////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version ainvar.lib Feb_2023 "; // $Id$ category="Invariant theory"; info=" LIBRARY: ainvar.lib Invariant Rings of the Additive Group AUTHORS: Gerhard Pfister (email: pfister@mathematik.uni-kl.de), Gert-Martin Greuel (email: greuel@mathematik.uni-kl.de) PROCEDURES: invariantRing(m..); compute ring of invariants of (K,+)-action given by m derivate(m,f); derivation of f with respect to the vector field m actionIsProper(m); tests whether action defined by m is proper reduction(p,I); SAGBI reduction of p in the subring generated by I completeReduction(); complete SAGBI reduction localInvar(m,p..); invariant polynomial under m computed from p,... furtherInvar(m..); compute further invariants of m from the given ones sortier(id); sorts generators of id by increasing leading terms "; LIB "inout.lib"; LIB "general.lib"; LIB "algebra.lib"; LIB "ring.lib"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc sortier(def id) "USAGE: sortier(id); id ideal/module RETURN: the same ideal/module but with generators ordered by their leading terms, starting with the smallest EXAMPLE: example sortier; shows an example " { if(size(id)==0) {return(id); } intvec i=sortvec(id); int j; if( typeof(id)=="ideal") { ideal m; } if( typeof(id)=="module") { module m; } if( typeof(id)!="ideal" and typeof(id)!="module") { ERROR("input must be of type ideal or module"); } for (j=1;j<=size(i);j++) { m[j] = id[i[j]]; } return(m); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring q=0,(x,y,z,u,v,w),dp; ideal i=w,x,z,y,v; sortier(i); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc derivate (matrix m, def id) "USAGE: derivate(m,id); m matrix, id poly/vector/ideal ASSUME: m is an nx1 matrix, where n = number of variables of the basering RETURN: poly/vector/ideal (same type as input), result of applying the vector field by the matrix m componentwise to id; NOTE: the vector field is m[1,1]*d/dx(1) +...+ m[1,n]*d/dx(n) EXAMPLE: example derivate; shows an example " { ideal I = ideal(id); matrix mh=matrix(jacob(I))*m; if(typeof(id)=="poly") { poly j = mh[1,1]; } else { if (typeof(id)=="vector") { vector j = mh[1]; /*the first column*/ } else { ideal j = ideal(mh[1]);} } return(j); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring q=0,(x,y,z,u,v,w),dp; poly f=2xz-y2; matrix m[6][1] =x,y,0,u,v; derivate(m,f); vector v = [2xz-y2,u6-3]; derivate(m,v); derivate(m,ideal(2xz-y2,u6-3)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc actionIsProper(matrix m) "USAGE: actionIsProper(m); m matrix ASSUME: m is a nx1 matrix, where n = number of variables of the basering RETURN: int = 1, if the action defined by m is proper, 0 if not NOTE: m defines a group action which is the exponential of the vector field m[1,1]*d/dx(1) +...+ m[1,n]*d/dx(n) EXAMPLE: example actionIsProper; shows an example " { int i; ideal id=maxideal(1); def bsr=basering; //changes the basering bsr to bsr[@t] ring s = create_ring(ring_list(basering)[1],"("+varstr(basering)+",@t)","dp","no_minpoly"); poly inv,delta,tee,j; ideal id=imap(bsr,id); matrix @m[size(id)+1][1]; @m=imap(bsr,m),0; int auxv; //computes the exp(@t*m)(var(i)) for all i for(i=1;i<=nvars(basering)-1;i++) { inv=var(i); delta=derivate(@m,inv); j=1; auxv=1; tee=@t; while(delta!