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7.6.4 Example of use of LETTERPLACE

The input monomials must be given in a letterplace notation (though we recommend to get used to the letterplace notation, the procedure freeGBasis from the freegb_lib provides an alternative).

We recommend first to define a commutative ring $K[X]$ in SINGULAR and equip it with a degree well-ordering. Then, decide what should be the degree bound d and run the procedure makeLetterplaceRing(d) from the library freegb_lib. This procedure creates a letterplace algebra with an ordering, induced from the given commutative ring $K[X]$. In this algebra, define an ideal I as a list of polynomials in the letterplace encoding and run the procedure letplaceGBasis. The output is given in the letterplace encoding as well.

Alternatively, one can run the procedure system("freegb",I,d,n), where $n$ is the number of variables of the original commutative ring which does the same computations as letplaceGBasis.

It is possible to convert the letterplace presentation of an ideal to a list of strings with the help of procedures lp2lstr and lst2str from the library freegb_lib. This is shown in the second part of the example below.

Yet another anternative is to use the procedure freeGBasis from freegb_lib in order to use a different encoding for polynomials in free algebra. No conversion tools are needed in that case.

We illustrate the approach with the following example:

LIB "freegb.lib";
ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp;
int d =4; // degree bound
def R = makeLetterplaceRing(d);
setring R;
ideal I = x(1)*y(2) + y(1)*z(2), x(1)*x(2) + x(1)*y(2) - y(1)*x(2) - y(1)*y(2);
option(redSB); option(redTail);
ideal J = letplaceGBasis(I);
==> J[1]=x(1)*y(2)+y(1)*z(2)
==> J[2]=x(1)*x(2)-y(1)*x(2)-y(1)*y(2)-y(1)*z(2)
==> J[3]=y(1)*y(2)*y(3)-y(1)*y(2)*z(3)+y(1)*z(2)*y(3)-y(1)*z(2)*z(3)
==> J[4]=y(1)*y(2)*x(3)+y(1)*y(2)*z(3)+y(1)*z(2)*x(3)+y(1)*z(2)*z(3)
==> J[5]=y(1)*z(2)*y(3)*y(4)-y(1)*z(2)*y(3)*z(4)+y(1)*z(2)*z(3)*y(4)-y(1)*z(2\
==> J[6]=y(1)*z(2)*y(3)*x(4)+y(1)*z(2)*y(3)*z(4)+y(1)*z(2)*z(3)*x(4)+y(1)*z(2\
==> J[7]=y(1)*y(2)*z(3)*y(4)-y(1)*y(2)*z(3)*z(4)+y(1)*z(2)*z(3)*y(4)-y(1)*z(2\
==> J[8]=y(1)*y(2)*z(3)*x(4)+y(1)*y(2)*z(3)*z(4)+y(1)*z(2)*z(3)*x(4)+y(1)*z(2\
// ----------------------------------
lp2lstr(J,r); // export an object called @code{@LN} to the ring r
setring r;  // change to the ring r
lst2str(@LN,1); // output the string presentation
==> [1]:
==>    x*y+y*z
==> [2]:
==>    x*x-y*x-y*y-y*z
==> [3]:
==>    y*y*y-y*y*z+y*z*y-y*z*z
==> [4]:
==>    y*y*x+y*y*z+y*z*x+y*z*z
==> [5]:
==>    y*z*y*y-y*z*y*z+y*z*z*y-y*z*z*z
==> [6]:
==>    y*z*y*x+y*z*y*z+y*z*z*x+y*z*z*z
==> [7]:
==>    y*y*z*y-y*y*z*z+y*z*z*y-y*z*z*z
==> [8]:
==>    y*y*z*x+y*y*z*z+y*z*z*x+y*z*z*z

There are various conversion routines in the library freegb_lib (see freegb_lib). We work further on implementing more algorithms for non-commutative ideals and modules over free associative algebra.

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