { if(A[position]==1) { A[position]=kmaxelement-position+1; residual=1; position--; } else { A[position]=A[position]-1; residual=0; } } //Insert the list into the overall list if its a set if (set_is_set(A)==1) { list_of_lists = insert(list_of_lists,A); } } //delete the first element since it is smaller than kmaxelement list_of_lists = delete(list_of_lists,1); //delete duplicates list_of_lists = set_list_delete_duplicates(list_of_lists); //Check if the remaining knapsacks are injective list output_list; for(i=1;i<=size(list_of_lists);i++) { if (set_is_injective(list_of_lists[i])==1) { output_list=insert(output_list,list_of_lists[i]); } } return(output_list); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; injective_knapsack(3,9); } proc calculate_max_sum(list a) "USAGE: calculate_max_sum(a) RETURN: sum of all elements in a EXAMPLE: calculate_max_sum; shows an example; " { int sum = a[1]; for (int i=2; i<=size(a);i++) { sum = sum+a[i]; } return(sum); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list a = 1,5,3,2,12; calculate_max_sum(a); } proc set_is_injective(list a) "USAGE: set_is_injective(a) RETURN: 1 if a is injective, 0 otherwise EXAMPLE: set_is_injective; shows an example; " { //Create all subsets of the set a list subsum = set_subset_set(a); list checklist=calculate_max_sum(subsum[1]); int calculator; for (int i=2; i<=size(subsum);i++) { //calculate the maximal subset_sum for every subset. Check if there are duplicated subset_sums. If so, a is not injective calculator = calculate_max_sum(subsum[i]); if (set_contains(checklist, calculator)) { return(0); } else { checklist = insert(checklist,calculator); } } return(1); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list inj = 1,5,7,41; list non_inj = 1,2,3,4; set_is_injective(inj); set_is_injective(non_inj); } proc is_h_injective(list a, int h) "USAGE: is_h_injective(a, h) RETURN: 1 if a is h-injective, 0 otherwise EXAMPLE: is_h_injective; shows an example; " { //Create all sets of subsets list subsetlist = set_subset_set(a); list h_subsetlist; //delete every list with elements more than h+1 since they are not needed to check h-injectivity for (int i=1; i<=size(subsetlist); i++) { if(size(subsetlist[i])<=h) { h_subsetlist = insert(h_subsetlist,subsetlist[i]); } } //Check if the remaining max_sums do not occure more than once list checklist=calculate_max_sum(h_subsetlist[1]); int calculator; for (i=2; i<=size(h_subsetlist);i++) { calculator = calculate_max_sum(h_subsetlist[i]); if (set_contains(checklist, calculator)==1) { return(0); } else { checklist = insert(checklist,calculator); } } return(1); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; list h_inj = 1,2,4,10,17; is_h_injective(h_inj,3); //1+2+4+10=17 is_h_injective(h_inj,4); } proc is_fix_injective(list a) "USAGE: is_fix_injective(a) RETURN: 1 if a is fix-injective, 0 otherwise EXAMPLE: is_fix_injective; shows an example; " { //Generation of the list-list-list list subsetlist = set_subset_set(a); list alreadycreatedlist; list listoflists; list emptylist1; list worklist; int i; int v; list checklist; int calculator; int set_destination; //create list of lists wich contain the lists of a certain length as elements for (i = 1; i<= size(subsetlist); i++) { //Determine the size of the acutal list to choose where to insert it in the listoflists set_destination = size(subsetlist[i]); if (set_contains(alreadycreatedlist,set_destination)==1) { //There is already an element with the same set size, so just insert it listoflists[set_destination] = insert(listoflists[set_destination],subsetlist[i]); } else { //There is not yet an element with the same set size, so create a new one listoflists[set_destination] = insert(emptylist1,subsetlist[i]); alreadycreatedlist = set_insert(alreadycreatedlist,set_destination ); } } //Check for injectivity of each seperate