# # ChangeLog for kernel/rmodulo2m.h in git # # Generated by Trac 1.2.3 # May 16, 2024, 1:53:59 PM Thu, 24 Sep 2009 16:37:42 GMT Hans Schönemann [8391d8] * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * Singular/ipconv.cc (modified) * Singular/ipid.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.cc (modified) * Singular/mpsr_GetPoly.cc (modified) * kernel/clapconv.cc (modified) * kernel/ffields.cc (modified) * kernel/ffields.h (modified) * kernel/gnumpc.cc (modified) * kernel/gnumpc.h (modified) * kernel/gnumpfl.cc (modified) * kernel/gnumpfl.h (modified) * kernel/ideals.cc (modified) * kernel/longalg.cc (modified) * kernel/longalg.h (modified) * kernel/longrat.cc (modified) * kernel/longrat.h (modified) * kernel/modulop.cc (modified) * kernel/modulop.h (modified) * kernel/numbers.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.h (modified) * kernel/p_polys.cc (modified) * kernel/polys1.cc (modified) * kernel/rintegers.cc (modified) * kernel/rintegers.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.h (modified) * kernel/shortfl.cc (modified) * kernel/shortfl.h (modified) * kernel/structs.h (modified) * kernel/tgb.cc (modified) * kernel/tgb_internal.h (modified) *hannes: n_Init is now ring indep. git-svn-id: ... Wed, 16 Sep 2009 12:26:27 GMT Hans Schönemann [cf74cd6] * kernel/clapconv.cc (modified) * kernel/clapconv.h (modified) * kernel/clapsing.cc (modified) * kernel/ffields.cc (modified) * kernel/ffields.h (modified) * kernel/gnumpc.cc (modified) * kernel/gnumpc.h (modified) * kernel/gnumpfl.cc (modified) * kernel/gnumpfl.h (modified) * kernel/longalg.cc (modified) * kernel/longalg.h (modified) * kernel/longrat.cc (modified) * kernel/longrat.h (modified) * kernel/modulop.cc (modified) * kernel/modulop.h (modified) * kernel/mpr_base.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.h (modified) * kernel/rintegers.cc (modified) * kernel/rintegers.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.h (modified) * kernel/shortfl.cc (modified) * kernel/shortfl.h (modified) * kernel/structs.h (modified) * kernel/tgb.cc (modified) *hannes: nInt and conversions git-svn-id: ... Fri, 03 Jul 2009 13:14:10 GMT Frank Seelisch [6ea941] * kernel/numbers.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.h (modified) corrected a modulo b in Z/n and Z/2^m git-svn-id: ... Wed, 06 May 2009 12:53:49 GMT Hans Schönemann [c90b43] * Singular/mod2.h.in (modified) * kernel/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.h (modified) * kernel/mod2.h.in (modified) * kernel/numbers.cc (modified) * kernel/ring.cc (modified) * kernel/ring.h (modified) * kernel/ringgb.cc (modified) * kernel/ringgb.h (modified) * kernel/rintegers.cc (modified) * kernel/rintegers.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.h (modified) *hannes: HAVE_RINGS only git-svn-id: ... Wed, 16 Jul 2008 12:41:33 GMT Oliver Wienand [c81a40] * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * Singular/ipconv.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.cc (modified) * kernel/longrat.h (modified) * kernel/modulop.cc (modified) * kernel/ring.cc (modified) * kernel/rintegers.cc (modified) * kernel/rintegers.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.h (modified) * kernel/structs.h (modified) Maps für Bigint Modul bei Z/m wird nun als GMP gespeichert ... Mon, 07 Jul 2008 12:21:43 GMT Oliver Wienand [d351d8] * Singular/ipshell.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.h (modified) * kernel/ring.cc (modified) * kernel/rintegers.cc (modified) * kernel/rintegers.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.h (modified) * kernel/structs.h (modified) * nComp --> nDivComp * ring definition like decided during meeting ... Wed, 19 Mar 2008 17:44:38 GMT Hans Schönemann [85e68dd] * MP/MP/MP.h (modified) * MP/MP/MP_Put.c (modified) * MP/MP/h/MP_Put.h (modified) * Singular/LIB/primdec.lib (modified) * Singular/attrib.cc (modified) * Singular/attrib.h (modified) * Singular/cntrlc.cc (modified) * Singular/extra.cc (modified) * Singular/grammar.h (modified) * Singular/grammar.y (modified) * Singular/iparith.cc (modified) * Singular/ipassign.cc (modified) * Singular/ipconv.cc (modified) * Singular/ipid.cc (modified) * Singular/ipid.h (modified) * Singular/iplib.