%{ /**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ /* $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include "mod2.h" #ifdef STANDALONE_PARSER #include "utils.h" #define HAVE_LIBPARSER #define YYLPDEBUG 1 #include "../kernel/febase.cc" #else #include "subexpr.h" #include "grammar.h" #include "ipshell.h" #include "ipid.h" #include "tok.h" #include "febase.h" #include "omalloc.h" #endif #include "libparse.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBPARSER #define YY_SKIP_YYWRAP typedef enum { LP_NONE, LP_INFO, LP_CATEGORY, LP_URL, LP_VERSION} lib_cmds; int libread(FILE* f, char* buf, int max_size); int current_pos(int i); void print_version(lp_modes mode, char *p); void copy_string(lp_modes mode); extern void piCleanUp(procinfov pi); void make_version(char *p, int what); int brace1 = 0; /* { } */ int brace2 = 0; /* ( ) */ int brace3 = 0; /* [ ] */ int quote = 0; /* " */ int offset = 0; BOOLEAN p_static = FALSE; int old_state = 0; lib_cmds last_cmd = LP_NONE; char libnamebuf[128]; char *text_buffer=NULL; long string_start; char *yylp_buffer_start; int yylplineno = 1; int lpverbose = 0, check = 0; int texinfo_out = 0; int found_info=0, found_cat=0, found_version=0, found_oldhelp = 0, found_proc_in_proc = 0; const char *yylp_errlist[]= { "", "missing close bracket ')' for proc definition in line %d.", /* 1 */ "missing close bracket ')' for procbody in line %d.", /* 2 */ "missing close bracket ']' for procbody in line %d.", /* 3 */ "too many ')' closed brackets in line %d.", /* 4 */ "too many ']' closed brackets in line %d.", /* 5 */ "missing close bracket ')' for example in line %d.", /* 6 */ "missing close bracket ']' for example in line %d.", /* 7 */ "cannot assign character '%c' in line %d to any group.", /* 8 */ "there must be a quote missing somewhere before line %d.", /* 9 */ "missing close bracket '}' at end of library in line %d.", /* 10 */ "missing close bracket ')' at end of library in line %d.", /* 11 */ "missing close bracket ']' at end of library in line %d.", /* 12 */ NULL }; int yylp_errno = 0; #ifdef STANDALONE_PARSER procinfov pi; int category_out = 0; void printpi(procinfov pi); void pi_clear(procinfov pi); extern "C" { int yylpwrap(); } void main_init(int argc, char *argv[]); void main_result(char *libname); #else /* STANDALONE_PARSER */ idhdl h0; idhdl h_top; #define pi IDPROC(h0) extern "C" { int yylpwrap(); } extern libstackv library_stack; #endif /* STANDALONE_PARSER */ static unsigned long help_chksum; #define SET_DEF_END(mode, pi, p) \ if ( mode == LOAD_LIB) pi->data.s.def_end = p; #define SET_HELP_START(mode, pi, p) \ if ( mode == LOAD_LIB) {pi->data.s.help_start = p; help_chksum = 0;} #define SET_HELP_END(mode, pi, p) \ if ( mode == LOAD_LIB) {pi->data.s.help_end = p; \ pi->data.s.help_chksum = help_chksum;} #define SET_BODY_START(mode, pi, l, p) \ if ( mode == LOAD_LIB) \ { \ pi->data.s.body_lineno = l; \ pi->data.s.body_start = p; \ } #define SET_BODY_END(mode, pi, p) \ if ( mode == LOAD_LIB) \ { \ pi->data.s.body_end = p-1; \ pi->data.s.proc_end = p-1; \ } #define SET_EXAMPLE_START(mode, pi, l, p) \ if ( mode == LOAD_LIB) \ { \ pi->data.s.example_lineno = l; \ pi->data.s.example_start = p; \ } #define SET_PROC_END(mode, pi, p) \ if ( mode == LOAD_LIB) \ { \ pi->data.s.proc_end = p-1; \ if(pi->data.s.body_end==0) \ pi->data.s.body_end = p-1; \ } #define ROTATE_RIGHT(c) if ((c) & 01) (c) = ((c) >>1) + 0x8000; else (c) >>= 1; #define IncrCheckSum(c) \ do \ { \ ROTATE_RIGHT(help_chksum); \ help_chksum += c; \ help_chksum &= 0xffff; \ } \ while(0) #undef YY_DECL #define YY_DECL int yylex(char *newlib, char *libfile, \ lib_style_types *lib_style, \ idhdl pl, BOOLEAN autoexport, lp_modes mode) #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \ if ( ((result = libread( (yyin), (char *) buf, max_size )) < 0 ) \ && ferror( yyin ) ) \ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "read in flex scanner failed" ); #define YY_USER_INIT { \ BEGIN(header); \ yylplineno = 1; \ yylp_errno = 0; \ *lib_style = OLD_LIBSTYLE; \ strcpy(libnamebuf,"(**unknown version**)"); \ } #if 0 proc[ \t]+{name} { printf("MISSING: PROC-cmd found. ERROR!\n"); } example[ \t]*\n { yylplineno++; printf("MISSING: EXAMPLE-cmd found. ERROR!\n"); } info=+"\"" { #endif %} digit [0-9] letter [@a-zA-Z\'] name ({letter}({letter}*{digit}*_*)*|_) varname ({letter}({letter}*{digit}*_*\(\))*|_|#) letters ({letter}|{digit}|[_./#%^*:,]) string ({letters}*) comment [\/][\/] dolar [$] nls [\n\r] symbols [~!@#$%^&*()_+-=\\\|\[\];:,<.>/\?\' \t\~\`] asymbols ({symbols}|[{}]) bsymbols ({symbols}|{escbrack}|[}]) aletters ({letter}|{digit}|{asymbols}|{dolar}|{escquote}|{nls}) bletters ({letter}|{digit}|{bsymbols}|{dolar}|{quote}|{nls}) cletters ({letter}|{digit}|{asymbols}|{dolar}|{quote}) strings ({aletters}*) escstrings ({bletters}*) fstring ({cletters}*) param ({name}+{tos}+{varname}) parameters ({param}(,{param})*) paramlist ("("{parameters}")") quote [\"] escquote (\\\") escbrack (\\\{) tnl ([ \t\n\r]*) eos ({quote}+{tnl}+"{") tos ([ \t]*) eq ([ \t]*+=[ \t]*) eqnl ([ \t\n\r]*+=[ \t\n\r]*) /* %start START */ %x header %x help %x libcmd %x libcmd2 %x pdef %x phead %x poldhelp %x phelp %x pbody %x pstr %x pexample %x pestr %x string %x comment %x info %x category %x url %x version %% (\/\/[^\n]*)|(^#![^\n]*)|([ \t]) { } \/\/* { old_state = YYSTATE; BEGIN(comment); } (info+{eqnl}+{quote}+{strings}+{quote}) { yyless(4); old_state = YYSTATE; BEGIN(info); } (category+{eqnl}+{quote}+{strings}+{quote}) { yyless(8); old_state = YYSTATE; BEGIN(category); } (url+{eqnl}+{quote}+{strings}+{quote}) { if ( mode != GET_INFO ) { #ifdef STANDALONE_PARSER if (texinfo_out) { char *c = yytext; printf("$url = \""); while ((*c != '\0') && (*c != '"')) c++; c++; while ((*c != '\0') && (*c != '"')) { if (*c != '\r') putchar(*c); c++; } printf("\";\n"); } #endif } } (version+{eqnl}+{quote}+{strings}+{quote}) { found_version++; if ( mode != GET_INFO ) { make_version(yytext,1); #ifdef STANDALONE_PARSER if (texinfo_out) { char *c = libnamebuf; printf("$version = \""); while (*c != '\0') { if (*c == '$' || *c == '@') putchar('\\'); if (*c != '\r') putchar(*c); if (*c == '\\') { c++; if (*c != '"') putchar('\\'); } else c++; } printf("\";\n"); } else if (!category_out) printf("Version:%s;\n", libnamebuf); #else if (text_buffer!=NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)text_buffer); text_buffer = omStrDup(libnamebuf); omMarkAsStaticAddr(text_buffer); #endif } } static { p_static=TRUE; } (proc[ \t]+{name})|([ \t]proc[ \t]+{name}) { char proc[256]; BEGIN(pdef); found_proc_in_proc = 0; proc[0]='\0'; sscanf( yytext, "%*[^p]proc %s", proc); if(strlen(proc)<1) sscanf( yytext, "proc %s", proc); #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("Newlib:%s\n", newlib); #endif #ifdef STANDALONE_PARSER if ( pi != NULL ) { printpi(pi); pi_clear(pi); } #ifdef STANDALONE_PARSER pi = (procinfo *)malloc(sizeof(procinfo)); #else pi = (procinfo *)omAlloc(sizeof(procinfo)); #endif iiInitSingularProcinfo(pi, newlib, proc, yylplineno, current_pos(0), p_static); #else /*STANDALONE_PARSER*/ if( mode == LOAD_LIB) { h0 = enterid( proc, 0 /*myynest*/, PROC_CMD, &(IDPACKAGE(pl)->idroot), TRUE); if (h0==NULL) return(1); if((!p_static) && autoexport) { package save=currPack; currPack=basePack; h_top = enterid( proc, 0 /*myynest*/, PROC_CMD, &(basePack->idroot), FALSE ); currPack=save; if (h_top==NULL) return(1); } /* omCheckAddr(IDID(h0)); */ if (h0!=NULL) { iiInitSingularProcinfo(IDPROC(h0), newlib, proc, yylplineno, current_pos(0),p_static); if ((!p_static) && (h_top != NULL) && autoexport) { if(IDPROC(h_top)!=NULL) piCleanUp((procinfo *)IDPROC(h_top)); IDPROC(h_top)=IDPROC(h0); IDPROC(h_top)->ref++; } IDPROC(h0)->pack=IDPACKAGE(pl); if (BVERBOSE(V_LOAD_PROC)) Warn( " proc '%s' registered", proc ); } #endif /*STANDALONE_PARSER*/ SET_DEF_END(mode, pi, current_pos(yyleng+1)); #if YYLPDEBUG if(lpverbose) { printf("// PROCEDURE '%s' status: %s, ", proc, p_static ? "local" : "global"); printf("starting at line %d,%d: definition end: %d (%d).\n", yylplineno, current_pos(0), (int)pi->data.s.def_end, brace1); } #endif p_static=FALSE; #ifndef STANDALONE_PARSER } #endif /*STANDALONE_PARSER*/ } example { BEGIN(pexample); SET_EXAMPLE_START(mode, pi, yylplineno, current_pos(0)); #if YYLPDEBUG if(lpverbose) { printf("// EXAMPLE at line %d,%d (%d)\n", yylplineno, current_pos(0), brace1); } #endif } LIB[ \t]+"\"" { quote++; BEGIN(libcmd); } LIB[ \t]*"(\"" { quote++; brace2++; BEGIN(libcmd2); }
({comment}+{tos}+{dolar}+Id:+{string}+[^\n]*)|({comment}+{tos}+{dolar}+Header:+{string}+[^\n]*) { make_version(yytext, 0); #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("+(id)HEAD:%s\n", yytext); #endif }
(^{comment}+[^\n]*) { #if YYLPDEBUG printf("+(cmt)HEAD:%s\n", yytext); #endif }
(^#![^\n]*) { #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("-HEAD:%s\n", yytext); #endif }
^proc\ { yyless(0); BEGIN(INITIAL); yymore(); }
(info+{eqnl}+{quote})|(version+{eqnl}+{quote})|(category+{eqnl}+{quote})|(url+{eqnl}+{quote}) { yyless(0); *lib_style = NEW_LIBSTYLE; BEGIN(INITIAL); yymore(); }
^LIB[ \t]+"\"" { quote++; BEGIN(libcmd); }
^LIB[ \t]+"(\"" { quote++; brace2++; BEGIN(libcmd2); }
\n { yylplineno++; }
. { #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf(" HEAD:%s\n", yytext); #endif yyless(0); BEGIN(help); } (^{comment}+[^\n]*) { #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf(" HELP:%s\n", yytext); #endif BEGIN(INITIAL); } (^#![^\n]*) { #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf(" HELP:%s\n", yytext); #endif BEGIN(INITIAL); } (info+{eqnl}+{quote})|(version+{eqnl}+{quote})|(category+{eqnl}+{quote})|(url+{eqnl}+{quote}) { yyless(0); *lib_style = NEW_LIBSTYLE; BEGIN(INITIAL); yymore(); } ^proc\ { yyless(0); //printf("2) proc found.