# # ChangeLog for kernel/GBEngine in git # # Generated by Trac 1.2.3 # May 16, 2024, 4:19:58 AM Mon, 23 Nov 2015 16:52:47 GMT Hans Schoenemann [86f1dc] * Singular/LIB/paraplanecurves.lib (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/syz2.cc (modified) * kernel/ideals.cc (modified) * kernel/ideals.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/old.gring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/sparsmat.cc (modified) fix: some assume violations in debug mode Thu, 12 Nov 2015 13:39:46 GMT Hans Schoenemann [2bf04b] * Singular/LIB/gradedModules.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/hdepth.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/inout.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/mathml.lib (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/gfan.h (modified) * Singular/links/ndbm.h (modified) * Singular/links/sing_dbm.cc (modified) * Singular/pyobject_setup.cc (modified) * Tst/Long/classify_l.tst (modified) * Tst/Long/nfmodstd_l.tst (modified) * Tst/Long/stdZtests.tst (modified) * Tst/New/gndlib.tst (modified) * Tst/New/hilblocinhom.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/hilblocinhom.tst (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.tst (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer5.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr712.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr719.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/polylib_s.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/polylib_s.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/polylib_s.tst (modified) * factory/gfops.h (modified) * factory/parseutil.cc (modified) * factory/templates/ftmpl_afactor.cc (modified) * factory/templates/ftmpl_array.cc (modified) * factory/templates/ftmpl_factor.cc (modified) * factory/templates/ftmpl_matrix.cc (modified) * factory/timing.h (modified) * factory/variable.h (modified) * gfanlib/gfanlib_matrix.h (modified) * gfanlib/gfanlib_symmetriccomplex.cpp (modified) * gfanlib/gfanlib_vector.h (modified) * gfanlib/gfanlib_zcone.cpp (modified) * gfanlib/gfanlibtest.cpp (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/tgb_internal.h (modified) * kernel/combinatorics/hdegree.cc (modified) * kernel/fglm/fglmcomb.cc (modified) * kernel/fglm/fglmhom.cc (modified) * kernel/groebner_walk/walkProc.cc (modified) * kernel/numeric/mpr_numeric.cc (modified) * kernel/numeric/mpr_numeric.h (modified) * kernel/old/old.IIntvec.h (modified) * libpolys/misc/options.c (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/ncSAFormula.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/ncSAMult.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/ncSAMult.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/old.gring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/templates/p_kBucketSetLm__T.cc (modified) * libpolys/reporter/si_signals.h (modified) * libpolys/tests/cxxtest/Win32Gui.h (modified) * old_modgen/modgen/getopt.c (modified) * old_modgen/modgen/main.cc (modified) * old_modgen/modgen/mod_grammar.y (modified) * old_modgen/modgen/my_getopt.h (modified) * old_modgen/modgen/scanner.l (modified) * templates/template.h (modified) * templates/templateForC.h (modified) format Thu, 12 Nov 2015 10:26:23 GMT Hans Schoenemann [fe18132] * Makefile.am (modified) * Singular/LIB/GND.lib (added) * Singular/LIB/algebra.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/arr.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/binresol.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/brnoeth.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/chern.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/equising.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/latex.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/normal.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/paraplanecurves.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/presolve.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/primdec.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/resolve.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/ring.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/rwalk.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/sagbi.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/sing.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/swalk.lib (modified) * Singular/Makefile.am (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/Order/nforder.cpp (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/Order/nforder_ideal.cc (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalStrategy.cc (modified) * Singular/extra.cc (modified) * Singular/fehelp.cc (modified) * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * Singular/ipassign.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.h (modified) * Singular/singular-libs (modified) * Singular/table.h (modified) * Tst/Buch/Proc_4_6.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Buch/Proc_4_6.tst (modified) * Tst/New.lst (modified) * Tst/New/gndlib.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/gndlib.stat (added) * Tst/New/gndlib.tst (added) * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.tst (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer.stat (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer2.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer2.stat (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer5.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer5.stat (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer5.tst (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer6.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer6.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr719.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr719.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr719.tst (added) * Tst/Short/dim-test_for_rings_over_integers.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/dim-test_for_rings_over_integers.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/ok_s.lst (modified) * Tst/Short/test_zero_ideal_decomposition.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/test_zero_ideal_decomposition.tst (modified) * doc/NEWS.texi (modified) * doc/singular.doc (modified) * emacs/hlp-cmpl.el (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstdfac.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) * kernel/ideals.h (modified) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/bigintmat.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/bigintmat.