list. Works as in injectivity or h-injectivity for (v=1; v<=size(listoflists); v++) { worklist = listoflists[v]; checklist=calculate_max_sum(worklist[1]); for (i=2; i<=size(worklist); i++) { calculator = calculate_max_sum(worklist[i]); if (set_contains(checklist, calculator)==1) { return(0); } else { checklist = insert(checklist,calculator); } } } return(1); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; //this is fix-injective because 17=10+2+4+1 with different numbers of addens. list fix_inj = 1,2,4,10,17; //this is not fix-injective because 4+1=2+3. list not_fix_inj = 1,2,3,4; is_fix_injective(fix_inj); is_fix_injective(not_fix_inj); } proc three_elements(list out, int iterations) "USAGE: three_elements(out, iterations) RETURN: Injective_knapsack created with the three elements method EXAMPLE: three_elements; shows an example; " { int a; int b; int c; int subsum; int adden = 1; int condition = 0; out = set_turn(out); if (set_is_injective(out)==0) { return(0); } else { for (int i=1; i<=iterations; i++) { while(condition==0) { subsum = calculate_max_sum(out); a = 2*subsum+adden; b = a+subsum+adden; c = b+subsum+1; if ((a+b)>(c+subsum)) { condition=1; } else { adden++; } } adden =1; condition=0; out=set_insert(out, a); out=set_insert(out, b); out=set_insert(out, c); } return(out); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; //this is fix-injective because 17=10+2+4+1 with different numbers of addens. list super_increasing = 1,2,4,10,20; list a = three_elements(super_increasing,2); a; set_is_injective(a); } /* //=============================================================== //======= Example for DSA ===================================== //=============================================================== Suppose a file test is given.It contains "Oscar". //Hash-function MD5 under Linux md5sum test 8edfe37dae96cfd2466d77d3884d4196 //================================================================ ring R=0,x,dp; number q=2^19+21; //524309 number o=2*3*23*number(7883)*number(16170811); number p=o*q+1; //9223372036869000547 number b=2; number g=power(2,o,p); //8308467587808723131 number a=111111; number A=power(g,a,p); //8566038811843553785 number h =decimal("8edfe37dae96cfd2466d77d3884d4196"); //189912871665444375716340628395668619670 h= h mod q; //259847 number k=123456; number ki=exgcd(k,q)[1]; //50804 //inverse von k mod q number r= power(g,k,p) mod q; //76646 number s=ki*(h+a*r) mod q; //2065 //========== signatur is (r,s)=(76646,2065) ===================== //==================== verification ============================ number si=exgcd(s,q)[1]; //inverse von s mod q number e1=si*h mod q; number e2=si*r mod q; number rr=((power(g,e1,p)*power(A,e2,p)) mod p) mod q; //76646 //=============================================================== //======= Example for knapsack ================================ //=============================================================== ring R=(5^5,t),x,dp; R; // # ground field : 3125 // primitive element : t // minpoly : 1*t^5+4*t^1+2*t^0 // number of vars : 1 // block 1 : ordering dp // : names x // block 2 : ordering C proc findEx(number n, number g) { int i; for(i=0;i<=size(basering)-1;i++) { if(g^i==n){return(i);} } } number g=t^3; //choice of the primitive root findEx(t+1,g); //2091 findEx(t+2,g); //2291 findEx(t+3,g); //1043 intvec b=1,2091,2291,1043; // k=4 int z=199; intvec v=1043+z,1+z,2091+z,2291+z; //permutation pi=(0123) v; 1242,200,2290,2490 //(1101)=(e_3,e_2,e_1,e_0) //encoding 2490+2290+1242=6022 und 1+1+0+1=3 //(6022,3) decoding: c-z*c'=6022-199*3=5425 ring S=5,x,dp; poly F=x5+4x+2; poly G=reduce((x^3)^5425,std(F)); G; //x3+x2+x+1 factorize(G); //[1]: // _[1]=1 // _[2]=x+1 // _[3]=x-2 // _[4]=x+2 //[2]: // 1,1,1,1 //factors x+1,x+2,x+3, i.e. (1110)=(e_pi(3),e_pi(2),e_pi(1),e_pi(0)) //pi(0)=1,pi(1)=2,pi(2)=3,pi(3)=0 gives: (1101) */