Custom Query (28 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: closed (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#248 Another bug of std with additional generators hannes bug blocker 3-1-1 duplicate
#228 BUG with rvar hannes bug minor 3-1-1 fixed
#224 Bug in std with additional generators hannes bug blocker 3-1-1 fixed
#254 Crah with dim for lists hannes bug major 3-1-1 fixed
#239 Crash with finduni hannes bug major 3-1-1 fixed
#282 Incorrect tensor product of rings in positive char Oleksandr bug major 3-1-1 fixed
#233 Nasty bug in noncomm multiplication Oleksandr bug major 3-1-1 fixed
#285 Representation of -1 in Galoisfields somebody bug minor 3-1-1 wontfix
#268 Singular does compile when HAVE_FACTORY is not defined hannes bug minor 3-1-1 fixed
#232 Spurious (32bit) overflow in ring exponents on x86_64 hannes bug minor 3-1-1 fixed
#244 allow custom printing in WerrorS hannes proposed feature minor 3-1-1 fixed
#220 assume violation in seelisch bug minor 3-1-1 fixed
#290 bug of map over reals decker bug minor 3-1-1 wontfix
#237 charstr(basering), string(basering) for coefficien ring hannes bug minor 3-1-1 fixed
#222 enable again: division by number for integers seelisch bug major 3-1-1 fixed
#257 example lift over Q(t): bad perfomance / hung machine somebody bug minor 3-1-1 duplicate
#230 fglm(basering, 0); hannes bug minor 3-1-1 fixed
#255 interred should reduce non-leading terms, if there is option redSB and a global order hannes bug major 3-1-1 fixed
#227 missing cast: constant poly to bigint hannes bug minor 3-1-1 wontfix
#251 non-commutative liftstd seems to be wrong seelisch bug major 3-0-4 fixed
#288 redSB leads to infinite loop in std hannes bug major 3-1-1 fixed
#278 seg fault: command 'minor' seelisch bug major 3-1-1 fixed
#284 short is not correctly set in Galoisfields hannes bug minor 3-1-1 fixed
#245 slimgb bug over the integers hannes bug major 3-1-1 fixed
#311 std of std not the same as std hannes bug minor 3-1-2 fixed

Status: new (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#264 facstd does not divide by content hannes bug minor 3-1-1
#218 int overflow in vdim hannes bug minor 3-1-1
#286 signal 11 with message "please inform the authors" hannes bug minor 3-1-1
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