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/coeffs.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/longrat.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/numbers.cc (modified) * libpolys/misc/Makefile.am (modified) * libpolys/misc/prime.cc (added) * libpolys/misc/prime.h (added) * libpolys/polys/simpleideals.h (modified) * make_tar.sh (modified) * omalloc/configure.ac (modified) * omalloc/omReturn.h (modified) * resources/feResource.cc (modified) Merge pull request #731 from adipopescu/StdBugs add: test Thu, 29 Oct 2015 10:41:29 GMT Adi Popescu [7a38e1] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) canceled: changed posinl11rings (it is worse) add: debug output Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:51:20 GMT Hans Schoenemann [ca0d3b5] * Singular/extra.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstdfac.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/simpleideals.h (modified) simplified debug for facstd: now always via option(teach) Tue, 27 Oct 2015 15:24:14 GMT Hans Schoenemann [dd60cee] * Singular/LIB/GND.lib (added) * Singular/dyn_modules/Order/nforder.cpp (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/Order/nforder_ideal.cc (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalStrategy.cc (modified) * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * Singular/ipassign.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.h (modified) * Singular/singular-libs (modified) * Tst/New.lst (modified) * Tst/New/gndlib.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/gndlib.stat (added) * Tst/New/gndlib.tst (added) * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.tst (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer.stat (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer2.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer2.stat (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer5.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer5.stat (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer5.tst (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer6.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer6.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr719.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr719.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr719.tst (added) * Tst/Short/ok_s.lst (modified) * doc/NEWS.texi (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/bigintmat.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/bigintmat.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/coeffs.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/longrat.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/numbers.cc (modified) * libpolys/misc/Makefile.am (modified) * libpolys/misc/prime.cc (added) * libpolys/misc/prime.h (added) Merge pull request #729 from adipopescu/StdBugs Fix: singular trac 747 Tue, 27 Oct 2015 13:45:00 GMT Adi Popescu [d49439] * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.tst (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: singular trac 747 add: tests danke Hans Tue, 27 Oct 2015 11:16:10 GMT Adi Popescu [2d223b] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) funny stuff Fri, 23 Oct 2015 13:48:05 GMT Hans Schoenemann [42a81e] * Singular/dyn_modules/Order/nforder.cpp (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/Order/nforder_ideal.cc (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalStrategy.cc (modified) * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * Singular/ipassign.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/bigintmat.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/bigintmat.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/coeffs.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/longrat.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/numbers.cc (modified) * libpolys/misc/Makefile.am (modified) * libpolys/misc/prime.cc (added) * libpolys/misc/prime.h (added) fix for version without HAVE_RINGS Thu, 22 Oct 2015 12:56:31 GMT Hans Schoenemann [4979193] * Singular/singular-libs (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) fix: GND.lib pull request Thu, 22 Oct 2015 12:54:17 GMT Hans Schoenemann [a77bbef] * .gitattributes (modified) * .gitignore (modified) * IntegerProgramming/IP_algorithms.cc (modified) * IntegerProgramming/ideal.cc (modified) * Makefile.am (modified) * README.pkg (modified) * Singular/LIB/GND.lib (added) * Singular/LIB/deform.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/latex.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/normaliz.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/resgraph.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/standard.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/surf.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/tropical.lib (modified) * Singular/Makefile.am (modified) * Singular/distrib.h.in (deleted) * Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/gfan.cc (deleted) * Singular/dyn_modules/polymake/Makefile.am (modified) * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * Singular/ipconv.cc (modified) * Singular/iplib.cc (modified) * Singular/make_grammar (modified) * Singular/misc_ip.cc (modified) * Singular/mptest.sr (deleted) * Singular/mptest2.sr (deleted) * Singular/old.testgh.sh (deleted) * Singular/sdb.cc (modified) * Singular/singular-libs (modified) * Singular/singularsurf (modified) * Singular/surfex (modified) * Singular/table.h (modified) * Tst/Long/ok_l2.lst (modified) * Tst/Long/primdecint.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Long/primdecint.stat (modified) * Tst/Long/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Long/stdZtests.stat (added) * Tst/Long/stdZtests.tst (added) * Tst/Manual/esStratum.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Manual/esStratum.stat (modified) * Tst/Manual/multiDegBasis.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Manual/multiDegBasis.stat (modified) * Tst/Manual/writeNmzData.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New.lst (modified) * Tst/New/gndlib.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/gndlib.stat (added) * Tst/New/gndlib.tst (added) * Tst/New/integerStd.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/integerStd.stat (modified) * Tst/New/integerStd.tst (modified) * Tst/New/mstd_integer.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/mstd_integer.stat (modified) * Tst/New/stdZ.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZ.stat (modified) * Tst/New/stdZ.tst (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (added) * Tst/New/stdZtests.