# # ChangeLog for dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.cc in git # # Generated by Trac 1.2.3 # Apr 28, 2024, 12:00:51 PM Wed, 20 Feb 2013 23:31:21 GMT Yue Ren [2e4ec14] * Singular/CacheImplementation.h (modified) * Singular/MinorProcessor.cc (modified) * Singular/attrib.cc (modified) * Singular/blackbox.cc (modified) * Singular/cntrlc.cc (modified) * Singular/countedref.cc (modified) * Singular/fehelp.cc (modified) * Singular/fevoices.cc (modified) * Singular/interpolation.cc (modified) * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * Singular/ipid.cc (modified) * Singular/iplib.cc (modified) * Singular/janet.cc (modified) * Singular/links/asciiLink.cc (modified) * Singular/links/pipeLink.cc (modified) * Singular/links/sing_dbm.cc (modified) * Singular/links/ssiLink.cc (modified) * Singular/mmstd.c (modified) * Singular/newstruct.cc (modified) * Singular/pyobject_setup.cc (modified) * Singular/utils.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.cc (modified) * factory/libfac/charset/alg_factor.cc (modified) * kernel/fast_maps.cc (modified) * kernel/fast_mult.cc (modified) * kernel/feread.cc (modified) * kernel/fglmzero.cc (modified) * kernel/gr_kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/hilb.cc (modified) * kernel/kInline.h (modified) * kernel/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/kstdfac.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/linearAlgebra.cc (modified) * kernel/sca.cc (modified) * kernel/syz0.cc (modified) * kernel/syz1.cc (modified) * kernel/syz3.cc (modified) * kernel/tgb.cc (modified) * kernel/tgb_internal.h (modified) * kernel/tgbgauss.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/bigintmat.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/coeffs.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/gnumpc.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/rintegers.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/clapsing.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/ext_fields/transext.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/ncSACache.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/ncSACache.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/old.gring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/operations/pShallowCopyDelete.cc (modified) * numeric/mpr_base.h (modified) * numeric/mpr_inout.cc (modified) fix: -Wunused-parameter warnings Wed, 20 Feb 2013 14:48:32 GMT Yue Ren [6909cfb] * Singular/MinorInterface.cc (modified) * Singular/emacs.cc (modified) * Singular/fehelp.cc (modified) * Singular/fevoices.cc (modified) * Singular/fglm.cc (modified) * Singular/ipid.cc (modified) * Singular/iplib.cc (modified) * Singular/ipprint.cc (modified) * Singular/janet.cc (modified) * Singular/links/ndbm.cc (modified) * Singular/links/pipeLink.cc (modified) * Singular/links/ssiLink.cc (modified) * Singular/utils.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/syzextra/mod_main.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/syzextra/myNF.cc (modified) * kernel/fast_maps.cc (modified) * kernel/fglmgauss.cc (modified) * kernel/gr_kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/ideals.cc (modified) * kernel/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/kstdfac.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/preimage.cc (modified) * kernel/syz.cc (modified) * kernel/syz0.cc (modified) * kernel/syz3.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/ext_fields/algext.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/ext_fields/transext.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/ncSACache.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/templates/p_Procs_Set.h (modified) * libpolys/reporter/dError.cc (modified) * numeric/mpr_base.cc (modified) * numeric/mpr_inout.cc (modified) fix: -Wunused-variable warnings Thu, 10 Jan 2013 11:47:19 GMT Hans Schoenemann [538512] * Singular/extra.cc (modified) * Singular/feOpt.cc (modified) * Singular/fehelp.cc (modified) * Singular/ipprint.cc (modified) * Singular/links/silink.cc (modified) * Singular/misc_ip.cc (modified) * Singular/newstruct.cc (modified) * Singular/subexpr.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.cc (modified) * kernel/polys.h (modified) * kernel/tgbgauss.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/bigintmat.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/ffields.cc (modified) * libpolys/misc/int64vec.cc (modified) * libpolys/misc/intvec.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/clapsing.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/matpol.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/polys0.cc (modified) * libpolys/reporter/reporter.cc (modified) * libpolys/reporter/reporter.h (modified) chg: StringAppend/StringSetS/StringEndS: use multiple times Thu, 29 Nov 2012 22:02:11 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [bc2606] * Singular/countedref.cc (modified) * Singular/countedref.h (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.cc (modified) * kernel/fglmvec.cc (modified) * kernel/fglmvec.h (modified) * kernel/tgbgauss.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/summator.cc (modified) * numeric/mpr_base.cc (modified) Compiler warnings elimination Wed, 22 Feb 2012 19:32:30 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [860bce] * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/coeffs.h (modified) repaired dyn_modules/bigintm fix: adaptation to spielwiese chg: ... Mon, 21 Nov 2011 02:54:45 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [383b2c8] * .gitignore (modified) * Singular/pipeLink.cc (modified) * Singular/ssiLink.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/mod_main.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/eigenval.mod (modified) * dyn_modules/mega2003.mod (modified) * dyn_modules/modgen/misc.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/pcv.mod (modified) * dyn_modules/python/CF_wrap.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/python/ideal_wrap.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/python/interpreter_support.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/python/intvec_wrap.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/python/intvec_wrap.h (modified) * dyn_modules/python/mywrapper.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/python/number_wrap.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/python/playground.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/python/poly_wrap.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/python/poly_wrap.h (modified) * dyn_modules/python/python.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/python/ring_wrap.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/python/vector_wrap.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/python/wrapper.h (modified) * dyn_modules/syzextra/mod_main.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/tools/misc.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/tools/scanner.l (modified) * libpolys/misc/auxiliary.h.in (modified) * tests/Singular/test_iparith.cpp (modified) * tests/Singular/test_ipid.cpp (modified) * tests/Singular/test_ipid.hpp (modified) CHG: mod2.h should better be included as Mon, 25 Apr 2011 06:25:05 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [27fc50] * dyn_modules/bigintm/SConstruct (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/syzextra/SConstruct (modified) * kernel/Makefile.in (modified) * kernel/gring.h (modified) * kernel/ideals.h (modified) * kernel/kutil.h (modified) * kernel/mod_raw.cc (modified) * kernel/sca.h (modified) FIX: fixed building/loading of dynamic modules on Mac OS X From: ... Tue, 15 Mar 2011 18:17:49 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [f24733] * Singular/blackbox.cc (modified) * Singular/blackbox.h (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/mod_main.cc (modified) MV: moved WrongOP to blackbox FIX: dynamic modules must ONLY export ... Tue, 15 Mar 2011 18:17:48 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [5cdbfe] * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.cc (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.tst (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/mod_main.cc (modified) ADD: dynamic module stuff... From: Oleksandr Motsak ... Mon, 07 Mar 2011 18:14:25 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [e6d9a32] * Singular/blackbox.h (modified) * dyn_modules/bigintm/.gdbinit (added) * dyn_modules/bigintm/SConstruct (added) * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.cc (added) * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.h (added) * dyn_modules/bigintm/bigintm.tst (added) * dyn_modules/bigintm/mod_main.cc (added) ADD: bigintm as a module sample ADD: public blackbox_default_OpM ...