Custom Query (115 matches)


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Results (101 - 115 of 115)

1 2
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#374 Rational Univariate Representation steenpas proposed feature minor 3-1-4 and higher dontKnow
#394 improving farey burcin proposed feature minor 3-1-4 and higher singular-kernel
#421 Reduce over the integers pfister proposed feature minor 3-1-5 and higher singular-kernel
#423 syntax for matrices over coefficient domains somebody proposed feature major 3-1-5 and higher dontKnow
#436 Inconsitent Euclidean operations in Z Oleksandr proposed feature major 3-1-5 and higher singular-kernel
#454 extend proc changevar and others for rings with minpoly somebody proposed feature minor Release 4-0-0 singular-libs
#539 clean ring mapping code in Primdec::zeroRad somebody proposed feature minor Release 4-0-0 singular-libs
#575 towards replacing primdecint::stdZ() by std() somebody proposed feature minor 4-1-0 and higher dontKnow
#625 allow 'vector(matrix)' somebody proposed feature trivial 4-1-0 and higher dontKnow
#729 Interrupt option "a" does not always return to prompt somebody proposed feature minor 4-1-0 and higher dontKnow
#808 Highlighting in prot's output the degree of the currently leading terms somebody proposed feature minor 4-2-0 and higher singular-kernel
#869 llll somebody proposed feature minor 4-2-0 and higher dontKnow
#60 old bugs in modgen dreyer task minor 3-1-1 dontKnow
#129 to do's for Singular manual (after release 3-1-0) decker task critical 3-1-1 doc
#180 documentation in/of SINGULAR dreyer task major 3-1-1 dontKnow
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