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer2.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer2.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer2.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer3.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer3.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer3.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer4.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer4.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer4.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer5.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer5.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer5.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer6.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer6.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer6.tst (added) * Tst/Old/integers.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Old/zahlen0.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Old/zahlen0.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_574.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_574.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_609.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_qring.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_qring.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr300.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr300.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr339.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr339.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr339.tst (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr393.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr393.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr393.tst (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr501.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr501.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr738.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr738.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr738.tst (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr739.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr739.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr739.tst (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr745.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr745.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr745.tst (added) * Tst/Short/equising_s.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/equising_s.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ok_s.lst (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmod2m.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmod2m.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmodn.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmodn.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ringz.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringz.stat (modified) * configure.ac (modified) * emacs/Makefile.am (modified) * emacs/test.sing (deleted) * factory/bin/install-sh (deleted) * factory/cfCharSets.cc (modified) * factory/cf_primetab.cc (deleted) * factory/config.h.in.cmake (deleted) * factory/facAlgFuncUtil.cc (modified) * gfanlib/README.txt (deleted) * kernel/ChangeLog.plural (deleted) * kernel/GBEngine/F4.cc (deleted) * kernel/GBEngine/F4.h (deleted) * kernel/GBEngine/kInline.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/tgb.cc (modified) * kernel/HOWTO.FindMemoryHoles (deleted) * kernel/combinatorics/hdegree.cc (modified) * kernel/ideals.cc (modified) * kernel/linear_algebra/linearAlgebra.h (modified) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) * kernel/mod2.h.cmake.in (deleted) * kernel/test.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/coeffWrite (deleted) * libpolys/polys/ext_fields/transext.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/kbuckets.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/kbuckets.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/old.gring.h (deleted) * libpolys/polys/simpleideals.cc (modified) * make_tar.sh (added) * old_modgen/configure (deleted) * omalloc/Makefile.am (modified) * omalloc/configure.ac (modified) * omalloc/omConfig.h.cmake.in (deleted) * omalloc/omlimits.h.cmake.in (deleted) * omalloc/omlimits.h.in (deleted) * redhat/Makefile.am (added) * redhat/singular.spec.in (moved) * warn_not_found.sh (deleted) Merge branch 'GND' of https://github.com/adipopescu/Sources into ... Wed, 21 Oct 2015 13:44:28 GMT Hans Schoenemann [fc58b5b] * kernel/GBEngine/kInline.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) avoid copy in posInL11Ring/posInL11Ringls and format stuff Wed, 21 Oct 2015 12:57:17 GMT Hans Schoenemann [67e0dc] * .gitattributes (modified) * .gitignore (modified) * IntegerProgramming/IP_algorithms.cc (modified) * IntegerProgramming/ideal.cc (modified) * Makefile.am (modified) * README.pkg (modified) * Singular/LIB/chern.lib (added) * Singular/LIB/classify_aeq.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/crypto.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/deform.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/dmodloc.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/gmssing.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/gradedModules.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/grobcov.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/latex.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/mathml.lib (added) * Singular/LIB/modstd.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/multigrading.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/ncfactor.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/nctools.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/nfmodstd.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/normaliz.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/primdec.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/resgraph.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/standard.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/surf.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/tropical.lib (modified) * Singular/Makefile.am (modified) * Singular/blackbox.cc (modified) * Singular/cntrlc.cc (modified) * Singular/distrib.h.in (deleted) * Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/bbcone.cc (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/gfan.cc (deleted) * Singular/dyn_modules/polymake/Makefile.am (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/singmathic/singmathic.cc (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/syzextra/mod_main.cc (modified) * Singular/extra.cc (modified) * Singular/feOptTab.h (modified) * Singular/fevoices.cc (modified) * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * Singular/ipassign.cc (modified) * Singular/ipconv.cc (modified) * Singular/ipid.cc (modified) * Singular/iplib.