Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#216 use buckets in sca_bba new Oleksandr proposed feature major 3-1-1
#242 Proposed Enhancement: Update Makefile of factory to allow building of both libcf.a and libsingcf.a new hannes proposed feature minor 3-1-2 and higher
#272 modstd for modified cyclic5: still running after 140 hours new steidel@… proposed feature minor 3-1-2 and higher
#215 wrong result of PH_ais (phindex.lib) for some instances? new decker@… bug minor 3-1-1
#218 int overflow in vdim new hannes bug minor 3-1-2 and higher
#229 two segfaults when using resolve.lib (blowUp) new anne@… bug minor 3-1-2 and higher
#256 two problems with solve.lib new keilen@… bug major 3-1-2 and higher
#264 facstd does not divide by content new hannes bug minor 3-1-2 and higher
#265 odd behaviour of normal(I) in 3-1-x in comparison to 3-0-4 new slaplagne@… bug minor 3-1-2 and higher
#274 lib2doc: TeX-commands need to be quoted in info-string for libraries new hannes bug minor 3-1-2 and higher
#277 write verursacht ein Segment fault/Bus error new hannes bug minor 3-1-2 and higher
#286 signal 11 with message "please inform the authors" new hannes bug minor 3-1-2 and higher
#289 degBound coupled with elim1 question new hannes bug minor 3-1-2 and higher
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