//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version fpadim.lib Feb_2019 "; // $Id$ category="Noncommutative"; info=" LIBRARY: fpadim.lib Vector space dimension, basis and Hilbert series for finitely presented algebras (Letterplace) AUTHORS: Grischa Studzinski, grischa.studzinski at rwth-aachen.de @* Viktor Levandovskyy, viktor.levandovskyy at math.rwth-aachen.de @* Karim Abou Zeid, karim.abou.zeid at rwth-aachen.de Support: Joint projects LE 2697/2-1 and KR 1907/3-1 of the Priority Programme SPP 1489: 'Algorithmische und Experimentelle Methoden in Algebra, Geometrie und Zahlentheorie' of the German DFG (2010-2013) and Project II.6 of the transregional collaborative research centre SFB-TRR 195 'Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application' of the German DFG (from 2017 on) KEYWORDS: finitely presented algebra; Letterplace Groebner basis; K-basis; K-dimension; Hilbert series NOTE: - basering is a Letterplace ring - all intvecs correspond to Letterplace monomials - if a degree bound d is specified, d <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds In the procedures below, 'iv' stands for intvec representation and 'lp' for the letterplace representation of monomials OVERVIEW: Given the free associative algebra A = K and a (finite or truncated) Groebner basis GB, one is interested in the following data: - the K-dimension of A/ (check for finiteness or explicit value) - the Hilbert series of A/ - the explicit monomial K-basis of A/ In order to determine these, we need - the Ufnarovskij graph induced by GB - the mistletoes of A/ (which are special monomials in a basis) The Ufnarovskij graph is used to determine whether A/ has finite K-dimension. One has to check if the graph contains cycles. For the whole theory we refer to [Ufn]. Given a reduced set of monomials GB one can define the basis tree, whose vertex set V consists of all normal monomials w.r.t. GB. For every two monomials m_1, m_2 in V there is a direct edge from m_1 to m_2, if and only if there exists x_k in {x_1,..,x_n}, such that m_1*x_k = m_2. The set M = {m in V | there is no edge from m to another monomial in V} is called the set of mistletoes. As one can easily see it consists of the endpoints of the graph. Since there is a unique path to every monomial in V, the whole graph can be described only from the knowledge of the mistletoes. Note that V corresponds to a basis of A/, so knowing the mistletoes we know a K-basis. The name mistletoes was given to those points because of these miraculous value and the algorithm is named sickle, because a sickle is the tool to harvest mistletoes. For more details see [Stu]. This package uses the Letterplace format introduced by [LL09]. The algebra can either be represented as a Letterplace ring or via integer vectors: Every variable will only be represented by its number, so variable one is represented as 1, variable two as 2 and so on. The monomial x_1*x_3*x_2 for example will be stored as (1,3,2). Multiplication is concatenation. Note that the approach in this library does not need an algorithm for computing the normal form. Note that fpa is an acronym for Finitely Presented Algebra. REFERENCES: [Ufn] V. Ufnarovskij: Combinatorial and asymptotic methods in algebra, 1990. [LL09] R. La Scala, V. Levandovskyy: Letterplace ideals and non-commutative Groebner bases, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2009. [Stu] G. Studzinski: Dimension computations in non-commutative, associative algebras, Diploma thesis, RWTH Aachen, 2010. PROCEDURES: teach_lpKDimCheck(G); deprecated, kept for teaching purposes. checks whether the K-dimension of A/ is finite. use dim(G) == 0 instead. lpKDim(G); alias for vdim(G) teach_lpKDim(G[,d,n]); deprecated, kept for teaching purposes. computes the K-dimension of A/. use vdim(G) instead. lpMonomialBasis(d, donly, J); computes a list of monomials not contained in J lpHilbert(G[,d,n]); computes the truncated Hilbert series of A/ teach_lpSickleDim(G[,d,n]); deprecated, kept for teaching purposes. computes the mistletoes and the K-dimension of A/. use vdim(G) instead. SEE ALSO: freegb_lib, fpaprops_lib, ncHilb_lib "; LIB "freegb.lib"; //for letterplace rings LIB "general.lib";//for sorting mistletoes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* very fast and cheap test of consistency and functionality DO NOT make it static ! after adding the new proc, add it here */ proc tstfpadim() { example ivDHilbert; example ivDHilbertSickle; example ivKDimCheck; example ivHilbert; example ivKDim; example ivMis2Base; example ivMis2Dim; example ivOrdMisLex; example ivSickle; example ivSickleHil; example ivSickleDim; example lpDHilbert; example lpDHilbertSickle; example lpHilbert; example teach_lpKDimCheck; example teach_lpKDim; example lpMis2Base; example lpMis2Dim; example lpOrdMisLex; example lpSickle; example lpSickleHil; example teach_lpSickleDim; example sickle; example lpMonomialBasis; } //--------------- auxiliary procedures ------------------ static proc allVars(list L, intvec P, int n) "USAGE: allVars(L,P,n); L a list of intmats, P an intvec, n an integer RETURN: int, 0 if all variables are contained in the quotient algebra, 1 otherwise " {int i,j,r; intvec V; for (i = 1; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] == 1){ j = i; break;}} V = L[j][1..nrows(L[j]),1]; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {if (isInVec(i,V) == 0) {r = 1; break;}} if (r == 0) {return(1);} else {return(0);} } static proc checkAssumptions(int d, list L) "PURPOSE: Checks, if all the Assumptions are holding " {if (!isFreeAlgebra(basering)) {ERROR("Basering is not a Letterplace ring!");} if (d > lpDegBound(basering)) {ERROR("Specified degree bound exceeds ring parameter!");} int i; for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) {if (entryViolation(L[i], lpVarBlockSize(basering))) {ERROR("Not allowed monomial/intvec found!");} } return(); } static proc createStartMat(int d, int n) "USAGE: createStartMat(d,n); d, n integers RETURN: intmat PURPOSE:Creating the intmat with all normal monomials in n variables and of degree d to start with NOTE: d has to be > 0 " {intmat M[(n^d)][d]; int i1,i2,i3,i4; for (i1 = 1; i1 <= d; i1++) //Spalten {i2 = 1; //durchlaeuft Zeilen while (i2 <= (n^d)) {for (i3 = 1; i3 <= n; i3++) {for (i4 = 1; i4 <= (n^(i1-1)); i4++) {M[i2,i1] = i3; i2 = i2 + 1; } } } } return(M); } static proc createStartMat1(int n, intmat M) "USAGE: createStartMat1(n,M); n an integer, M an intmat RETURN: intmat, with all variables except those in M " {int i; intvec V,Vt; V = M[(1..nrows(M)),1]; for (i = 1; i <= size(V); i++) {if (isInVec(i,V) == 0) {Vt = Vt,i;}} if (Vt == 0) {intmat S; return(S);} else {Vt = Vt[2..size(Vt)]; intmat S [size(Vt)][1]; S[1..size(Vt),1] = Vt; return(S);} } static proc entryViolation(intmat M, int n) "PURPOSE:checks, if all entries in M are variable-related " {int i,j; for (i = 1; i <= nrows(M); i++) {for (j = 1; j <= ncols(M); j++) {if(!