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.cc (modified) * Singular/ipshell.h (modified) * Singular/libparse.cc (modified) * Singular/libparse.h (modified) * Singular/libparse.l (modified) * Singular/locals.h (modified) * Singular/misc.cc (modified) * Singular/mpsr_Error.cc (modified) * Singular/mpsr_Put.cc (modified) * Singular/mpsr_Put.h (modified) * Singular/sdb.cc (modified) * Singular/silink.cc (modified) * Singular/silink.h (modified) * Singular/subexpr.cc (modified) * Singular/subexpr.h (modified) * Singular/walk.cc (modified) * kernel/feResource.cc (modified) * kernel/febase.cc (modified) * kernel/febase.h (modified) * kernel/ffields.cc (modified) * kernel/ffields.h (modified) * kernel/gnumpc.cc (modified) * kernel/gnumpc.h (modified) * kernel/gnumpfl.cc (modified) * kernel/gnumpfl.h (modified) * kernel/ideals.cc (modified) * kernel/ideals.h (modified) * kernel/longalg.cc (modified) * kernel/longalg.h (modified) * kernel/longrat.cc (modified) * kernel/longrat.h (modified) * kernel/longrat0.cc (modified) * kernel/mod_raw.cc (modified) * kernel/mod_raw.h (modified) * kernel/modulop.cc (modified) * kernel/modulop.h (modified) * kernel/mpr_complex.cc (modified) * kernel/mpr_complex.h (modified) * kernel/numbers.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.h (modified) * kernel/p_Procs.h (modified) * kernel/p_Procs_Dynamic.cc (modified) * kernel/p_Procs_Impl.h (modified) * kernel/p_Procs_Set.h (modified) * kernel/polys.cc (modified) * kernel/polys.h (modified) * kernel/ring.cc (modified) * kernel/ring.h (modified) * kernel/rintegers.cc (modified) * kernel/rintegers.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.h (modified) * kernel/shortfl.cc (modified) * kernel/shortfl.h (modified) * kernel/structs.h (modified) * kernel/syz1.cc (modified) * kernel/tgb.cc (modified) * kernel/timer.cc (modified) * kernel/timer.h (modified) *hannes: gcc 4.2 git-svn-id: ... Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:39:25 GMT Oliver Wienand [1e579c6] * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.h (modified) * kernel/polys.cc (modified) * kernel/polys.h (modified) * kernel/polys1.cc (modified) * kernel/ring.h (modified) * kernel/ringgb.cc (modified) * kernel/rintegers.cc (modified) * kernel/rintegers.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.h (modified) * kernel/structs.h (modified) kutil.cc: * use nExtGcd, nIsUnit * extended spolys only for ... Fri, 11 May 2007 10:48:05 GMT Oliver Wienand [206e158] * kernel/kbuckets.cc (modified) * kernel/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.h (modified) * kernel/numbers.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.h (modified) * kernel/polys.cc (modified) * kernel/polys.h (modified) * kernel/ring.h (modified) * kernel/ringgb.cc (modified) * kernel/ringgb.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.h (modified) * kernel/structs.h (modified) structs.h, numbers.*, rmodulo*: new method nComp nIntDiv(0, a) = ... Thu, 10 May 2007 08:12:44 GMT Oliver Wienand [009d80] * kernel/kbuckets.cc (modified) * kernel/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd1.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.h (modified) * kernel/pDebug.cc (modified) * kernel/pInline1.h (modified) * kernel/p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq__T.cc (modified) * kernel/p_Mult_mm__T.cc (modified) * kernel/p_Mult_nn__T.cc (modified) * kernel/p_Mult_q.cc (modified) * kernel/p_Numbers.h (modified) * kernel/p_Procs_Generate.cc (modified) * kernel/p_Procs_Impl.h (modified) * kernel/p_Procs_Set.h (modified) * kernel/polys.cc (modified) * kernel/polys1.cc (modified) * kernel/pp_Mult_mm__T.cc (modified) * kernel/pp_Mult_nn__T.cc (modified) * kernel/ring.cc (modified) * kernel/ring.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulon.h (modified) * kernel/structs.h (modified) new compile switch: HAVE_RINGS at total there are now: HAVE_RINGS, ... Thu, 03 May 2007 13:50:10 GMT Oliver Wienand [994445] * kernel/Makefile.in (modified) * kernel/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/numbers.cc (modified) * kernel/pDebug.cc (modified) * kernel/pInline1.h (modified) * kernel/p_Minus_mm_Mult_qq__T.cc (modified) * kernel/p_Mult_mm__T.cc (modified) * kernel/p_Mult_nn__T.cc (modified) * kernel/p_Mult_q.cc (modified) * kernel/polys.cc (modified) * kernel/polys1.cc (modified) * kernel/pp_Mult_mm__T.cc (modified) * kernel/pp_Mult_nn__T.cc (modified) * kernel/ring.cc (modified) * kernel/ring.h (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) * kernel/structs.h (modified) Neuer Koeffizientenbereich Z/n Neuer Makrodatentyp NATNUMBER = ... Wed, 06 Dec 2006 17:43:32 GMT Hans Schönemann [4f8867] * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) *hannes: experimental:HAVE_RING2TOM git-svn-id: ... Mon, 20 Mar 2006 20:33:57 GMT Oliver Wienand [f92547] * kernel/kspoly.cc (modified) * kernel/kstd2.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.cc (modified) * kernel/kutil.h (modified) * kernel/numbers.cc (modified) * kernel/polys.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (modified) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (modified) *oliver kspoly.cc: --> kscheckcoef * modified for zero ... Sun, 27 Nov 2005 16:30:09 GMT Oliver Wienand [35b1d7] * kernel/rmodulo2m.cc (added) * kernel/rmodulo2m.h (added) rmodulo2m.*: --> Routinen für Koeffizienten in Z/2^m git-svn-id: ...