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.cc (modified) * Singular/make_grammar (modified) * Singular/maps_ip.cc (modified) * Singular/misc_ip.cc (modified) * Singular/mptest.sr (deleted) * Singular/mptest2.sr (deleted) * Singular/old.testgh.sh (deleted) * Singular/omSingularConfig.h (deleted) * Singular/scanner.cc (modified) * Singular/scanner.ll (modified) * Singular/sdb.cc (modified) * Singular/singular-libs (modified) * Singular/singularsurf (modified) * Singular/surfex (modified) * Singular/table.h (modified) * Singular/test.cc (modified) * Singular/tesths.cc (modified) * Tst/Long/modulo_l.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Long/modulo_l.tst (modified) * Tst/Long/nfmodstd_l.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Long/nfmodstd_l.tst (modified) * Tst/Long/ok_l2.lst (modified) * Tst/Long/primdec_l.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Long/primdec_l.stat (modified) * Tst/Long/primdecint.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Long/primdecint.stat (modified) * Tst/Long/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Long/stdZtests.stat (added) * Tst/Long/stdZtests.tst (added) * Tst/Manual.lst (modified) * Tst/Manual/all.lst (modified) * Tst/Manual/esStratum.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Manual/esStratum.stat (modified) * Tst/Manual/m.lst (modified) * Tst/Manual/multiDegBasis.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Manual/multiDegBasis.stat (modified) * Tst/Manual/setglobalrings.res.gz.uu (deleted) * Tst/Manual/setglobalrings.stat (deleted) * Tst/Manual/setglobalrings.tst (deleted) * Tst/New.lst (modified) * Tst/New/grmodexamples.tst (modified) * Tst/New/integerStd.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/integerStd.stat (modified) * Tst/New/integerStd.tst (modified) * Tst/New/mstd_integer.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/mstd_integer.stat (modified) * Tst/New/quotient_cleardenom.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/quotient_cleardenom.stat (modified) * Tst/New/sat_cleardenom.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/sat_cleardenom.stat (modified) * Tst/New/stdZ.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZ.stat (modified) * Tst/New/stdZ.tst (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (added) * Tst/New/stdZtests.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer2.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer2.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer2.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer3.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer3.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer3.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer4.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer4.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer4.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer5.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer5.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer5.tst (added) * Tst/New/std_integer6.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/std_integer6.stat (added) * Tst/New/std_integer6.tst (added) * Tst/Old/integers.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Old/m8ex.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Old/m8ex.tst (modified) * Tst/Old/preimage.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Old/zahlen0.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Old/zahlen0.stat (modified) * Tst/Plural/derham.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/alias.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_42.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_42.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_574.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_574.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_732.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_732.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_732.tst (added) * Tst/Short/bug_newstruct2.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_qring.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_qring.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr224.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr224.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr300.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr300.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr339.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr339.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr339.tst (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr393.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr393.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr393.tst (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr501.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr501.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr678_680.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr704.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr707.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr707.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr709.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr712.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr712.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr712.tst (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr723.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr723.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr723.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr735.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr735.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr735.tst (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr738.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr738.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr738.tst (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr739.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr739.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr739.tst (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr745.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr745.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr745.tst (added) * Tst/Short/elimlib_s.