((1<=M[i,j])&&(M[i,j]<=n))) {return(1);}} } return(0); } static proc findDimen(intvec V, int n, list L, intvec P, list #) "USAGE: findDimen(V,n,L,P,degbound); V,P intvecs, n, an integer, L a list, @* degbound an optional integer RETURN: int PURPOSE:Compute the K-dimension of the quotient algebra " {int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0) {if (#[1] > 0) {degbound = #[1];}} int dimen,i,j,w,it; intvec Vt,Vt2; module M; if (degbound == 0) {for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V, i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j<= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {vector Vtt; for (it = 1; it <= size(Vt); it++){Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = M,Vtt; kill Vtt; } } if (size(M) == 0) {return(0);} else {M = simplify(M,2); for (i = 1; i <= size(M); i++) {kill Vt; intvec Vt; for (j =1; j <= size(M[i]); j++){Vt[j] = int(leadcoef(M[i][j]));} dimen = dimen + 1 + findDimen(Vt,n,L,P); } return(dimen); } } else {if (size(V) > degbound) {ERROR("monomial exceeds degreebound");} if (size(V) == degbound) {return(0);} for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V, i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j<= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {vector Vtt; for (it = 1; it <= size(Vt); it++){Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = M,Vtt; kill Vtt; } } if (size(M) == 0) {return(0);} else {M = simplify(M,2); for (i = 1; i <= size(M); i++) {kill Vt; intvec Vt; for (j =1; j <= size(M[i]); j++){Vt[j] = int(leadcoef(M[i][j]));} dimen = dimen + 1 + findDimen(Vt,n,L,P,degbound); } return(dimen); } } } static proc findCycle(intvec V, list L, intvec P, int n, int ld, module M) "USAGE: RETURN: int, 1 if Ufn-graph contains a cycle, or 0 otherwise PURPOSE:Searching the Ufnarovskij graph for cycles " {int i,j,w,r;intvec Vt,Vt2; int it, it2; if (size(V) < ld) {for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V,i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j <= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {r = findCycle(Vt,L,P,n,ld,M);} if (r == 1) {break;} } return(r); } else {j = size(M); if (j > 0) { intmat Mt[j][nrows(M)]; for (it = 1; it <= j; it++) { for(it2 = 1; it2 <= nrows(M);it2++) {Mt[it,it2] = int(leadcoef(M[it2,it]));} } Vt = V[(size(V)-ld+1)..size(V)]; //Mt; type(Mt);Vt;type(Vt); if (isInMat(Vt,Mt) > 0) {return(1);} else {vector Vtt; for (it =1; it <= size(Vt); it++) {Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = M,Vtt; kill Vtt; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V,i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j <= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; //L[j]; type(L[j]);Vt2;type(Vt2); if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {r = findCycle(Vt,L,P,n,ld,M);} if (r == 1) {break;} } return(r); } } else { Vt = V[(size(V)-ld+1)..size(V)]; vector Vtt; for (it = 1; it <= size(Vt); it++) {Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = Vtt; kill Vtt; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V,i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j <= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; //L[j]; type(L[j]);Vt2;type(Vt2); if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {r = findCycle(Vt,L,P,n,ld,M);} if (r == 1) {break;} } return(r); } } } static proc findCycleDFS(int i, intmat T, intvec V) " PURPOSE: this is a classical deep-first search for cycles contained in a graph given by an intmat " { intvec rV; int k,k1,t; int j = V[size(V)]; if (T[j,i] > 0) {return(V);} else { for (k = 1; k <= ncols(T); k++) { t = 0; if (T[j,k] > 0) { for (k1 = 1; k1 <= size(V); k1++) {if (V[k1] == k) {t = 1; break;}} if (t == 0) { rV = V; rV[size(rV)+1] = k; rV = findCycleDFS(i,T,rV); if (rV[1] > -1) {return(rV);} } } } } return(intvec(-1)); } static proc findHCoeff(intvec V,int n,list L,intvec P,intvec H,list #) "USAGE: findHCoeff(V,n,L,P,H,degbound); L a list of intmats, degbound an integer RETURN: intvec PURPOSE:Compute the coefficient of the Hilbert series (upto degree degbound) NOTE: Starting with a part of the Hilbert series we change the coefficient @* depending on how many basis elements we found on the actual branch " {int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0){if (#[1] > 0){degbound = #[1];}} int i,w,j,it; int h1 = 0; intvec Vt,Vt2,H1; module M; if (degbound == 0) {for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V, i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j<= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {vector Vtt; for (it = 1; it <= size(Vt); it++){Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = M,Vtt; kill Vtt; } } if (size(M) == 0) {return(H);} else {M = simplify(M,2); for (i = 1; i <= size(M); i++) {kill Vt; intvec Vt; for (j =1; j <= size(M[i]); j++) {Vt[j] = int(leadcoef(M[i][j]));} h1 = h1 + 1; H1 = findHCoeff(Vt,n,L,P,H1); } if (size(H1) < (size(V)+2)) {H1[(size(V)+2)] = h1;} else {H1[(size(V)+2)] = H1[(size(V)+2)] + h1;} H1 = H1 + H; return(H1); } } else {if (size(V) > degbound) {ERROR("monomial exceeds degreebound");} if (size(V) == degbound) {return(H);} for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V, i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j<= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {vector Vtt; for (it = 1; it <= size(Vt); it++){Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = M,Vtt; kill Vtt; } } if (size(M) == 0) {return(H);} else {M = simplify(M,2); for (i = 1; i <= size(M); i++) {kill Vt; intvec Vt; for (j =1; j <= size(M[i]); j++) {Vt[j] = int(leadcoef(M[i][j]));} h1 = h1 + 1; H1 = findHCoeff(Vt,n,L,P,H1,degbound); } if (size(H1) < (size(V)+2)) { H1[(size(V)+2)] = h1;} else {H1[(size(V)+2)] = H1[(size(V)+2)] + h1;} H1 = H1 + H; return(H1); } } } static proc findHCoeffMis(intvec V, int n, list L, intvec P, list R,list #) "USAGE: findHCoeffMis(V,n,L,P,R,degbound); degbound an optional integer, L a @* list of Intmats, R RETURN: list PURPOSE:Compute the coefficients of the Hilbert series and the Mistletoes all @* at once " {int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0) {if (#[1] > 0) {degbound = #[1];}} int i,w,j,h1; intvec Vt,Vt2,H1; int it; module M; if (degbound == 0) {for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V, i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j<= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {vector Vtt; for (it = 1; it <= size(Vt); it++){Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = M,Vtt; kill Vtt; } } if (size(M) == 0) {if (size(R) < 2){R[2] = list(V);} else {R[2] = R[2] + list(V);} return(R);} else {M = simplify(M,2); for (i = 1; i <= size(M); i++) {kill Vt; intvec Vt; for (j =1; j <= size(M[i]); j++) {Vt[j] = int(leadcoef(M[i][j]));} if (size(R[1]) < (size(V)+2)) { R[1][(size(V)+2)] = 1;} else {R[1][(size(V)+2)] = R[1][(size(V)+2)] + 1;} R = findHCoeffMis(Vt,n,L,P,R); } return(R); } } else {if (size(V) > degbound) {ERROR("monomial exceeds degreebound");} if (size(V) == degbound) {if (size(R) < 2){R[2] = list (V);} else{R[2] = R[2] + list (V);} return(R); } for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V, i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j<= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {vector Vtt; for (it = 1; it <= size(Vt); it++){Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = M,Vtt; kill Vtt; } } if (size(M) == 0) {if (size(R) < 2){R[2] = list(V);} else {R[2] = R[2] + list(V);} return(R);} else {M = simplify(M,2); for (i = 1; i <= ncols(M); i++) {kill Vt; intvec Vt; for (j =1; j <= size(M[i]); j++) {Vt[j] = int(leadcoef(M[i][j]));} if (size(R[1]) < (size(V)+2)) { R[1][(size(V)+2)] = 1;} else {R[1][(size(V)+2)] = R[1][(size(V)+2)] + 1;} R = findHCoeffMis(Vt,n,L,P,R,degbound); } return(R); } } } static proc findMisDim(intvec V,int n,list L,intvec P,list R,list #) "USAGE: RETURN: list PURPOSE:Compute the K-dimension and the Mistletoes all at once " {int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0) {if (#[1] > 0) {degbound = #[1];}} int dimen,i,j,w; intvec Vt,Vt2; int it; module M; if (degbound == 0) {for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V, i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j<= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {vector Vtt; for (it = 1; it <= size(Vt); it++){Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = M,Vtt; kill Vtt; } } if (size(M) == 0) {if (size(R) < 2){R[2] = list (V);} else{R[2] = R[2] + list(V);} return(R); } else {M = simplify(M,2); for (i = 1; i <= size(M); i++) {kill Vt; intvec Vt; for (j =1; j <= size(M[i]); j++){Vt[j] = int(leadcoef(M[i][j]));} R[1] = R[1] + 1; R = findMisDim(Vt,n,L,P,R); } return(R); } } else {if (size(V) > degbound) {ERROR("monomial exceeds degreebound");} if (size(V) == degbound) {if (size(R) < 2){R[2] = list (V);} else{R[2] = R[2] + list (V);} return(R); } for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V, i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j<= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {vector Vtt; for (it = 1; it <= size(Vt); it++){Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = M,Vtt; kill Vtt; } } if (size(M) == 0) {if (size(R) < 2){R[2] = list (V);} else{R[2] = R[2] + list(V);} return(R); } else {M = simplify(M,2); for (i = 1; i <= size(M); i++) {kill Vt; intvec Vt; for (j =1; j <= size(M[i]); j++){Vt[j] = int(leadcoef(M[i][j]));} R[1] = R[1] + 1; R = findMisDim(Vt,n,L,P,R,degbound); } return(R); } } } static proc findmistletoes(intvec V, int n, list L, intvec P, list #) "USAGE: findmistletoes(V,n,L,P,degbound); V a normal word, n the number of @* variables, L the GB, P the occurring degrees, @* and degbound the (optional) degreebound RETURN: list PURPOSE:Compute mistletoes starting in V NOTE: V has to be normal w.r.t. L, it will not be checked for being so " {int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0) {if (#[1] > 0) {degbound = #[1];}} list R; intvec Vt,Vt2; int it; int i,j; module M; if (degbound == 0) {int w; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V,i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j <= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0) {w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {vector Vtt; for (it = 1; it <= size(Vt); it++){Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = M,Vtt; kill Vtt; } } if (size(M)==0) {R = V; return(R);} else {M = simplify(M,2); for (i = 1; i <= size(M); i++) {kill Vt; intvec Vt; for (j =1; j <= size(M[i]); j++){Vt[j] = int(leadcoef(M[i][j]));} R = R + findmistletoes(Vt,n,L,P); } return(R); } } else {if (size(V) > degbound) {ERROR("monomial exceeds degreebound");} if (size(V) == degbound) {R = V; return(R);} int w; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {Vt = V,i; w = 0; for (j = 1; j <= size(P); j++) {if (P[j] <= size(Vt)) {Vt2 = Vt[(size(Vt)-P[j]+1)..size(Vt)]; if (isInMat(Vt2,L[j]) > 0){w = 1; break;} } } if (w == 0) {vector Vtt; for (it = 1; it <= size(Vt); it++){Vtt = Vtt + Vt[it]*gen(it);} M = M,Vtt; kill Vtt; } } if (size(M) == 0) {R = V; return(R);} else {M = simplify(M,2); for (i = 1; i <= ncols(M); i++) {kill Vt; intvec Vt; for (j =1; j <= size(M[i]); j++) {Vt[j] = int(leadcoef(M[i][j]));} //Vt; typeof(Vt); size(Vt); R = R + findmistletoes(Vt,n,L,P,degbound); } return(R); } } } static proc growthAlg(intmat T, list #) " real algorithm for checking the growth of an algebra " { int s = 1; if (size(#) > 0) { s = #[1];} int j; int n = ncols(T); intvec NV,C; NV[n] = 0; int m,i; intmat T2[n][n] = T[1..n,1..n]; intmat N[n][n]; if (T2 == N) { for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (m < T[n+1,i]) { m = T[n+1,i];} } return(m); } //first part: the diagonals for (i = s; i <= n; i++) { if (T[i,i] > 0) { if ((T[i,i] >= 1) && (T[n+1,i] > 0)) {return(-1);} if ((T[i,i] == 1) && (T[n+1,i] == 0)) { T[i,i] = 0; T[n+1,i] = 1; return(growthAlg(T)); } } } //second part: searching for the last but one vertices T2 = T2*T2; for (i = s; i <= n; i++) { if ((intvec(T[i,1..n]) <> intvec(0)) && (intvec(T2[i,1..n]) == intvec(0))) { for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) { if ((T[i,j] > 0) && (m < T[n+1,j])) {m = T[n+1,j];} } T[n+1,i] = T[n+1,i] + m; T[i,1..n] = NV; return(growthAlg(T)); } } m = 0; //third part: searching for circles for (i = s; i <= n; i++) { T2 = T[1..n,1..n]; C = findCycleDFS(i,T2, intvec(i)); if (C[1] > 0) { for (j = 2; j <= size(C); j++) { T[i,1..n] = T[i,1..n] + T[C[j],1..n]; T[C[j],1..n] = NV; } for (j = 2; j <= size(C); j++) { T[1..n,i] = T[1..n,i] + T[1..n,C[j]]; T[1..n,C[j]] = NV; } T[i,i] = T[i,i] - size(C) + 1; m = 0; for (j = 1; j <= size(C); j++) { m = m + T[n+1,C[j]]; } for (j = 1; j <= size(C); j++) { T[n+1,C[j]] = m; } return(growthAlg(T,i)); } else {ERROR("No Cycle found, something seems wrong! Please contact the authors.");} } m = 0; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (m < T[n+1,i]) { m = T[n+1,i]; } } return(m); } static proc GlDimSuffix(intvec v, intvec g) { //Computes the shortest r such that g is a suffix for vr //only valid for lex orderings? intvec r,gt,vt,lt,g2; int lg,lv,l,i,c,f; lg = size(g); lv = size(v); if (lg <= lv) { l = lv-lg; } else { l = 0; g2 = g[(lv+1)..lg]; g = g[1..lv]; lg = size(g); c = 1; } while (l < lv) { vt = v[(l+1)..lv]; gt = g[1..(lv-l)]; lt = size(gt); for (i = 1; i <= lt; i++) { if (vt[i]<>gt[i]) {l++; break;} } if (lt <=i ) { f = 1; break;} } if (f == 0) {return(g);} r = g[(lv-l+1)..lg]; if (c == 1) {r = r,g2;} return(r); } static proc isNormal(intvec V, list G) { int i,j,k,l; k = 0; for (i = 1; i <= size(G); i++) { if ( size(G[i]) <= size(V) ) { while ( size(G[i])+k <= size(V) ) { if ( G[i] == V[(1+k)..size(V)] ) {return(1);} } } } return(0); } static proc findDChain(list L) { list Li; int i,j; for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) {Li[i] = size(L[i]);} Li = sort(Li); Li = Li[1]; return(Li[size(Li)]); } static proc isInList(intvec V, list L) "USAGE: isInList(V,L); V an intvec, L a list of intvecs RETURN: int PURPOSE:Finding the position of V in L, returns 0, if V is not in M " {int i,n; n = 0; for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) {if (L[i] == V) {n = i; break;}} return(n); } static proc isInMat(intvec V, intmat M) "USAGE: isInMat(V,M);V an intvec, M an intmat RETURN: int PURPOSE:Finding the position of V in M, returns 0, if V is not in M " {if (size(V) <> ncols(M)) {return(0);} int i; intvec Vt; for (i = 1; i <= nrows(M); i++) {Vt = M[i,1..ncols(M)]; if ((V-Vt) == 0){return(i);} } return(0); } static proc isInVec(int v,intvec V) "USAGE: isInVec(v,V); v an integer,V an intvec RETURN: int PURPOSE:Finding the position of v in V, returns 0, if v is not in V " {int i,n; n = 0; for (i = 1; i <= size(V); i++) {if (V[i] == v) {n = i; break;}} return(n); } static proc isPF(intvec P, intvec I) " PURPOSE: checks, if a word P is a praefix of another word I " { int n = size(P); if (n <= 0 || P == 0) {return(1);} if (size(I) < n) {return(0);} intvec IP = I[1..n]; if (IP == P) {return(1);} else {return(0);} } // -----------------main procedures---------------------- static proc lpGraphOfNormalWords(ideal G) "USAGE: lpGraphOfNormalWords(G); G a set of monomials in a letterplace ring RETURN: intmat PURPOSE: Constructs the graph of normal words induced by G @*: the adjacency matrix of the graph of normal words induced by G ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring - G are the leading monomials of a Groebner basis " { // construct the Graph of normal words [Studzinski page 78] // construct set of vertices int v = lpVarBlockSize(basering); int d = lpDegBound(basering); ideal V; poly p,q,w; ideal LG = lead(G); int i,j,k,b; intvec E,Et; for (i = 1; i <= v; i++){V = V, var(i);} for (i = 1; i <= size(LG); i++) { E = leadexp(LG[i]); if (E == intvec(0)) {V = V,monomial(intvec(0));} else { for (j = 1; j < d; j++) { Et = E[(j*v+1)..(d*v)]; if (Et == intvec(0)) {break;} else {V = V, monomial(Et);} } } } V = simplify(V,2+4); printf("V = %p", V); // construct incidence matrix list LV = lpId2ivLi(V); intvec Ip,Iw; int n = size(V); intmat T[n+1][n]; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { // printf("for1 (i=%p, n=%p)", i, n); p = V[i]; Ip = lp2iv(p); for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) { // printf("for2 (j=%p, n=%p)", j, n); k = 1; b = 1; q = V[j]; w = lpNF(p*q,LG); if (w <> 0) { Iw = lp2iv(w); while (k <= n) { // printf("while (k=%p, n=%p)", k, n); if (isPF(LV[k],Iw) > 0) {if (isPF(LV[k],Ip) == 0) {b = 0; k = n+1;} else {k++;} } else {k++;} } T[i,j] = b; // print("Incidence Matrix:"); // print(T); } } } return(T); } // This proc is deprecated, see lpGkDim() in fpaprops.lib /* proc lpGkDim(ideal G) */ /* "USAGE: lpGkDim(G); G an ideal in a letterplace ring */ /* RETURN: int */ /* PURPOSE: Determines the Gelfand Kirillov dimension of A/ */ /* @*: -1 means it is infinite */ /* ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring */ /* - G is a Groebner basis */ /* NOTE: see fpaprops.lib for a faster and more up to date version of this method */ /* " */ /* { */ /* return(growthAlg(lpGraphOfNormalWords(G))); */ /* } */ static proc ivDHilbert(list L, int n, list #) "USAGE: ivDHilbert(L,n[,degbound]); L a list of intmats, n an integer, @* degbound an optional integer RETURN: list PURPOSE:Compute the K-dimension and the Hilbert series ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring @* - all rows of each intmat correspond to a Letterplace monomial @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds NOTE: - If L is the list returned, then L[1] is an integer corresponding to the @* dimension, L[2] is an intvec which contains the coefficients of the @* Hilbert series @* - If degbound is set, there will be a degree bound added. By default there @* is no degree bound @* - n is the number of variables @* - If I = L[2] is the intvec returned, then I[k] is the (k-1)-th coefficient of @* the Hilbert series. @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example ivDHilbert; shows examples " {int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] > 0){degbound = #[1];}}} checkAssumptions(degbound,L); intvec H; int i,dimen; H = ivHilbert(L,n,degbound); for (i = 1; i <= size(H); i++){dimen = dimen + H[i];} L = dimen,H; return(L); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring R; setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring //some intmats, which contain monomials in intvec representation as rows intmat I1 [2][2] = 1,1,2,2; intmat I2 [1][3] = 1,2,1; intmat J1 [1][2] = 1,1; intmat J2 [2][3] = 2,1,2,1,2,1; print(I1); print(I2); print(J1); print(J2); list G = I1,I2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis list I = J1,J2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis //the procedure without a degree bound ivDHilbert(G,2); // the procedure with degree bound 5 ivDHilbert(I,2,5); } static proc ivDHilbertSickle(list L, int n, list #) "USAGE: ivDHilbertSickle(L,n[,degbound]); L a list of intmats, n an integer, @* degbound an optional integer RETURN: list PURPOSE:Compute the K-dimension, Hilbert series and mistletoes ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - All rows of each intmat correspond to a Letterplace monomial. @* - If you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If L is the list returned, then L[1] is an integer, L[2] is an intvec @* which contains the coefficients of the Hilbert series and L[3] @* is a list, containing the mistletoes as intvecs. @* - If degbound is set, a degree bound will be added. By default there @* is no degree bound. @* - n is the number of variables. @* - If I = L[2] is the intvec returned, then I[k] is the (k-1)-th @* coefficient of the Hilbert series. @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example ivDHilbertSickle; shows examples " {int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] > 0){degbound = #[1];}}} checkAssumptions(degbound,L); int i,dimen; list R; R = ivSickleHil(L,n,degbound); for (i = 1; i <= size(R[1]); i++){dimen = dimen + R[1][i];} R[3] = R[2]; R[2] = R[1]; R[1] = dimen; return(R); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring R; setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring //some intmats, which contain monomials in intvec representation as rows intmat I1 [2][2] = 1,1,2,2; intmat I2 [1][3] = 1,2,1; intmat J1 [1][2] = 1,1; intmat J2 [2][3] = 2,1,2,1,2,1; print(I1); print(I2); print(J1); print(J2); list G = I1,I2;// ideal, which is already a Groebner basis list I = J1,J2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis ivDHilbertSickle(G,2); // invokes the procedure without a degree bound ivDHilbertSickle(I,2,3); // invokes the procedure with degree bound 3 } static proc ivKDimCheck(list L, int n) "USAGE: ivKDimCheck(L,n); L a list of intmats, n an integer RETURN: int, 0 if the dimension is finite, or 1 otherwise PURPOSE:Decides, whether the K-dimension is finite or not ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - All rows of each intmat correspond to a Letterplace monomial. NOTE: - n is the number of variables. EXAMPLE: example ivKDimCheck; shows examples " {checkAssumptions(0,L); int i,r; intvec P,H; for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) {P[i] = ncols(L[i]); if (P[i] == 1) {if (isInMat(H,L[i]) > 0) {ERROR("Quotient algebra is trivial");}} } if (size(L) == 0) {ERROR("GB is empty, quotient algebra corresponds to free algebra");} kill H; intmat S; int sd,ld; intvec V; sd = P[1]; ld = P[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] < sd) {sd = P[i];} if (P[i] > ld) {ld = P[i];} } sd = (sd - 1); ld = ld - 1; if (ld == 