=0) { inv=inv+1/j*delta*tee; auxv=auxv+1; j=j*auxv; tee=tee*@t; delta=derivate(@m,delta); } id=id+ideal(inv); } i=inSubring(@t,id)[1]; setring(bsr); return(i); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring rf=0,x(1..7),dp; matrix m[7][1]; m[4,1]=x(1)^3; m[5,1]=x(2)^3; m[6,1]=x(3)^3; m[7,1]=(x(1)*x(2)*x(3))^2; actionIsProper(m); ring rd=0,x(1..5),dp; matrix m[5][1]; m[3,1]=x(1); m[4,1]=x(2); m[5,1]=1+x(1)*x(4)^2; actionIsProper(m); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc reduction(poly p, ideal dom, list #) "USAGE: reduction(p,I[,q,n]); p poly, I ideal, [q monomial, n int (optional)] RETURN: a polynomial equal to p-H(f1,...,fr), in case the leading term LT(p) of p is of the form H(LT(f1),...,LT(fr)) for some polynomial H in r variables over the base field, I=f1,...,fr; if q is given, a maximal power a is computed such that q^a divides p-H(f1,...,fr), and then (p-H(f1,...,fr))/q^a is returned; return p if no H is found if n=1, a different algorithm is chosen which is sometimes faster (default: n=0; q and n can be given (or not) in any order) NOTE: this is a kind of SAGBI reduction in the subalgebra K[f1,...,fr] of the basering EXAMPLE: example reduction; shows an example " { int i,choose; int z=ncols(dom); def bsr=basering; if( size(#) >0 ) { if( typeof(#[1]) == "int") { choose = #[1]; } if( typeof(#[1]) == "poly") { poly q = #[1]; } if( size(#)>1 ) { if( typeof(#[2]) == "poly") { poly q = #[2]; } if( typeof(#[2]) == "int") { choose = #[2]; } } } // -------------------- first algorithm (default) ----------------------- if ( choose == 0 ) { list L = algebra_containment(lead(p),lead(dom),1); if( L[1]==1 ) { // the ring L[2] = char(bsr),(x(1..nvars(bsr)),y(1..z)),(dp(n),dp(m)), // contains polynomial check s.t. LT(p) is of the form check(LT(f1),...,LT(fr)) def s1 = L[2]; map psi = s1,maxideal(1),dom; poly re = p - psi(check); // divide by the maximal power of #[1] if ( defined(q) == voice ) { while ((re!=0) && (re!=#[1]) &&(subst(re,#[1],0)==0)) { re=re/#[1]; } } return(re); } return(p); } // ------------------------- second algorithm --------------------------- else { //----------------- arranges the monomial v for elimination ------------- poly v=product(maxideal(1)); //------------- changes the basering bsr to bsr[@(0),...,@(z)] ---------- list l2 = ring_list(basering)[2]; for (int ii = 0; ii <= z; ii++) { l2[size(l2)+1] = "@("+string(ii)+")"; } ring s = create_ring(ring_list(basering)[1], l2, "dp", "no_minpoly"); //constructs the leading ideal of dom=(p-@(0),dom[1]-@(1),...,dom[z]-@(z)) ideal dom=imap(bsr,dom); for (i=1;i<=z;i++) { dom[i]=lead(dom[i])-var(nvars(bsr)+i+1); } dom=lead(imap(bsr,p))-@(0),dom; //---------- eliminates the variables of the basering bsr -------------- //i.e. computes dom intersected with K[@(0),...,@(z)] (this is hard) //### hier Variante analog zu algebra_containment einbauen! ideal kern=eliminate(dom,imap(bsr,v)); //--------- test whether @(0)-h(@(1),...,@(z)) is in ker --------------- // for some polynomial h and divide by maximal power of q=#[1] poly h; z=size(kern); for (i=1;i<=z;i++) { h=kern[i]/@(0); if (deg(h)==0) { h=(1/h)*kern[i]; // define the map psi : s ---> bsr defined by @(i) ---> p,dom[i] setring bsr; map psi=s,maxideal(1),p,dom; poly re=psi(h); // divide by the maximal power of #[1] if (size(#)>0) { while ((re!=0) && (re!