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/equising_s.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/equising_s.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ok_s.lst (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmod2m.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmod2m.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmodn.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmodn.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ringz.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringz.stat (modified) * Tst/regress.lst (modified) * configure.ac (modified) * doc/NEWS.texi (modified) * doc/Singular.man (modified) * doc/plural.doc (modified) * doc/reference.doc (modified) * doc/singular.doc (modified) * doc/start.doc (modified) * emacs/Makefile.am (modified) * emacs/test.sing (deleted) * factory/NTLconvert.cc (modified) * factory/bin/install-sh (deleted) * factory/cfCharSets.cc (modified) * factory/cf_primetab.cc (deleted) * factory/config.h.in.cmake (deleted) * factory/facAlgFuncUtil.cc (modified) * gfanlib/README.txt (deleted) * kernel/ChangeLog.plural (deleted) * kernel/GBEngine/F4.cc (deleted) * kernel/GBEngine/F4.h (deleted) * kernel/GBEngine/kInline.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/syz0.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/tgb.cc (modified) * kernel/HOWTO.FindMemoryHoles (deleted) * kernel/combinatorics/hdegree.cc (modified) * kernel/ideals.cc (modified) * kernel/linear_algebra/linearAlgebra.h (modified) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) * kernel/mod2.h.cmake.in (deleted) * kernel/preimage.cc (modified) * kernel/test.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/coeffWrite (deleted) * libpolys/coeffs/longrat.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/modulop.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/numbers.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/rintegers.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/ext_fields/transext.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/kbuckets.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/kbuckets.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/old.gring.h (deleted) * libpolys/polys/prCopy.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/simpleideals.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/simpleideals.h (modified) * libpolys/reporter/reporter.h (modified) * make_tar.sh (added) * misc/README (added) * misc/build_partition (added) * misc/build_std_demo (added) * misc/partition.cc (added) * misc/std_demo.cc (added) * omalloc/Makefile.am (modified) * omalloc/configure.ac (modified) * omalloc/omAllocFunc.h (modified) * omalloc/omConfig.h.cmake.in (deleted) * omalloc/omDefaultConfig.h (modified) * omalloc/omalloc.c (modified) * omalloc/omlimits.h.cmake.in (deleted) * omalloc/omlimits.h.in (deleted) * redhat/Makefile.am (added) * redhat/singular.spec.in (moved) * warn_not_found.sh (deleted) Merge pull request #718 from adipopescu/STDChanes2 Std over rings Wed, 21 Oct 2015 09:58:18 GMT Adi Popescu [5d4fa4] * Tst/Long/primdecint.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Long/primdecint.stat (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) found problem: in posInL11Ring (and ls) i tested coeff not in abs ... Tue, 20 Oct 2015 15:41:40 GMT Adi Popescu [d5a149] * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr501.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr501.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmod2m.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmod2m.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmodn.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmodn.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ringz.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringz.stat (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) tests and timings fixed. add: in case of lex ordering and rings use ... Tue, 20 Oct 2015 10:33:02 GMT Adi Popescu [f6db0d] * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_574.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_574.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr501.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr501.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmod2m.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmod2m.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmodn.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringmodn.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ringz.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringz.stat (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/simpleideals.cc (modified) fix: tests Mon, 19 Oct 2015 17:00:58 GMT Adi Popescu [fb87b82] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) partially fixed chainCrit over Rings Fri, 16 Oct 2015 12:16:50 GMT Adi Popescu [a07db8] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fixed Short/equi.._s.tst Fri, 16 Oct 2015 09:48:36 GMT Adi Popescu [2d7065] * Tst/New.lst (modified) * Tst/New/gndlib.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/gndlib.stat (added) * Tst/New/gndlib.tst (added) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) add tests Fri, 16 Oct 2015 08:11:48 GMT Adi Popescu [2d265b] * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.tst (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) Memory leak solved Thu, 15 Oct 2015 13:47:11 GMT Adi Popescu [879e4c] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) memory still leaks Thu, 15 Oct 2015 11:28:41 GMT Adi Popescu [5fd2b1e] * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.tst (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) add tests Wed, 14 Oct 2015 13:37:33 GMT Hans Schoenemann [1a1f34b] * .gitignore (modified) * Makefile.am (modified) * Singular/Makefile.am (modified) * Singular/distrib.h.in (deleted) * Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/gfan.cc (deleted) * Singular/mptest.sr (deleted) * Singular/mptest2.sr (deleted) * Singular/singular-libs (modified) * configure.ac (modified) * emacs/Makefile.am (modified) * emacs/test.sing (deleted) * factory/bin/install-sh (deleted) * factory/cf_primetab.cc (deleted) * factory/config.h.in.cmake (deleted) * gfanlib/README.txt (deleted) * kernel/ChangeLog.plural (deleted) * kernel/GBEngine/F4.cc (deleted) * kernel/GBEngine/F4.h (deleted) * kernel/HOWTO.FindMemoryHoles (deleted) * kernel/mod2.h.cmake.in (deleted) * kernel/test.