Custom Query (24 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#272 modstd for modified cyclic5: still running after 140 hours new steidel@… proposed feature minor 3-1-2 and higher
#293 polynomial solving new steidel proposed feature major 3-1-3 and higher
#454 extend proc changevar and others for rings with minpoly new somebody proposed feature minor Release 4-0-0
#539 clean ring mapping code in Primdec::zeroRad new somebody proposed feature minor Release 4-0-0
#569 bug in normalC? new somebody bug major 4-1-0 and higher
#850 ffsolve need huge resources and return wrong result new somebody bug critical 4-2-0 and higher
#859 Bug in gitfan.lib : invertible minor not found properly in groupActionOnQImage new somebody bug minor 4-2-0 and higher
#877 primdec of trivial ideal new somebody bug minor 4-2-1 and higher
#365 morsesplit in classify.lib crashes new pfister bug minor 3-1-4 and higher
#370 Classify.lib doesn't give a normal form for singularity type X[1,3]. new pfister bug minor 3-1-4 and higher
#372 classify() from classify.lib gives a different result after simple transformation new pfister bug minor 3-1-4 and higher
#373 basicinvariants() from classify.lib gives worng determinacy new pfister bug minor 3-1-4 and higher
#474 insufficient develloped from hnexpansion new pfister bug minor 3-2-0 and higher
#305 missing documentation for gmspoly.lib::isTame(poly) new mschulze@… proposed feature minor 3-1-3 and higher
#522 sym_gauss() from linalg.lib crashes new mschulze bug minor 3-2-0 and higher
#256 two problems with solve.lib new keilen@… bug major 3-1-2 and higher
#78 functionality "surfer" under Windows OS new hmeyer@… proposed feature minor 3-1-1
#638 ffsolve.lib gives run time errors and wrong solutions new hannes bug major 4-1-0 and higher
#215 wrong result of PH_ais (phindex.lib) for some instances? new decker@… bug minor 3-1-1
#417 Sheaf cohomology commands based on local duality are not correct for 0th cohomology new decker bug major 3-1-5 and higher
#447 normalI in reesclos.lib and monomial orderings new decker bug minor 3-1-5 and higher
#491 Wrong constant factor in absFactorize new decker bug minor 3-2-0 and higher
#229 two segfaults when using resolve.lib (blowUp) new anne@… bug minor 3-1-2 and higher
#675 bug in reszeta new anne bug minor 4-1-0 and higher
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