=#[1]) &&(subst(re,#[1],0)==0)) { re=re/#[1]; } } return(re); } } setring bsr; return(p); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring q=0,(x,y,z,u,v,w),dp; poly p=x2yz-x2v; ideal dom =x-w,u2w+1,yz-v; reduction(p,dom); reduction(p,dom,w); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc completeReduction(poly p, ideal dom, list #) "USAGE: completeReduction(p,I[,q,n]); p poly, I ideal, [q monomial, n int] RETURN: a polynomial, the SAGBI reduction of the polynomial p with respect to I via the procedure 'reduction' as long as possible if n=1, a different algorithm is chosen which is sometimes faster (default: n=0; q and n can be given (or not) in any order) NOTE: help reduction; shows an explanation of SAGBI reduction EXAMPLE: example completeReduction; shows an example " { poly p1=p; poly p2=reduction(p,dom,#); while (p1!=p2) { p1=p2; p2=reduction(p1,dom,#); } return(p2); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring q=0,(x,y,z,u,v,w),dp; poly p=x2yz-x2v; ideal dom =x-w,u2w+1,yz-v; completeReduction(p,dom); completeReduction(p,dom,w); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc completeReductionnew(poly p, ideal dom, list #) "USAGE: completeReduction(p,I[,q,n]); p poly, I ideal, [q monomial, n int] RETURN: a polynomial, the SAGBI reduction of the polynomial p with I via the procedure 'reduction' as long as possible if n=1, a different algorithm is chosen which is sometimes faster (default: n=0; q and n can be given (or not) in any order) NOTE: help reduction; shows an explanation of SAGBI reduction EXAMPLE: example completeReduction; shows an example " { if(p==0) { return(p); } poly p1=p; poly p2=reduction(p,dom,#); while (p1!=p2) { p1=p2; p2=reduction(p1,dom,#); } poly re=lead(p2)+completeReduction(p2-lead(p2),dom,#); return(re); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc localInvar(matrix m, poly p, poly q, poly h) "USAGE: localInvar(m,p,q,h); m matrix, p,q,h polynomials ASSUME: m(q) and h are invariant under the vector field m, i.e. m(m(q))=m(h)=0 h must be a ring variable RETURN: a polynomial, the invariant polynomial of the vector field @format m = m[1,1]*d/dx(1) +...+ m[n,1]*d/dx(n) @end format with respect to p,q,h. It is defined as follows: set inv = p if p is invariant, and else set inv = m(q)^N * sum_i=1..N-1{ (-1)^i*(1/i!)*m^i(p)*(q/m(q))^i } where m^N(p) = 0, m^(N-1)(p) != 0; the result is inv divided by h as often as possible EXAMPLE: example localInvar; shows an example " { if ((derivate(m,h) !=0) || (derivate(m,derivate(m,q)) !=0)) { "//the last two polynomials of the input must be invariant functions"; return(q); } int ii,k; for ( k=1; k <= nvars(basering); k++ ) { if (h == var(k)) { ii=1; } } if( ii==0 ) { "// the last argument must be a ring variable"; return(q); } poly inv=p; poly dif= derivate(m,inv); poly a=derivate(m,q); poly sgn=-1; poly coeff=sgn*q; k=1; if (dif==0) { return(inv); } while (dif!=0) { inv=(a*inv)+(coeff*dif); dif=derivate(m,dif); k=k+1; coeff=q*coeff*sgn/k; } while ((inv!=0) && (inv!=h) &&(subst(inv,h,0)==0)) { inv=inv/h; } return(inv); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring q=0,(x,y,z),dp; matrix m[3][1]; m[2,1]=x; m[3,1]=y; poly in=localInvar(m,z,y,x); in; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc furtherInvar(matrix m, ideal id, ideal karl, poly q, list #) "USAGE: furtherInvar(m,id,karl,q); m matrix, id,karl ideals, q poly, n int ASSUME: karl,id,q are invariant under the vector field m, moreover, q must be a variable RETURN: list of two ideals, the first ideal contains further invariants of the vector field @format m = sum m[i,1]*d/dx(i) with respect to id,p,q, @end format i.e. we compute elements in the (invariant) subring generated by id which are divisible by q and divide them by q as often as possible. The second ideal contains all invariants given