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/coeffWrite (deleted) * libpolys/polys/nc/old.gring.h (deleted) * make_tar.sh (modified) * omalloc/Makefile.am (modified) * omalloc/omConfig.h.cmake.in (deleted) * omalloc/omlimits.h.cmake.in (deleted) * omalloc/omlimits.h.in (deleted) * warn_not_found.sh (deleted) removed unsed files, fixed make_tar.sh and make dist Wed, 14 Oct 2015 09:30:33 GMT Adi Popescu [2a4bc6e] * Tst/Long/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Long/stdZtests.stat (modified) * Tst/Long/stdZtests.tst (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.tst (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) Add tests Tue, 13 Oct 2015 14:23:20 GMT Adi Popescu [19a089f] * Tst/New/stdZtests.tst (modified) * Tst/Old/zahlen0.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Old/zahlen0.stat (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/combinatorics/hdegree.cc (modified) solved tests bugs. Mon, 12 Oct 2015 15:24:18 GMT Adi Popescu [212806] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) Yue's bug solved Mon, 12 Oct 2015 14:27:37 GMT Hans Schoenemann [f91f8f3] * kernel/GBEngine/tgb.cc (modified) comments on p_Cleardenom in slimgb Wed, 07 Oct 2015 14:51:45 GMT Adi Popescu [c8523f] * kernel/GBEngine/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) Merge branch 'Anne' into STDChanges Wed, 07 Oct 2015 14:36:18 GMT Adi Popescu [5d9204] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) update Wed, 07 Oct 2015 12:44:00 GMT Adi Popescu [8a14df] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) add: enterT_strong, used ine enteronestrongpair Wed, 07 Oct 2015 12:03:45 GMT Adi Popescu [b4fbb8] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) Anne's idea solved - now trying Yue's Bug Tue, 06 Oct 2015 08:55:49 GMT Adi Popescu [033053] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: product and chain criterion are activated (thank you Christian) Wed, 09 Sep 2015 14:25:50 GMT Adi Popescu [c1c2ccd] * kernel/GBEngine/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) Work with Anne Mon, 31 Aug 2015 14:13:55 GMT Hans Schoenemann [859d786] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) lost some debug messages for test(55) Mon, 31 Aug 2015 13:57:59 GMT Hans Schoenemann [ede2ad8] * Singular/LIB/primdec.lib (modified) * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * Tst/Long/primdec_l.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Long/primdec_l.stat (modified) * Tst/New/quotient_cleardenom.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/quotient_cleardenom.stat (modified) * Tst/New/sat_cleardenom.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/sat_cleardenom.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_42.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_42.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr224.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr224.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr707.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr707.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr712.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr712.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr712.tst (added) * Tst/Short/ok_s.lst (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) fix tr. #712: std(SB,I) does not allow crit3 because of the (wrong) ... Fri, 17 Jul 2015 15:26:16 GMT Hans Schoenemann [423198] * kernel/GBEngine/kspoly.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/ext_fields/transext.cc (modified) heuristicGcdCancellation: remove also gcd of monomials Mon, 13 Jul 2015 08:30:23 GMT Adi Popescu [456eb62] * Tst/Long/primdecint.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Long/primdecint.stat (modified) * Tst/New/mstd_integer.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/mstd_integer.stat (modified) * Tst/Old/zahlen0.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Old/zahlen0.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_574.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_574.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_qring.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_qring.stat (modified) * Tst/Short/ringz.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/ringz.stat (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) fix: diff and crash tests still to solve: ringlocal - ... Thu, 09 Jul 2015 10:58:05 GMT Adi Popescu [add269] * Tst/New/stdZtests.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/stdZtests.stat (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix all tests Thu, 09 Jul 2015 10:28:29 GMT Hans Schoenemann [e9478b] * Singular/LIB/gradedModules.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/surf.lib (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/singmathic/singmathic.cc (modified) * Singular/dyn_modules/syzextra/mod_main.cc (modified) * Singular/extra.cc (modified) * Tst/New/grmodexamples.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_newstruct2.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr678_680.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr704.tst (modified) * Tst/Short/bug_tr709.tst (modified) * factory/NTLconvert.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/syz0.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/longrat.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/ext_fields/transext.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/simpleideals.h (modified) format Thu, 09 Jul 2015 10:10:38 GMT Adi Popescu [6497fd] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) fix: kutil.cc part 2 Thu, 09 Jul 2015 09:48:52 GMT Adi Popescu [cfb769] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: kutil.cc Thu, 09 Jul 2015 07:59:01 GMT Adi Popescu [35a23c9] * Tst/New/stdZtests.tst (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer.stat (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer2.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer2.stat (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer3.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer3.stat (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer4.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer4.stat (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer5.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer5.stat (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer6.