LIB "tst.lib"; tst_init(); LIB "brnoeth.lib"; int plevel=printlevel; printlevel=-1; ring s=2,(x,y),lp; list HC=Adj_div(x3+y2+y); HC=NSplaces(1..2,HC); HC=extcurve(2,HC); def ER=HC[1][4]; setring ER; intvec G=5; // the rational divisor G = 5*HC[3][1] intvec D=2..9; // D = sum of the rational places no. 2..9 over F_4 // let us construct the corresponding evaluation AG code : matrix C=AGcode_L(G,D,HC); // here is a linear code of type [8,5,>=3] over F_4 print(C); printlevel=plevel; tst_status(1);$