0) { return(allVars(L,P,n));} if (sd == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++){if (ncols(L[i]) == 1){S = createStartMat1(n,L[i]); break;}}} else {S = createStartMat(sd,n);} module M; for (i = 1; i <= nrows(S); i++) {V = S[i,1..ncols(S)]; if (findCycle(V,L,P,n,ld,M)) {r = 1; break;} } return(r); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring R; setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring //some intmats, which contain monomials in intvec representation as rows intmat I1 [2][2] = 1,1,2,2; intmat I2 [1][3] = 1,2,1; intmat J1 [1][2] = 1,1; intmat J2 [2][3] = 2,1,2,1,2,1; print(I1); print(I2); print(J1); print(J2); list G = I1,I2;// ideal, which is already a Groebner basis list I = J1,J2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis and which ivKDimCheck(G,2); // invokes the procedure, factor is of finite K-dimension ivKDimCheck(I,2); // invokes the procedure, factor is not of finite K-dimension } static proc ivHilbert(list L, int n, list #) "USAGE: ivHilbert(L,n[,degbound]); L a list of intmats, n an integer, @* degbound an optional integer RETURN: intvec, containing the coefficients of the Hilbert series PURPOSE:Compute the Hilbert series ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - all rows of each intmat correspond to a Letterplace monomial @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If degbound is set, a degree bound will be added. By default there @* is no degree bound. @* - n is the number of variables. @* - If I is returned, then I[k] is the (k-1)-th coefficient of the Hilbert @* series. @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example ivHilbert; shows examples " {int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0) {if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] > 0) {degbound = #[1];}}} intvec P,H; int i; for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) {P[i] = ncols(L[i]); if (P[i] == 1) {if ( isInMat(H,L[i]) > 0) {ERROR("Quotient algebra is trivial");}} } if (size(L) == 0) {ERROR("GB is empty, quotient algebra corresponds to free algebra");} H[1] = 1; checkAssumptions(degbound,L); if (degbound == 0) {int sd; intmat S; sd = P[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] < sd) {sd = P[i];}} sd = (sd - 1); if (sd == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++){if (ncols(L[i]) == 1){S = createStartMat1(n,L[i]); break;}}} else {S = createStartMat(sd,n);} if (intvec(S) == 0) {return(H);} for (i = 1; i <= sd; i++) {H = H,(n^i);} for (i = 1; i <= nrows(S); i++) {intvec St = S[i,1..ncols(S)]; H = findHCoeff(St,n,L,P,H); kill St; } return(H); } else {for (i = 1; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] > degbound) {ERROR("degreebound is too small, GB contains elements of higher degree");}} int sd; intmat S; sd = P[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] < sd) {sd = P[i];}} sd = (sd - 1); if (sd == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++){if (ncols(L[i]) == 1){S = createStartMat1(n,L[i]); break;}}} else {S = createStartMat(sd,n);} if (intvec(S) == 0) {return(H);} for (i = 1; i <= sd; i++) {H = H,(n^i);} for (i = 1; i <= nrows(S); i++) {intvec St = S[i,1..ncols(S)]; H = findHCoeff(St,n,L,P,H,degbound); kill St; } return(H); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring R; setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring //some intmats, which contain monomials in intvec representation as rows intmat I1 [2][2] = 1,1,2,2; intmat I2 [1][3] = 1,2,1; intmat J1 [1][2] = 1,1; intmat J2 [2][3] = 2,1,2,1,2,1; print(I1); print(I2); print(J1); print(J2); list G = I1,I2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis list I = J1,J2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis ivHilbert(G,2); // invokes the procedure without any degree bound ivHilbert(I,2,5); // invokes the procedure with degree bound 5 } static proc ivKDim(list L, int n, list #) "USAGE: ivKDim(L,n[,degbound]); L a list of intmats, @* n an integer, degbound an optional integer RETURN: int, the K-dimension of A/ PURPOSE:Compute the K-dimension of A/ ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - all rows of each intmat correspond to a Letterplace monomial @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If degbound is set, a degree bound will be added. By default there @* is no degree bound. @* - n is the number of variables. @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example ivKDim; shows examples " {int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0) {if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] > 0) {degbound = #[1];}}} intvec P,H; int i; for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) {P[i] = ncols(L[i]); if (P[i] == 1) {if ( isInMat(H,L[i]) > 0) {ERROR("Quotient algebra is trivial");}} } if (size(L) == 0) {ERROR("GB is empty, quotient algebra corresponds to free algebra");} kill H; checkAssumptions(degbound,L); if (degbound == 0) {int sd; int dimen = 1; intmat S; sd = P[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] < sd) {sd = P[i];}} sd = (sd - 1); if (sd == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++){if (ncols(L[i]) == 1){S = createStartMat1(n,L[i]); break;}}} else {S = createStartMat(sd,n);} if (intvec(S) == 0) {return(dimen);} for (i = 1; i <= sd; i++) {dimen = dimen +(n^i);} for (i = 1; i <= nrows(S); i++) {intvec St = S[i,1..ncols(S)]; dimen = dimen + findDimen(St,n,L,P); kill St; } return(dimen); } else {for (i = 1; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] > degbound) {ERROR("degreebound is too small, GB contains elements of higher degree");}} int sd; int dimen = 1; intmat S; sd = P[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] < sd) {sd = P[i];}} sd = (sd - 1); if (sd == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++){if (ncols(L[i]) == 1){S = createStartMat1(n,L[i]); break;}}} else {S = createStartMat(sd,n);} if (intvec(S) == 0) {return(dimen);} for (i = 1; i <= sd; i++) {dimen = dimen +(n^i);} for (i = 1; i <= nrows(S); i++) {intvec St = S[i,1..ncols(S)]; dimen = dimen + findDimen(St,n,L,P, degbound); kill St; } return(dimen); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring R; setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring //some intmats, which contain monomials in intvec representation as rows intmat I1 [2][2] = 1,1,2,2; intmat I2 [1][3] = 1,2,1; intmat J1 [1][2] = 1,1; intmat J2 [2][3] = 2,1,2,1,2,1; print(I1); print(I2); print(J1); print(J2); list G = I1,I2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis list I = J1,J2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis ivKDim(G,2); // invokes the procedure without any degree bound ivKDim(I,2,5); // invokes the procedure with degree bound 5 } static proc ivMis2Base(list M) "USAGE: ivMis2Base(M); M a list of intvecs RETURN: ideal, a K-base of the given algebra PURPOSE:Compute the K-base out of given mistletoes ASSUME: - The mistletoes have to be ordered lexicographically -> OrdMisLex. @* Otherwise there might some elements missing. @* - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - mistletoes are stored as intvecs, as described in the overview EXAMPLE: example ivMis2Base; shows examples " { //checkAssumptions(0,M); intvec L,A; if (size(M) == 0){ERROR("There are no mistletoes, so it appears your dimension is infinite!");} if (isInList(L,M) > 0) {print("1 is a mistletoe, therefore 1 is the only basis element"); return(list(intvec(0)));} int i,j,d,s; list Rt; Rt[1] = intvec(0); L = M[1]; for (i = size(L); 1 <= i; i--) {Rt = insert(Rt,intvec(L[1..i]));} for (i = 2; i <= size(M); i++) {A = M[i]; L = M[i-1]; s = size(A); if (s > size(L)) {d = size(L); for (j = s; j > d; j--) {Rt = insert(Rt,intvec(A[1..j]));} A = A[1..d]; } if (size(L) > s){L = L[1..s];} while (A <> L) {Rt = insert(Rt, intvec(A)); if (size(A) > 1) {A = A[1..