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5.1.80 listvar

listvar ( [package] )
listvar ( [package,] type )
listvar ( [package,] ring_name )
listvar ( [package,] name )
listvar ( [package,] all )
lists all (user-)defined names:
  • listvar(): all currently visible names except procedures in the current namespace,
  • listvar(type): all currently visible names of the given type,
  • listvar(ring_name): all names which belong to the given ring,
  • listvar(name): the object with the given name,
  • listvar(all): all names except procedures in the current and Top namespace.
The current basering is marked with a *. The nesting level of variables in procedures is shown in square brackets.

package can be Current, Top or any other identifier of type package.

  proc t1 { }
  proc t2 { }
  ring s;
  poly ss;
  ring r;
  poly f=x+y+z;
  int i=7;
  ideal I=f,x,y;
==> // i                              [0]  int 7
==> // r                              [0]  *ring
==> //      I                              [0]  ideal, 3 generator(s)
==> //      f                              [0]  poly
==> // s                              [0]  ring
==> // r                              [0]  *ring
==> // I                              [0]  ideal, 3 generator(s)
==> // f                              [0]  poly
==> // t1                             [0]  proc
==> // t2                             [0]  proc
==> // t1                             [0]  proc
==> // mathicgb_prOrder               [0]  proc from singmathic.so (C)
==> // mathicgb                       [0]  proc from singmathic.so (C)
==> // min                            [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // max                            [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // datetime                       [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // weightKB                       [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // fprintf                        [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // printf                         [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // sprintf                        [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // quotient4                      [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // quotient5                      [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // quotient3                      [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // quotient2                      [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // quotient1                      [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // quot                           [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // res                            [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // groebner                       [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // qslimgb                        [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // hilbRing                       [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // par2varRing                    [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // quotientList                   [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // stdhilb                        [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // stdfglm                        [0]  proc from standard.lib
==> // flintZn                        [0]  proc from kernel (C)
==> // flintQ                         [0]  proc from kernel (C)
==> // Float                          [0]  proc from kernel (C)
==> // crossprod                      [0]  proc from kernel (C)
  LIB "poly.lib";
==> // Poly                           [0]  package Poly (S,poly.lib)
==> // ::newtonDiag                   [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::subrInterred                 [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::id2mod                       [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::mod2id                       [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::content                      [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::lcm                          [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::rad_con                      [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::normalize                    [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::mindeg1                      [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::mindeg                       [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::maxdeg1                      [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::maxdeg                       [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::maxcoef                      [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::is_zero                      [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::freerank                     [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::kat_var                      [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::katsura                      [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::elemSymmId                   [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::elemSymmPoly                 [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::cyclic                       [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::substitute                   [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::hilbPoly                     [0]  proc from poly.lib
==> // ::bino                         [0]  proc from poly.lib (static)
See Names; Names in procedures; defined; names; package; type.