Custom Query (24 matches)


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Status: new (23 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#850 ffsolve need huge resources and return wrong result somebody bug critical singular-libs 4-1-2
#803 Can have a module have two different Hilbert series ?? hannes bug major singular-kernel 4-0-3
#841 Matrix ordering being mistaken as non-global somebody bug major dontKnow 4-1-1
#864 Minimal associated primes for polynomial ideals can hang unexpectedly somebody bug major factory 4-1-2
#789 surf vs surf-alggeo hannes bug minor dontKnow 4-1-0
#793 resolve + intersectionDiv fails anne bug minor dontKnow 4-1-0
#799 minres() does not minimize first module decker bug minor singular-kernel 4-1-0
#800 bug in resolve pfister bug minor dontKnow 4-1-0
#804 bug in collectDiv anne bug minor dontKnow 4-1-0
#808 Highlighting in prot's output the degree of the currently leading terms somebody proposed feature minor singular-kernel 4-1-0
#824 pSubstPoly() causes crash when called from Singular.jl somebody bug minor dontKnow 4-1-0
#827 brillnoether.lib documentation doesn't mention restriction on ground field somebody bug minor dontKnow 4-1-0
#836 Confusing version numbers somebody bug minor dontKnow 4-1-1
#842 singular.idx installed to wrong location somebody bug minor dontKnow 4-1-1
#848 Error "int overflow in hilb 1" during elimination somebody bug minor dontKnow 4-1-2
#853 Python3 support for the python modules somebody bug minor dontKnow 4-1-2
#855 Error in mindist, inside decodegb.lib somebody bug minor dontKnow 4-1-2
#856 normal and other functions print annoying messages somebody bug minor dontKnow 4-1-2
#859 Bug in gitfan.lib : invertible minor not found properly in groupActionOnQImage somebody bug minor singular-libs 4-1-2
#863 In groebner, don't use hilb if there are too many variables somebody bug minor dontKnow 4-1-1
#869 llll somebody proposed feature minor dontKnow 4-1-2
#870 Bogus RPATH and pc file for libfactory somebody bug minor dontKnow 4-1-2
#832 Potential leak in 'radical' somebody bug dontKnow dontKnow 4-1-0

Status: reopened (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#851 semaphores on MacOs cannot be initialized with 0 somebody bug minor dontKnow 4-1-2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.