(size(A)-1)]; L = L[1..(size(L)-1)]; } else {break;} } } return(Rt); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring R; setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring intvec i1 = 1,2; intvec i2 = 2,1,2; // the mistletoes are xy and yxy, which are already ordered lexicographically list L = i1,i2; ivMis2Base(L); // returns the basis of the factor algebra } static proc ivMis2Dim(list M) "USAGE: ivMis2Dim(M); M a list of intvecs RETURN: int, the K-dimension of the given algebra PURPOSE:Compute the K-dimension out of given mistletoes ASSUME: - The mistletoes have to be ordered lexicographically -> OrdMisLex. @* Otherwise the returned value may differ from the K-dimension. @* - basering is a Letterplace ring. EXAMPLE: example ivMis2Dim; shows examples " {checkAssumptions(0,M); intvec L; if (size(M) == 0){ERROR("There are no mistletoes, so it appears your dimension is infinite!");} if (isInList(L,M) > 0) {print("1 is a mistletoe, therefore dim = 1"); return(1);} int i,j,d,s; j = 1; d = 1 + size(M[1]); for (i = 1; i < size(M); i++) {s = size(M[i]); if (s > size(M[i+1])){s = size(M[i+1]);} while ((M[i][j] == M[i+1][j]) && (j <= s)){j = j + 1;} d = d + size(M[i+1])- j + 1; } return(d); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring R; setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring intvec i1 = 1,2; intvec i2 = 2,1,2; // the mistletoes are xy and yxy, which are already ordered lexicographically list L = i1,i2; ivMis2Dim(L); // returns the dimension of the factor algebra } static proc ivOrdMisLex(list M) "USAGE: ivOrdMisLex(M); M a list of intvecs RETURN: list, containing the ordered intvecs of M PURPOSE:Orders a given set of mistletoes lexicographically ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. - intvecs correspond to monomials NOTE: - This is preprocessing, it's not needed if the mistletoes are returned @* from the sickle algorithm. @* - Each entry of the list returned is an intvec. EXAMPLE: example ivOrdMisLex; shows examples " {checkAssumptions(0,M); return(sort(M)[1]); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring intvec i1 = 1,2,1; intvec i2 = 2,2,1; intvec i3 = 1,1; intvec i4 = 2,1,1,1; // the corresponding monomials are xyx,y^2x,x^2,yx^3 list M = i1,i2,i3,i4; M; ivOrdMisLex(M);// orders the list of monomials } static proc ivSickle(list L, int n, list #) "USAGE: ivSickle(L,n,[degbound]); L a list of intmats, n an int, degbound an @* optional integer RETURN: list, containing intvecs, the mistletoes of A/ PURPOSE:Compute the mistletoes for a given Groebner basis L ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - all rows of each intmat correspond to a Letterplace monomial @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If degbound is set, a degree bound will be added. By default there @* is no degree bound. @* - n is the number of variables. @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example ivSickle; shows examples " {list M; int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] > 0){degbound = #[1];}}} int i; intvec P,H; for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) {P[i] = ncols(L[i]); if (P[i] == 1) {if (isInMat(H,L[i]) > 0) {ERROR("Quotient algebra is trivial");}} } if (size(L) == 0) {ERROR("GB is empty, quotient algebra corresponds to free algebra");} kill H; checkAssumptions(degbound,L); if (degbound == 0) {intmat S; int sd; sd = P[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] < sd) {sd = P[i];}} sd = (sd - 1); if (sd == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++){if (ncols(L[i]) == 1){S = createStartMat1(n,L[i]); break;}}} else {S = createStartMat(sd,n);} if (intvec(S) == 0) {return(list (intvec(0)));} for (i = 1; i <= nrows(S); i++) {intvec St = S[i,1..ncols(S)]; M = M + findmistletoes(St,n,L,P); kill St; } return(M); } else {for (i = 1; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] > degbound) {ERROR("degreebound is too small, GB contains elements of higher degree");}} intmat S; int sd; sd = P[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] < sd) {sd = P[i];}} sd = (sd - 1); if (sd == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++){if (ncols(L[i]) == 1){S = createStartMat1(n,L[i]); break;}}} else {S = createStartMat(sd,n);} if (intvec(S) == 0) {return(list (intvec(0)));} for (i = 1; i <= nrows(S); i++) {intvec St = S[i,1..ncols(S)]; M = M + findmistletoes(St,n,L,P,degbound); kill St; } return(M); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring //some intmats, which contain monomials in intvec representation as rows intmat I1 [2][2] = 1,1,2,2; intmat I2 [1][3] = 1,2,1; intmat J1 [1][2] = 1,1; intmat J2 [2][3] = 2,1,2,1,2,1; print(I1); print(I2); print(J1); print(J2); list G = I1,I2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis list I = J1,J2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis ivSickle(G,2); // invokes the procedure without any degree bound ivSickle(I,2,5); // invokes the procedure with degree bound 5 } static proc ivSickleDim(list L, int n, list #) "USAGE: ivSickleDim(L,n[,degbound]); L a list of intmats, n an integer, degbound @* an optional integer RETURN: list PURPOSE:Compute mistletoes and the K-dimension ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - all rows of each intmat correspond to a Letterplace monomial @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If L is the list returned, then L[1] is an integer, L[2] is a list, @* containing the mistletoes as intvecs. @* - If degbound is set, a degree bound will be added. By default there @* is no degree bound. @* - n is the number of variables. @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example ivSickleDim; shows examples " {list M; int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] > 0){degbound = #[1];}}} int i,dimen; list R; intvec P,H; for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) {P[i] = ncols(L[i]); if (P[i] == 1) {if (isInMat(H,L[i]) > 0) {ERROR("Quotient algebra is trivial, dimension equals zero");}} } if (size(L) == 0) {ERROR("GB is empty, quotient algebra corresponds to free algebra");} kill H; checkAssumptions(degbound,L); if (degbound == 0) {int sd; dimen = 1; intmat S; sd = P[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] < sd) {sd = P[i];}} sd = (sd - 1); if (sd == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++){if (ncols(L[i]) == 1){S = createStartMat1(n,L[i]); break;}}} else {S = createStartMat(sd,n);} if (intvec(S) == 