before. If n=1, a different algorithm is chosen which is sometimes faster (default: n=0) EXAMPLE: example furtherInvar; shows an example " { list ll = q; if ( size(#)>0 ) { ll = ll+list(#[1]); } int i; ideal null,eins; int z=ncols(id); intvec v; def br=basering; ideal su; list @l; for (i=1; i<=z; i++) { su[i]=subst(id[i],q,0); @l[i]="y("+string(i)+")"; } // -- define the map phi : r1 ---> br defined by y(i) ---> id[i](q=0) -- def r1=ring(list(ring_list(br)[1],@l,list(list("dp",1:z)),ideal(0))); setring br; map phi=r1,su; setring r1; // --------------- compute the kernel of phi --------------------------- ideal ker=preimage(br,phi,null); ker=mstd(ker)[2]; // ---- define the map psi : r1 ---> br defined by y(i) ---> id[i] ----- setring br; map psi=r1,id; // ------------------- compute psi(ker(phi)) -------------------------- ideal rel=psi(ker); // divide by maximal power of q, test whether we really obtain invariants for (i=1;i<=size(rel);i++) { while ((rel[i]!=0) && (rel[i]!=q) &&(subst(rel[i],q,0)==0)) { rel[i]=rel[i]/q; if (derivate(m,rel[i])!=0) { "// error in furtherInvar, function not invariant:"; rel[i]; } } rel[i]=simplify(rel[i],1); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // test whether some variables occur linearly and then delete the // corresponding invariant function setring r1; int j; for (i=1;i<=size(ker);i=i+1) { for (j=1;j<=z;j++) { if (deg(ker[i]/y(j))==0) { setring br; rel[i]= completeReduction(rel[i],karl,ll); if(rel[i]!=0) { karl[j+1]=rel[i]; rel[i]=0; eins=1; } setring r1; } } } setring br; rel=rel+null; if(size(rel)==0){rel=eins;} list l=rel,karl; return(l); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r=0,(x,y,z,u),dp; matrix m[4][1]; m[2,1]=x; m[3,1]=y; m[4,1]=z; ideal id=localInvar(m,z,y,x),localInvar(m,u,y,x); ideal karl=id,x; list in=furtherInvar(m,id,karl,x); in; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc invariantRing(matrix m, poly p, poly q, int b, list #) "USAGE: invariantRing(m,p,q,b[,r,pa]); m matrix, p,q poly, b,r int, pa string ASSUME: p,q variables with m(p)=q and q invariant under m i.e. if p=x(i) and q=x(j) then m[j,1]=0 and m[i,1]=x(j) RETURN: ideal, containing generators of the ring of invariants of the additive group (K,+) given by the vector field @format m = m[1,1]*d/dx(1) +...+ m[n,1]*d/dx(n). @end format If b>0 the computation stops after all invariants of degree <= b (and at least one of higher degree) are found or when all invariants are computed. If b<=0, the computation continues until all generators of the ring of invariants are computed (should be used only if the ring of invariants is known to be finitely generated, otherwise the algorithm might not stop). If r=1 a different reduction is used which is sometimes faster (default r=0). DISPLAY: if pa is given (any string as 5th or 6th argument), the computation pauses whenever new invariants are found and displays them THEORY: The algorithm for computing the ring of invariants works in char 0 or suffiently large characteristic. (K,+) acts as the exponential of the vector field defined by the matrix m. For background see G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, Geometric quotients of unipotent group actions, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 67, 75-105 (1993). EXAMPLE: example invariantRing; shows an example " { ideal j; int i,it; list ll=q; int bou=b; if( size(#) >0 ) { if( typeof(#[1]) == "int") { ll=ll+list(#[1]); } if( typeof(#[1]) == "string") { string pau=#[1]; } if( size(#)>1 ) { if( typeof(#[2]) == "string") { string pau=#[2]; } if( typeof(#[2]) == "int") { ll=ll+list(#[2]); } } } int z; ideal karl; ideal k1=1; list k2; //------------------ computation of local invariants ------------------ for (i=1;i<=nvars(basering);i++) { karl=karl+localInvar(m,var(i),p,q); } if( defined(pau) ) { ""; "// local invariants computed:"; ""; karl; ""; pause("// hit return key to continue!"); ""; } //------------------ computation of further invariants ---------------- it=0; while (size(k1)!