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/New/std_integer6.stat (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: std over Z tests with global ordering. Still have to check the ... Tue, 07 Jul 2015 13:51:13 GMT Adi Popescu [6eb218] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: delete non existing polys Tue, 07 Jul 2015 13:31:10 GMT Adi Popescu [d0e703d] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: misplaced ),} and endifs Tue, 07 Jul 2015 13:08:08 GMT Adi Popescu [1c3860b] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) add: more debug output add: preIntegerCheck strategy (deactivated) Tue, 07 Jul 2015 13:01:44 GMT Adi Popescu [f32df1] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: initenterpairs Tue, 07 Jul 2015 12:38:28 GMT Adi Popescu [802336] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: kFindDivisibleByInS, updated: kPosInLDependsOnLength add: ... Tue, 07 Jul 2015 12:08:48 GMT Adi Popescu [5ce551] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: updateResult Tue, 07 Jul 2015 12:01:54 GMT Adi Popescu [41aecf] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: enterOneStrongPoly Tue, 07 Jul 2015 11:48:23 GMT Adi Popescu [3d3ab7] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) cleaned: enterOnePairRing Tue, 07 Jul 2015 11:28:17 GMT Adi Popescu [6d11d2] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: enterOnePairRing git diff made it harder to see the diffs: the ... Tue, 07 Jul 2015 10:56:45 GMT Adi Popescu [22d119e] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) fix: redRing Tue, 07 Jul 2015 10:51:32 GMT Adi Popescu [535b07] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) add: debug outputs in kstd1.cc add: finalReduceByMon in bba Tue, 07 Jul 2015 10:36:10 GMT Adi Popescu [d762df9] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) fix: hutil.h Tue, 07 Jul 2015 10:25:58 GMT Adi Popescu [4d5a3e] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) add: ADIDEBUG output in bba fix: kFindDivisibleByInT and ... Tue, 07 Jul 2015 10:09:21 GMT Adi Popescu [a3cc8cd] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: preIntegerCheck memory leaks Tue, 07 Jul 2015 09:15:36 GMT Adi Popescu [109e385] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) fix: redMoraNF Tue, 07 Jul 2015 08:55:00 GMT Adi Popescu [3ffb5ca] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) fix: redRiloc (red for local and mixed ord rings) Mon, 06 Jul 2015 10:09:07 GMT Adi Popescu [f7db36] * kernel/GBEngine/kInline.h (modified) fix: clearS for ZZ Mon, 06 Jul 2015 09:02:59 GMT Adi Popescu [81f40d7] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) fixed push Fri, 03 Jul 2015 11:35:17 GMT Adi Popescu [a469814] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) add functions used in std computation over ZZ posInLRing and ... Tue, 02 Jun 2015 09:16:55 GMT Hans Schoenemann [80c072] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) optim. idLift(I,T): stop red as soon as L(p)>syzComp Mon, 01 Jun 2015 10:23:08 GMT Hans Schoenemann [dd52ba] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) typo Mon, 01 Jun 2015 10:19:52 GMT Hans Schoenemann [3cc89c] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) prod-crit for IDLIFT case also: cleanup setting of enterOnePair ... Mon, 01 Jun 2015 08:08:40 GMT Hans Schoenemann [f7f346] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) fix alignment of sLObject Fri, 29 May 2015 18:11:49 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [9a871d] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) Fixing kFindDivisibleByInT (for debuging build) Fri, 29 May 2015 15:47:05 GMT Hans Schoenemann [e00d20] * Singular/dyn_modules/syzextra/mod_main.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) optim. redtailBba (wrt. idLiftStd/ OPT_IDLIFT) Fri, 29 May 2015 11:39:46 GMT Hans Schoenemann [a576b0] * Singular/extra.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.h (modified) optim. kFindDivisibleByInT Tue, 26 May 2015 16:31:44 GMT Hans Schoenemann [29fde9] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) typo Tue, 26 May 2015 14:56:29 GMT Hans Schoenemann [5cc43c5] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) use return value of strat->s_poly Wed, 13 May 2015 15:09:53 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [438818] * kernel/GBEngine/test.cc (modified) * kernel/combinatorics/test.cc (modified) * kernel/fglm/test.cc (modified) * kernel/groebner_walk/test.cc (modified) * kernel/linear_algebra/test.cc (modified) * kernel/maps/test.cc (modified) * kernel/numeric/test.cc (modified) * kernel/oswrapper/test.cc (modified) * kernel/spectrum/test.cc (modified) * kernel/test.cc (modified) Fixing tests due to ABI change (idDelete cannot take ring argument ... Wed, 13 May 2015 14:15:16 GMT Hans Schoenemann [8204ed] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/sca.cc (modified) add s_poly_proc for bba/kStd Mon, 11 May 2015 16:46:52 GMT Hans Schoenemann [9e8bfa] * Singular/ipshell.cc (modified) * Tst/Manual/cup.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Manual/cupproduct.res.gz.uu (modified) * Tst/Short/homolog_s.res.gz.uu (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/syz.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/syz2.cc (modified) * kernel/combinatorics/hilb.cc (modified) * kernel/combinatorics/hutil.cc (modified) * kernel/ideals.cc (modified) * kernel/ideals.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/simpleideals.cc (modified) allow matrix/module 0x0, 0xr, cx0 Mon, 11 May 2015 15:21:09 GMT Hans Schoenemann [43325d] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) define something more in LObject Mon, 04 May 2015 16:42:59 GMT Hans Schoenemann [0338ae9] * Singular/ipassign.cc (modified) * Singular/walk.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/gr_kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/syz.cc (modified) * kernel/fast_mult.cc (modified) * omalloc/omAllocDecl.h (modified) warnings and unused proc Mon, 04 May 2015 08:26:00 GMT Hans Schoenemann [32ad2a] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/syz2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/syz3.cc (modified) * kernel/polys.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) chg: signed/unsigned and long/int Thu, 16 Apr 2015 14:51:46 GMT Hans Schoenemann [7203f7] * Singular/misc_ip.cc (modified) * dox/Doxyfile.in (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/gr_kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/nc.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/sca.cc (modified) * kernel/combinatorics/test.cc (modified) * kernel/fglm/test.cc (modified) * kernel/groebner_walk/test.cc (modified) * kernel/linear_algebra/test.cc (modified) * kernel/maps/test.cc (modified) * kernel/numeric/test.cc (modified) * kernel/oswrapper/test.cc (modified) * kernel/spectrum/test.