Custom Query (23 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#201 problem 32 bit vs. 64 bit (when running toric.lib) new bug minor 3-1-1 dontKnow
#218 int overflow in vdim new bug minor 3-1-2 and higher singular-kernel
#242 Proposed Enhancement: Update Makefile of factory to allow building of both libcf.a and libsingcf.a new proposed feature minor 3-1-2 and higher factory
#264 facstd does not divide by content new bug minor 3-1-2 and higher singular-kernel
#274 lib2doc: TeX-commands need to be quoted in info-string for libraries new bug minor 3-1-2 and higher singular-lib-doc
#277 write verursacht ein Segment fault/Bus error new bug minor 3-1-2 and higher dontKnow
#286 signal 11 with message "please inform the authors" new bug minor 3-1-2 and higher singular-kernel
#289 degBound coupled with elim1 question new bug minor 3-1-2 and higher dontKnow
#363 hilb is buggy with free modules of rank > 1 new bug minor 3-1-4 and higher dontKnow
#364 Problem with free summands (related to #363) new bug minor 3-1-4 and higher dontKnow
#388 attributes get lost when playing with lists new bug minor 3-1-4 and higher dontKnow
#390 Singular interpreter shows different behaviour for procedures and kernel commands new bug minor 3-1-4 and higher dontKnow
#483 omalloc alignment wrong on 32-bit SPARC assigned bug minor 3-2-0 and higher omalloc
#511 list assignment from returned reference (forbidden/incorrect) new bug minor Release 4-0-0 dontKnow
#654 result of std() not unique for ls ordering + redSB new bug minor 4-1-0 and higher dontKnow
#789 surf vs surf-alggeo new bug minor 4-2-0 and higher dontKnow
#794 configure script is unable to locate NTL new bug minor 4-1-0 and higher dontKnow
#175 [Wishlist from Aachen] control of the L() ordering new proposed feature major 3-1-1 singular-kernel
#193 critreria for std/syz/liftstd new proposed feature major 3-1-1 singular-kernel
#322 no attribute of attributes... new proposed feature major 3-1-3 and higher singular-kernel
#638 ffsolve.lib gives run time errors and wrong solutions new bug major 4-1-0 and higher singular-libs
#803 Can have a module have two different Hilbert series ?? new bug major 4-2-0 and higher singular-kernel
#67 No weights will be given to module maps in homogeneous resolutions new bug critical 3-1-1 singular-kernel
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