# # ChangeLog for kernel/mod2.h in git # # Generated by Trac 1.2.3 # May 14, 2024, 2:08:05 AM Wed, 24 Aug 2011 14:55:49 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [f3ea6ce] * Singular/test.cc (modified) * factory/cf_gmp.h (modified) * factory/configure.ac (modified) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) * libpolys/configure.ac (modified) * libpolys/misc/auxiliary.h.in (modified) ADD: defining DISABLE_GMP_CPP makes cf_gmp.h to use our UGLY! hack to ... Fri, 12 Aug 2011 15:44:15 GMT Hans Schoenemann [15ff9a] * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.h (modified) * Singular/linearAlgebra_ip.h (added) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) add missing header: Singular/linearAlgebra_ip.h Fri, 12 Aug 2011 12:07:54 GMT Hans Schoenemann [8a5c49] * Singular/ipassign.cc (modified) * Singular/table.h (modified) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/coeffs.h (modified) fix ipassign.cc, extra.cc Wed, 10 Aug 2011 17:15:23 GMT Burcin Erocal [88479ff] * Singular/tesths.cc (modified) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) Change includes in Singular/tesths.cc to work around cstdio/stdio.h ... Mon, 25 Jul 2011 15:28:06 GMT Hans Schoenemann [327d41] * kernel/gr_kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/kstdfac.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.h (modified) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) removed strat->kIdeal Tue, 19 Jul 2011 11:37:08 GMT Hans Schoenemann [22a09d] * Singular/misc_ip.cc (modified) * Singular/misc_ip.h (modified) * Singular/mpsr_GetPoly.cc (modified) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) * kernel/old.page.c (moved) * libpolys/coeffs/ffields.h (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/longrat.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/modulop.cc (modified) * libpolys/coeffs/numbers.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/clapconv.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/clapsing.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/clapsing.h (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/operations/p_Mult_q.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/simpleideals.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/templates/p_Procs_Dynamic.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/templates/p_Procs_Lib.cc (modified) * libpolys/polys/templates/p_Procs_Static.cc (modified) order of includes Tue, 19 Jul 2011 10:55:56 GMT mlee [b938f4] * kernel/mod2.h (modified) * kernel/npolygon.cc (modified) * kernel/npolygon.h (modified) added const ring r argument to all ring dependend functions ... Mon, 18 Jul 2011 09:18:47 GMT Hans Schoenemann [1d9b39] * kernel/linearAlgebra.cc (modified) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) removed defines already in libpolys Thu, 14 Jul 2011 20:10:49 GMT Oleksandr Motsak [76cfef] * kernel/F5cData.cc (modified) * kernel/F5cLists.cc (modified) * kernel/eigenval.cc (modified) * kernel/f5c.cc (modified) * kernel/f5data.cc (modified) * kernel/f5gb.cc (modified) * kernel/f5lists.cc (modified) * kernel/fast_maps.cc (modified) * kernel/fglmcomb.cc (modified) * kernel/fglmhom.cc (modified) * kernel/fglmzero.cc (modified) * kernel/gfan.cc (modified) * kernel/gr_kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/ideals.cc (modified) * kernel/kInline.cc (modified) * kernel/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/kstdfac.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/kversion.h (added) * kernel/linearAlgebra.cc (modified) * kernel/lists.h (added) * kernel/longrat.h (added) * kernel/makefile (modified) * kernel/misc.cc (modified) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) * kernel/mod2.h.in (modified) * kernel/old.lplist.cc (modified) * kernel/pInline1.h (added) * kernel/ratgring.cc (modified) * kernel/ringgb.cc (modified) * kernel/semic.cc (modified) * kernel/shiftgb.cc (modified) * kernel/syz.cc (modified) * kernel/syz0.cc (modified) * kernel/syz1.cc (modified) * kernel/syz2.cc (modified) * kernel/syz3.cc (modified) * kernel/test.cc (modified) * kernel/tgb.cc (modified) * kernel/tgb_internal.h (modified) * kernel/units.cc (modified) * kernel/walkMain.cc (modified) * kernel/walkProc.cc (modified) * kernel/walkSupport.cc (modified) FIX: fixed #includes in the kernel/ sources ADD: dummy headers in ... Thu, 14 Jul 2011 12:48:53 GMT Hans Schoenemann [0f401f] * kernel/eigenval.cc (modified) * kernel/fast_maps.cc (modified) * kernel/febase.cc (modified) * kernel/feread.cc (modified) * kernel/fglmcomb.cc (modified) * kernel/fglmgauss.cc (modified) * kernel/fglmvec.cc (modified) * kernel/fglmzero.cc (modified) * kernel/gfan.cc (modified) * kernel/gr_kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/hdegree.cc (modified) * kernel/ideals.cc (added) * kernel/kInline.cc (modified) * kernel/khstd.cc (modified) * kernel/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/kstdfac.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/linearAlgebra.cc (modified) * kernel/misc.cc (modified) * kernel/mod2.h (modified) * kernel/ratgring.cc (modified) * kernel/shiftgb.cc (modified) * kernel/spectrum.cc (modified) * kernel/splist.cc (modified) * kernel/structs.h (modified) * kernel/syz.cc (modified) * kernel/syz0.cc (modified) * kernel/syz1.cc (modified) * kernel/syz2.cc (modified) * kernel/syz3.cc (modified) * kernel/tgb.cc (modified) * kernel/tgb_internal.h (modified) * kernel/tgbgauss.cc (modified) * kernel/units.cc (modified) * kernel/walkMain.cc (modified) * omalloc/omalloc.c (modified) fixed options.h, numbers.h, restored ideals.cc Wed, 06 Jul 2011 16:14:30 GMT Hans Schoenemann [6c19d8] * .gitignore (modified) * kernel/makefile (added) * kernel/mod2.h (added) hack to compile kernel/*