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/gb_hack.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/old.gring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/sca.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/test.cc (modified) * libpolys/tests/common.h (modified) fix (windows port): move reference to NF/BBA stuff to function pointers Thu, 16 Apr 2015 13:01:19 GMT Hans Schoenemann [1b7bc4] * Singular/ipshell.cc (modified) * Singular/test.cc (modified) * Singular/walk.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/test.cc (modified) * kernel/test.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/gb_hack.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/nc.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/sca.cc (modified) Revert "fix: move references to k_NF in libpolys to r->NF (windows ... Thu, 16 Apr 2015 12:00:21 GMT Hans Schoenemann [7a5d05] * Singular/ipshell.cc (modified) * Singular/test.cc (modified) * Singular/walk.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/test.cc (modified) * kernel/test.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/gb_hack.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/nc.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/sca.cc (modified) fix: move references to k_NF in libpolys to r->NF (windows port) Fri, 10 Apr 2015 12:26:30 GMT Hans Schoenemann [76f525] * kernel/GBEngine/tgbgauss.h (modified) opt: omallocClass for mac_poly_r Fri, 10 Apr 2015 12:23:59 GMT Hans Schoenemann [aa353e] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) opt. enterS, enterT: reference instead of copy for L/TObject Thu, 09 Apr 2015 11:54:30 GMT Hans Schoenemann [dc50ee] * Singular/Makefile.am (modified) * Singular/attrib.h (modified) * factory/canonicalform.h (modified) * factory/factory.template (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h (modified) * omalloc/Makefile.am (modified) * omalloc/configure.ac (modified) * omalloc/omallocClass.cc (copied) * omalloc/omallocClass.h (moved) moved new/delete to omalloc/onallocClass.*, use for some classes Mon, 23 Mar 2015 16:40:34 GMT Hans Schoenemann [a94825] * Singular/dyn_modules/singmathic/singmathic.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) mathicgb for module Mon, 23 Mar 2015 11:27:24 GMT Hans Schoenemann [c6ded3] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.h (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/gb_hack.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/nc/sca.cc (modified) renamed kNF with ring arg to k_NF Thu, 19 Mar 2015 16:31:40 GMT Hans Schoenemann [0b51f6a] * Singular/extra.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/shiftgb.cc (modified) fix tr. #716 (mem-leak in shiftbba) Wed, 18 Mar 2015 14:36:09 GMT Hans Schoenemann [efb096] * Tst/Short/bug_tr703.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr703.stat (added) * Tst/Short/bug_tr703.tst (added) * Tst/Short/spcurve.res.gz.uu (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.h (modified) fix tr. #703 (degree/ecart for ws-ord with diff. signs) Wed, 18 Mar 2015 11:25:24 GMT Hans Schoenemann [f3f0ad] * doc/reference.doc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/ext_fields/transext.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.h (modified) add rHasMixedOrdering Tue, 17 Mar 2015 17:28:17 GMT Hans Schoenemann [2f3b27] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix tr. #715 (rong ordering for redTail) Tue, 17 Mar 2015 16:40:11 GMT Hans Schoenemann [599254] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) moved test out of loop (cancelunit) Tue, 17 Mar 2015 13:08:54 GMT Hans Schoenemann [ad412cb] * kernel/GBEngine/kspoly.cc (modified) fix #710 (std(I,p) Fri, 27 Feb 2015 20:13:07 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [eb38b2] * Tst/New.lst (modified) * Tst/New/sres_bug.res.gz.uu (added) * Tst/New/sres_bug.stat (added) * Tst/New/sres_bug.tst (added) * kernel/GBEngine/syz0.cc (modified) Fix bug in sres. NOTE: after errorreported gets set to 1 nothing is ... Sun, 08 Feb 2015 15:15:45 GMT jgmbenoit [88615db] * IntegerProgramming/binomial.cc (modified) * IntegerProgramming/binomial.h (modified) * IntegerProgramming/list.cc (modified) * Singular/LIB/grobcov.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/normal.lib (modified) * Singular/LIB/surf.lib (modified) * Singular/fevoices.cc (modified) * Singular/fglm.cc (modified) * Singular/ipassign.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstdfac.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/sca.cc (modified) * kernel/fast_mult.cc (modified) * kernel/groebner_walk/walkProc.cc (modified) * kernel/numeric/mpr_base.cc (modified) * kernel/numeric/mpr_inout.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/Enumerator.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/longrat.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/numbers.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/templates/p_Procs_Impl.h (modified) correct some spelling errors: Correct spelling error as reported by ... Tue, 03 Feb 2015 08:40:17 GMT Hans Schoenemann [dccb85] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) comment: n_isUnit is not needed in cancelunit/cancelunit1 Mon, 02 Feb 2015 17:18:36 GMT Hans Schoenemann [bd3bac] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: Tst/New/ringlocal.tst (cancelunit stuff) Mon, 02 Feb 2015 15:48:42 GMT Hans Schoenemann [0348cc3] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: tr. #690 (memory leak) Mon, 02 Feb 2015 14:50:37 GMT Hans Schoenemann [abf7a5] * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) fix: nIsUnit, pGetCoeff, etc. ring-cf handling in kutil.cc Fri, 30 Jan 2015 17:43:16 GMT Hans Schoenemann [71e0a9] * dox/Doxyfile.in (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc (modified) removed HAVE_RINGS_LOC: is part of HAVE_RINGS Fri, 30 Jan 2015 09:55:49 GMT Hans Schoenemann [741464] * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/syz.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/syz0.cc (modified) * kernel/GBEngine/syz3.cc (modified) * kernel/ideals.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/simpleideals.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/simpleideals.h (modified) add: id_Shift Thu, 29 Jan 2015 11:29:05 GMT Hans Schoenemann [100bd4] * kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc (modified) fix: assume length for tr. #689 Tue, 13 Jan 2015 11:22:14 GMT Hans Schoenemann [0318fe] * kernel/GBEngine/khstd.cc (modified) format