Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#497 Cannot install Singular rpm on Fedora 19 new mschulze bug minor 3-2-0 and higher
#491 Wrong constant factor in absFactorize new decker bug minor 3-2-0 and higher
#602 assign too long a list to a bigintmat new somebody bug minor 3-2-0 and higher
#454 extend proc changevar and others for rings with minpoly new somebody proposed feature minor Release 4-0-0
#474 insufficient develloped from hnexpansion new pfister bug minor 3-2-0 and higher
#522 sym_gauss() from linalg.lib crashes new mschulze bug minor 3-2-0 and higher
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.