\n"); BEGIN(INITIAL); yymore(); } ^LIB[ \t]+"\"" { quote++; BEGIN(libcmd); } ^LIB[ \t]+"(\"" { quote++; brace2++; BEGIN(libcmd2); } \n { yylplineno++; } ({tos}|{comment}+{fstring}) { #if YYLPDEBUG if(lpverbose>2) printf("--->%s<---\n", yytext); #endif } . { found_oldhelp=1; #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("-HELP:%s\n", yytext); #endif } {string}"\"" { quote--; yytext[yyleng-1] = '\0'; #ifndef STANDALONE_PARSER if ( mode == LOAD_LIB ) { library_stack->push(newlib, yytext); } #endif /* STANDALONE_PARSER */ #if YYLPDEBUG if(lpverbose>1) printf("LIB:'%s'\n", yytext); #endif BEGIN(INITIAL); } {string}"\")" { quote--; brace2--; yytext[yyleng-1] = '\0'; #ifndef STANDALONE_PARSER if ( mode == LOAD_LIB ) { library_stack->push(newlib, yytext); } #endif /* STANDALONE_PARSER */ #if YYLPDEBUG if(lpverbose>1) printf("LIB:'%s'\n", yytext); #endif BEGIN(INITIAL); } [ \t] { } \( { brace2++; #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("%s", yytext); #endif } \) { brace2--; #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf(">%s<\n", yytext); printf("{=%d, (=%d, [=%d\n", brace1, brace2, brace3); #endif if(brace2<=0) { #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("BEGIN(phead){=%d, (=%d, [=%d\n", brace1, brace2, brace3); #endif SET_DEF_END(mode, pi, current_pos(yyleng)); BEGIN(phead); } } "{" { if(brace2>0) { #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("{=%d, (=%d, [=%d\n", brace1, brace2, brace3); #endif yylp_errno = YYLP_DEF_BR2; return(1); } else { brace1++; BEGIN(pbody); if(lpverbose) printf("// BODY at line %d,%d (%d)\n", yylplineno, current_pos(0), brace1); SET_BODY_START(mode, pi, yylplineno, current_pos(0)); } } \n { yylplineno++; if(brace2<=0) { #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("BEGIN(phead-2){=%d, (=%d, [=%d\n", brace1, brace2, brace3); #endif BEGIN(phead); } } ({comment}[^\n]*) { } \/\/* { old_state = YYSTATE; BEGIN(comment); } . { if(brace2<=0) { BEGIN(phead); yyless(0); } } ({tnl}+{quote}+{strings}+{escquote}+{tnl}+"{") { #if YYLPDEBUG if(lpverbose>2)printf("0-Len=%d;\n", yyleng); #endif if(check) { printf("Procedure %s (line %d) has OLD-STYLE-HELP!\n", pi->procname, pi->data.s.proc_lineno); } SET_HELP_START(mode, pi, current_pos(0)); BEGIN(poldhelp); yyless(0); } ({tnl}+{quote}+{strings}+{eos}) { #if YYLPDEBUG if(lpverbose>2)printf("1-Len=%d;\n", yyleng); #endif BEGIN(phelp); yyless(0); } {escstrings}+"{" { if(check && yyleng>2) { printf("Procedure %s (line %d) has OLD-STYLE-HELP!\n", pi->procname, pi->data.s.proc_lineno); } #if YYLPDEBUG if(lpverbose>2 && yyleng>2) printf("2-Len=%d, %s;\n", yyleng, pi->procname); #endif SET_HELP_START(mode, pi, current_pos(0)); BEGIN(poldhelp); yyless(0); } . { printf("[%s]", yytext); } {escbrack} { } "{" { SET_HELP_END(mode, pi, current_pos(0)); brace1++; BEGIN(pbody); if(lpverbose) { printf("// HELP from %d to %d\n", (int)pi->data.s.help_start, (int)pi->data.s.help_end); printf("// BODY at line %d,%d (%d)\n", yylplineno, current_pos(0), brace1); } #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("BEGIN(pbody){=%d, (=%d, [=%d\n", brace1, brace2, brace3); #endif SET_BODY_START(mode, pi, yylplineno, current_pos(0)); #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("BODY at %d/%d", yylplineno, current_pos(0)); #endif } \n { yylplineno++; } . { } {quote} { old_state = YYSTATE; BEGIN(string); SET_HELP_START(mode, pi, current_pos(1)); } {tos} {} "{" { brace1++; BEGIN(pbody); if(lpverbose) { printf("// HELP from %d to %d\n", (int)pi->data.s.help_start, (int)pi->data.s.help_end); printf("// BODY at line %d,%d (%d)\n", yylplineno, current_pos(0), brace1); } #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("BEGIN(pbody){=%d, (=%d, [=%d\n", brace1, brace2, brace3); #endif SET_BODY_START(mode, pi, yylplineno, current_pos(0)); #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("BODY at %d/%d", yylplineno, current_pos(0)); #endif } \n { yylplineno++;} ({comment}[^\n]*) { } {quote} { quote++; old_state = YYSTATE; BEGIN(string); /* printf("%s", yytext); */ } proc+{tos}+{name}+{tnl}+{paramlist}+{tnl}+"{" { if(check) printf("*** found 2 proc whithin procedure '%s'.\n", pi->procname); yyless(yyleng-1); } proc+{tos}+{name}+{tnl}+"{" { if(check) printf("*** found 1 proc whithin procedure '%s'.\n", pi->procname); yyless(yyleng-1); } "{" { brace1++; #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("line: %d, (%d)%s\n", yylplineno, brace1, yytext); #endif } "}" { #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("line: %d, (%d)%s\n", yylplineno, brace1, yytext); #endif brace1--; if(brace2>0) { yylp_errno = YYLP_BODY_BR2; return(1); } if(brace3>0) { yylp_errno = YYLP_BODY_BR3; return(1); } if(brace1<=0) { SET_BODY_END(mode, pi, current_pos(yyleng)); SET_PROC_END(mode, pi, current_pos(yyleng)); #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("-%d\n", current_pos(0)); #endif BEGIN(INITIAL); } } "(" { brace2++; /* printf("%s", yytext); */ } ")" { brace2--; /* printf("%s", yytext); */ if(brace2<0) { yylp_errno = YYLP_BODY_TMBR2; return(1); } } "[" { brace3++; /* printf("%s", yytext); */ } "]" { brace3--; /* printf("%s", yytext); */ if(brace3<0) { yylp_errno = YYLP_BODY_TMBR3; return(1); } } \n { yylplineno++; } . { } {quote} { quote++; BEGIN(string); found_info++; string_start = current_pos(yyleng); *lib_style = NEW_LIBSTYLE; last_cmd = LP_INFO; } \n { yylplineno++; } . { } {quote} { quote++; BEGIN(string); found_cat++; string_start = current_pos(yyleng); *lib_style = NEW_LIBSTYLE; last_cmd = LP_CATEGORY; } \n { yylplineno++; } . { } "\"" { quote--; copy_string(mode); last_cmd = LP_NONE; if(old_state==phelp) { SET_HELP_END(mode, pi, current_pos(0)); } BEGIN(old_state); /* printf("%s", yytext); */ } (\\\\)|(\\\") { if (old_state == phelp) IncrCheckSum(*yytext);} \n { yylplineno++; if (old_state == phelp) IncrCheckSum('\n');} . { if (old_state == phelp) IncrCheckSum(*yytext);} (\/\/[^\n]*) { } "\"" { quote++; old_state = YYSTATE; BEGIN(string); /* printf("%s", yytext); */ } "{" { brace1++; /* printf("(%d)%s", brace1, yytext); */ } "}" { brace1--; /* printf("(%d)%s", brace1, yytext); */ if(brace1<=0) { if(brace2>0) { yylp_errno=YYLP_EX_BR2; return(1); } if(brace3>0) { yylp_errno=YYLP_EX_BR3; return(1); } BEGIN(INITIAL); SET_PROC_END(mode, pi, current_pos(yyleng)); } } "(" { brace2++; /* printf("%s", yytext); */ } ")" { brace2--; /* printf("%s", yytext); */ } "[" { brace3++; /* printf("%s", yytext); */ } "]" { brace3--; /* printf("%s", yytext); */ } \n { yylplineno++; } . { } "\"" { quote--; BEGIN(pexample); /* printf("%s", yytext); */ } \\\\ { } \\\" { } \n { yylplineno++; } . { } \*\/ { BEGIN(old_state); } \n { yylplineno++; } . { } \n { yylplineno++; } \r { } ; { p_static = FALSE; #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("%s", yytext); #endif } . { p_static = FALSE; yylp_errno = YYLP_BAD_CHAR; #ifdef STANDALONE_PARSER printf("[%d]", *yytext); #else if (text_buffer!=NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)text_buffer); text_buffer = omStrDup(yytext); omMarkAsStaticAddr(text_buffer); #endif #if YYLPDEBUG > 1 printf("[%s]", yytext); #endif return(1); } %% int current_pos(int i) { return(i+offset+(int)(yytext-yylp_buffer_start)); } int libread(FILE* f, char* buf, int max_size) { int rc; offset = ftell(f); rc = myfread( buf, 1, max_size, f ); #if YYLPDEBUG >2 printf("fread: %d of %d\n", rc, max_size); #endif yylp_buffer_start = buf; return rc; } extern "C" { int yylpwrap() { //printf("======================= YYWRAP ====================\n"); if(brace1>0) { yylp_errno=YYLP_MISS_BR1; } if(brace2>0) { yylp_errno=YYLP_MISS_BR2; } if(brace3>0) { yylp_errno=YYLP_MISS_BR3; } if(quote>0) { yylp_errno=YYLP_MISSQUOT; } /* printf("{=%d, (=%d, [=%d\n", brace1, brace2, brace3);/**/ if(feof(yyin)) return 1; else return 0; } } void reinit_yylp() { brace1 = 0; brace2 = 0; brace3 = 0; quote = 0; yy_init=1; yy_delete_buffer(yy_current_buffer); } void make_version(char *p,int what) { char ver[10]; char date[16]; ver[0]='?'; ver[1]='.'; ver[2]='?'; ver[3]='\0'; date[0]='?'; date[1]='\0'; if(what) sscanf(p,"%*[^=]= %*s %*s %10s %16s",ver,date); else sscanf(p,"// %*s %*s %10s %16s",ver,date); strcpy(libnamebuf,"("); strcat(libnamebuf,ver); strcat(libnamebuf,","); strcat(libnamebuf,date); strcat(libnamebuf,")"); if(what && strcmp(libnamebuf, "(?.?,?)")==0) { sscanf(p,"%*[^\"]\"%[^\"]\"",libnamebuf); } //printf("ID=(%d)%s; \n", what, p); } void copy_string(lp_modes mode) { #ifdef STANDALONE_PARSER if ((texinfo_out && (last_cmd == LP_INFO || last_cmd == LP_CATEGORY || last_cmd == LP_URL)) || (category_out && last_cmd == LP_CATEGORY) ) { long current_location = ftell(yylpin), i = string_start, quote = 0; char c; if (texinfo_out) { if (last_cmd == LP_INFO) { printf("$info = <0) text_buffer[i-offset] = text_buffer[i]; } } #endif /* STANDALONE_PARSER */ } void print_init() { printf("Init=%d\n", yy_init); } void print_version(lp_modes mode, char *p) { #ifdef STANDALONE_PARSER //printf("loading %s%s", p, libnamebuf); #else if ( mode == LOAD_LIB ) { if (BVERBOSE(V_LOAD_LIB) && p!=NULL ) Print(" %s...", p); //Warn( "loading %s%s", p, libnamebuf); } #endif } #ifdef STANDALONE_PARSER main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { lib_style_types lib_style; main_init(argc, argv); if(yyin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No library found to parse.\n"); exit(1); } if (! (texinfo_out || category_out)) { if(lpverbose)printf("Verbose level=%d\n", lpverbose); if(check)printf("Reporting most possible annomalies.\n"); if(lpverbose||check)printf("\n"); printf( " %-15s %20s %s,%s %s,%s %s,%s\n", "Library", "function", "line", "start-eod", "line", "body-eob", "line", "example-eoe"); } yylplex(argv[0], argv[0], &lib_style,NULL); if(yylp_errno) { printf("ERROR occured: [%d] ", yylp_errno); printf(yylp_errlist[yylp_errno], yylplineno); printf("\n"); } else if(pi!=NULL) printpi(pi); if (texinfo_out) printf("1;"); exit(0); } #endif /* STANDALONE_PARSER */ #endif /* HAVE_LIBPARSE */