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D.2.11.8 fetchall

Procedure from library ring.lib (see ring_lib).

fetchall(R[,s]); R=ring/qring, s=string

fetch all objects of ring R (of type poly/ideal/vector/module/number/matrix) into the basering.
If no 2nd argument is present, the names are the same as in R. If, say, f is a polynomial in R and the 2nd argument is the string "R", then f is mapped to f_R etc.

no return value

As fetch, this procedure maps the 1st, 2nd, ... variable of R to the 1st, 2nd, ... variable of the basering.
The 2nd argument is useful in order to avoid conflicts of names, the empty string is allowed

fetchall does not work for locally defined names.
It does not work if R contains a map.

LIB "ring.lib";
// The example is not shown since fetchall does not work in a procedure;
// (and hence not in the example procedure). Try the following commands:
//   ring R=0,(x,y,z),dp;
//   ideal j=x,y2,z2;
//   matrix M[2][3]=1,2,3,x,y,z;
//   j; print(M);
//   ring S=0,(a,b,c),ds;
//   fetchall(R);       //map from R to S: x->a, y->b, z->c;
//   names(S);
//   j; print(M);
//   fetchall(S,"1");   //identity map of S: copy objects, change names
//   names(S);
//   kill R,S;
See also: imapall.