=0) { // test if the new invariants are already in the ring generated // by the invariants we constructed so far it++; karl=sortier(karl); j=q; for (i=1;i<=size(karl);i++) { j=j + simplify(completeReduction(karl[i],j,ll),1); } karl=j; j[1]=0; j=simplify(j,2); k2=furtherInvar(m,j,karl,q); k1=k2[1]; karl=k2[2]; if(k1[1]!=1) { k1=sortier(k1); z=size(k1); for (i=1;i<=z;i++) { k1[i]= completeReduction(k1[i],karl,ll); if (k1[i]!=0) { karl=karl+simplify(k1[i],1); } } if( defined(pau) == voice) { "// the invariants after",it,"iteration(s):"; ""; karl;""; pause("// hit return key to continue!"); ""; } if( (bou>0) && (size(k1)>0) ) { if( deg(k1[size(k1)])>bou ) { return(karl); } } } } return(karl); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; //Winkelmann: free action but Spec(k[x(1),...,x(5)]) --> Spec(invariant ring) //is not surjective ring rw=0,(x(1..5)),dp; matrix m[5][1]; m[3,1]=x(1); m[4,1]=x(2); m[5,1]=1+x(1)*x(4)+x(2)*x(3); ideal in=invariantRing(m,x(3),x(1),0); //compute full invarint ring in; //Deveney/Finston: The ring of invariants is not finitely generated ring rf=0,(x(1..7)),dp; matrix m[7][1]; m[4,1]=x(1)^3; m[5,1]=x(2)^3; m[6,1]=x(3)^3; m[7,1]=(x(1)*x(2)*x(3))^2; ideal in=invariantRing(m,x(4),x(1),6); //all invariants up to degree 6 in; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Further examplex //Deveney/Finston: Proper Ga-action which is not locally trivial //r[x(1),...,x(5)] is not flat over the ring of invariants LIB "invar.lib"; ring rd=0,(x(1..5)),dp; matrix m[5][1]; m[3,1]=x(1); m[4,1]=x(2); m[5,1]=1+x(1)*x(4)^2; ideal in=invariantRing(m,x(3),x(1),0,1); in; actionIsProper(m); //compute the algebraic relations between the invariants int z=size(in); ideal null; ring r1=0,(y(1..z)),dp; setring rd; map phi=r1,in; setring r1; ideal ker=preimage(rd,phi,null); ker; //the discriminant ring r=0,(x(1..2),y(1..2),z,t),dp; poly p=z+(1+x(1)*y(2)^2)*t+x(1)*y(1)*y(2)*t^2+(1/3)*x(1)*y(1)^2*t^3; matrix m[5][5]; m[1,1]=z; m[1,2]=x(1)*y(2)^2+1; m[1,3]=x(1)*y(1)*y(2); m[1,4]=1/3*x(1)*y(1)^2; m[1,5]=0; m[2,1]=0; m[2,2]=z; m[2,3]=x(1)*y(2)^2+1; m[2,4]=x(1)*y(1)*y(2); m[2,5]=1/3*x(1)*y(1)^2; m[3,1]=x(1)*y(2)^2+1; m[3,2]=2*x(1)*y(1)*y(2); m[3,3]=x(1)*y(1)^2; m[3,4]=0; m[3,5]=0; m[4,1]=0; m[4,2]=x(1)*y(2)^2+1; m[4,3]=2*x(1)*y(1)*y(2); m[4,4]=x(1)*y(1)^2; m[4,5]=0; m[5,1]=0; m[5,2]=0; m[5,3]=x(1)*y(2)^2+1; m[5,4]=2*x(1)*y(1)*y(2); m[5,5]=x(1)*y(1)^2; poly disc=9*det(m)/(x(1)^2*y(1)^4); LIB "invar.lib"; matrix n[6][1]; n[2,1]=x(1); n[4,1]=y(1); n[5,1]=1+x(1)*y(2)^2; derivate(n,disc); //x(1)^3*y(2)^6-6*x(1)^2*y(1)*y(2)^3*z+6*x(1)^2*y(2)^4+9*x(1)*y(1)^2*z^2-18*x(1)*y(1)*y(2)*z+9*x(1)*y(2)^2+4 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //constructive approach to Weizenboecks theorem int n=5; // int n=6; //limit ring w=32003,(x(1..n)),wp(1..n); // definition of the vector field m=sum m[i]*d/dx(i) matrix m[n][1]; int i; for (i=1;i<=n-1;i=i+1) { m[i+1,1]=x(i); } ideal in=invariantRing(m,x(2),x(1),0,""); in; */