0) {return(list(dimen,list(intvec(0))));} for (i = 1; i <= sd; i++) {dimen = dimen +(n^i);} R[1] = dimen; for (i = 1; i <= nrows(S); i++) {intvec St = S[i,1..ncols(S)]; R = findMisDim(St,n,L,P,R); kill St; } return(R); } else {for (i = 1; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] > degbound) {ERROR("degreebound is too small, GB contains elements of higher degree");}} int sd; dimen = 1; intmat S; sd = P[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] < sd) {sd = P[i];}} sd = (sd - 1); if (sd == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++){if (ncols(L[i]) == 1){S = createStartMat1(n,L[i]); break;}}} else {S = createStartMat(sd,n);} if (intvec(S) == 0) {return(list(dimen,list(intvec(0))));} for (i = 1; i <= sd; i++) {dimen = dimen +(n^i);} R[1] = dimen; for (i = 1; i <= nrows(S); i++) {intvec St = S[i,1..ncols(S)]; R = findMisDim(St,n,L,P,R,degbound); kill St; } return(R); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring //some intmats, which contain monomials in intvec representation as rows intmat I1 [2][2] = 1,1,2,2; intmat I2 [1][3] = 1,2,1; intmat J1 [1][2] = 1,1; intmat J2 [2][3] = 2,1,2,1,2,1; print(I1); print(I2); print(J1); print(J2); list G = I1,I2;// ideal, which is already a Groebner basis list I = J1,J2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis ivSickleDim(G,2); // invokes the procedure without any degree bound ivSickleDim(I,2,5); // invokes the procedure with degree bound 5 } static proc ivSickleHil(list L, int n, list #) "USAGE:ivSickleHil(L,n[,degbound]); L a list of intmats, n an integer, @* degbound an optional integer RETURN: list PURPOSE:Compute the mistletoes and the Hilbert series ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - all rows of each intmat correspond to a Letterplace monomial @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If L is the list returned, then L[1] is an intvec, L[2] is a list, @* containing the mistletoes as intvecs. @* - If degbound is set, a degree bound will be added. By default there @* is no degree bound. @* - n is the number of variables. @* - If I = L[1] is the intvec returned, then I[k] is the (k-1)-th @* coefficient of the Hilbert series. @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example ivSickleHil; shows examples " {int degbound = 0; if (size(#) > 0) {if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] > 0) {degbound = #[1];}}} intvec P,H; int i; list R; for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++) {P[i] = ncols(L[i]); if (P[i] == 1) {if ( isInMat(H,L[i]) > 0) {ERROR("Quotient algebra is trivial");}} } if (size(L) == 0) {ERROR("GB is empty, quotient algebra corresponds to free algebra");} H[1] = 1; checkAssumptions(degbound,L); if (degbound == 0) {int sd; intmat S; sd = P[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] < sd) {sd = P[i];}} sd = (sd - 1); if (sd == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++){if (ncols(L[i]) == 1){S = createStartMat1(n,L[i]); break;}}} else {S = createStartMat(sd,n);} if (intvec(S) == 0) {return(list(H,list(intvec (0))));} for (i = 1; i <= sd; i++) {H = H,(n^i);} R[1] = H; kill H; for (i = 1; i <= nrows(S); i++) {intvec St = S[i,1..ncols(S)]; R = findHCoeffMis(St,n,L,P,R); kill St; } return(R); } else {for (i = 1; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] > degbound) {ERROR("degreebound is too small, GB contains elements of higher degree");}} int sd; intmat S; sd = P[1]; for (i = 2; i <= size(P); i++) {if (P[i] < sd) {sd = P[i];}} sd = (sd - 1); if (sd == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= size(L); i++){if (ncols(L[i]) == 1){S = createStartMat1(n,L[i]); break;}}} else {S = createStartMat(sd,n);} if (intvec(S) == 0) {return(list(H,list(intvec(0))));} for (i = 1; i <= sd; i++) {H = H,(n^i);} R[1] = H; kill H; for (i = 1; i <= nrows(S); i++) {intvec St = S[i,1..ncols(S)]; R = findHCoeffMis(St,n,L,P,R,degbound); kill St; } return(R); } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring //some intmats, which contain monomials in intvec representation as rows intmat I1[2][2] = 1,1,2,2; intmat I2[1][3] = 1,2,1; intmat J1[1][2] = 1,1; intmat J2[2][3] = 2,1,2,1,2,1; print(I1); print(I2); print(J1); print(J2); list G = I1,I2;// ideal, which is already a Groebner basis list I = J1,J2; // ideal, which is already a Groebner basis ivSickleHil(G,2); // invokes the procedure without any degree bound ivSickleHil(I,2,5); // invokes the procedure with degree bound 5 } static proc lpDHilbert(ideal G, list #) "USAGE: lpDHilbert(G[,degbound,n]); G an ideal, degbound, n optional integers RETURN: list PURPOSE:Compute K-dimension and Hilbert series, starting with a lp-ideal ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If L is the list returned, then L[1] is an integer corresponding to the @* dimension, L[2] is an intvec which contains the coefficients of the @* Hilbert series @* - If degbound is set, there will be a degree bound added. 0 means no @* degree bound. Default: attrib(basering,uptodeg). @* - n can be set to a different number of variables. @* Default: n = attrib(basering, lV). @* - If I = L[2] is the intvec returned, then I[k] is the (k-1)-th @* coefficient of the Hilbert series. @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example lpDHilbert; shows examples " {int degbound = lpDegBound(basering);int n = lpVarBlockSize(basering); if (size(#) > 0){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] >= 0){degbound = #[1];}}} if (size(#) > 1){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[2] > 0){n = #[2];}}} list L; L = lp2ivId(normalize(lead(G))); return(ivDHilbert(L,n,degbound)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal G = x*x, y*y,x*y*x; // ideal G contains a //Groebner basis lpDHilbert(G,5,2); // invokes procedure with degree bound 5 and 2 variables // note that the optional parameters are not necessary, due to the finiteness // of the K-dimension of the factor algebra lpDHilbert(G); // procedure with ring parameters lpDHilbert(G,0); // procedure without degreebound } static proc lpDHilbertSickle(ideal G, list #) "USAGE: lpDHilbertSickle(G[,degbound,n]); G an ideal, degbound, n optional @* integers RETURN: list PURPOSE:Compute K-dimension, Hilbert series and mistletoes at once ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If L is the list returned, then L[1] is an integer, the K-dimension, @* L[2] is an intvec, the Hilbert series and L[3] is an ideal, @* the mistletoes @* - If degbound is set, there will be a degree bound added. 0 means no @* degree bound. Default: attrib(basering,uptodeg). @* - n can be set to a different number of variables. @* Default: n = attrib(basering, lV). @* - If I = L[1] is the intvec returned, then I[k] is the (k-1)-th @* coefficient of the Hilbert series. @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example lpDHilbertSickle; shows examples " {int degbound = lpDegBound(basering);int n = lpVarBlockSize(basering); if (size(#) > 0){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] >= 0){degbound = #[1];}}} if (size(#) > 1){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[2] > 0){n = #[2];}}} list L; L = lp2ivId(normalize(lead(G))); L = ivDHilbertSickle(L,n,degbound); L[3] = ivL2lpI(L[3]); return(L); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal G = x*x, y*y,x*y*x; // ideal G contains a //Groebner basis lpDHilbertSickle(G,5,2); //invokes procedure with degree bound 5 and 2 variables // note that the optional parameters are not necessary, due to the finiteness // of the K-dimension of the factor algebra lpDHilbertSickle(G); // procedure with ring parameters lpDHilbertSickle(G,0); // procedure without degreebound } proc lpHilbert(ideal G, list #) "USAGE: lpHilbert(G[,degbound,n]); G an ideal, degbound, n optional integers RETURN: intvec, containing the coefficients of the Hilbert series PURPOSE: Compute the truncated Hilbert series of K/ up to a degree bound ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. THEORY: Hilbert series of an algebra K/ is sum_(i>=0) h_i t^i, where h_i is the K-dimension of the space of monomials of degree i, not contained in . For finitely presented algebras Hilbert series NEED NOT be a rational function, though it happens often. Therefore in general there is no notion of a Hilbert polynomial. NOTE: - If degbound is set, there will be a degree bound added. 0 means no @* degree bound. Default: attrib(basering,uptodeg). @* - n is the number of variables, which can be set to a different number. @* Default: attrib(basering, lV). @* - In the output intvec I, I[k] is the (k-1)-th coefficient of the Hilbert @* series, i.e. h_(k-1) as above. EXAMPLE: example lpHilbert; shows examples SEE ALSO: ncHilb_lib " {int degbound = lpDegBound(basering);int n = lpVarBlockSize(basering); if (size(#) > 0){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] >= 0){degbound = #[1];}}} if (size(#) > 1){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[2] > 0){n = #[2];}}} list L; L = lp2ivId(normalize(lead(G))); return(ivHilbert(L,n,degbound)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal G = y*y,x*y*x; // G is a Groebner basis lpHilbert(G); // procedure with default parameters lpHilbert(G,3,2); // invokes procedure with degree bound 3 and (same) 2 variables } // compatibiltiy, do not put in header proc lpDimCheck(ideal G) { return(teach_lpKDimCheck(G)); } proc teach_lpKDimCheck(ideal G) "USAGE: teach_lpKDimCheck(G); RETURN: int, 1 if K-dimension of the factor algebra is infinite, 0 otherwise PURPOSE:Checking a factor algebra for finiteness of the K-dimension ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. EXAMPLE: example teach_lpKDimCheck; shows examples " {int n = lpVarBlockSize(basering); list L; ideal R; R = normalize(lead(G)); L = lp2ivId(R); return(ivKDimCheck(L,n)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal G = x*x, y*y,x*y*x; // Groebner basis ideal I = x*x, y*x*y, x*y*x; // Groebner basis teach_lpKDimCheck(G); // invokes procedure, factor algebra is of finite K-dimension teach_lpKDimCheck(I); // invokes procedure, factor algebra is of infinite Kdimension } proc lpKDim(ideal G) "USAGE: lpKDim(G); G an ideal in a letterplace ring RETURN: int PURPOSE: Computes the K-dimension of A/ -1 means infinity ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring - G is a Groebner basis NOTE: - Alias for vdim(G) " { print("WARNING: `lpKDim` is deprecated, you can use `vdim` instead."); return (vdim(G)); } proc teach_lpKDim(ideal G, list #) "USAGE: teach_lpKDim(G[,degbound, n]); G an ideal, degbound, n optional integers RETURN: int, the K-dimension of the factor algebra PURPOSE:Compute the K-dimension of a factor algebra, given via an ideal ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If degbound is set, there will be a degree bound added. 0 means no @* degree bound. Default: attrib(basering, uptodeg). @* - n is the number of variables, which can be set to a different number. @* Default: attrib(basering, lV). @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example teach_lpKDim; shows examples " {int degbound = lpDegBound(basering);int n = lpVarBlockSize(basering); if (size(#) > 0){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] >= 0){degbound = #[1];}}} if (size(#) > 1){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[2] > 0){n = #[2];}}} list L; L = lp2ivId(normalize(lead(G))); return(ivKDim(L,n,degbound)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal G = x*x, y*y,x*y*x; // ideal G contains a Groebner basis teach_lpKDim(G); //procedure invoked with ring parameters // the factor algebra is finite, so the degree bound given by the Letterplace // ring is not necessary teach_lpKDim(G,0); // procedure without any degree bound } static proc lpMis2Base(ideal M) "USAGE: lpMis2Base(M); M an ideal RETURN: ideal, a K-basis of the factor algebra PURPOSE:Compute a K-basis out of given mistletoes ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. G is a Letterplace ideal. @* - M contains only monomials NOTE: - The mistletoes have to be ordered lexicographically -> OrdMisLex. EXAMPLE: example lpMis2Base; shows examples " {list L; L = lpId2ivLi(M); return(ivL2lpI(ivMis2Base(L))); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal L = x*y,y*x*y; // ideal containing the mistletoes lpMis2Base(L); // returns the K-basis of the factor algebra } static proc lpMis2Dim(ideal M) "USAGE: lpMis2Dim(M); M an ideal RETURN: int, the K-dimension of the factor algebra PURPOSE:Compute the K-dimension out of given mistletoes ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - M contains only monomials NOTE: - The mistletoes have to be ordered lexicographically -> OrdMisLex. EXAMPLE: example lpMis2Dim; shows examples " {list L; L = lpId2ivLi(M); return(ivMis2Dim(L)); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal L = x*y,y*x*y; // ideal containing the mistletoes lpMis2Dim(L); // returns the K-dimension of the factor algebra } static proc lpOrdMisLex(ideal M) "USAGE: lpOrdMisLex(M); M an ideal of mistletoes RETURN: ideal, containing the mistletoes, ordered lexicographically PURPOSE:A given set of mistletoes is ordered lexicographically ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. NOTE: This is preprocessing, it is not needed if the mistletoes are returned @* from the sickle algorithm. EXAMPLE: example lpOrdMisLex; shows examples " {return(ivL2lpI(sort(lpId2ivLi(M))[1]));} example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal M = x*y*x, y*y*x, x*x, y*x*x*x; // some monomials lpOrdMisLex(M); // orders the monomials lexicographically } static proc lpSickle(ideal G, list #) "USAGE: lpSickle(G[,degbound,n]); G an ideal, degbound, n optional integers RETURN: ideal PURPOSE:Compute the mistletoes of K[X]/ ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If degbound is set, there will be a degree bound added. 0 means no @* degree bound. Default: attrib(basering,uptodeg). @* - n is the number of variables, which can be set to a different number. @* Default: attrib(basering, lV). @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example lpSickle; shows examples " {int degbound = lpDegBound(basering); int n = lpVarBlockSize(basering); if (size(#) > 0){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] >= 0){degbound = #[1];}}} if (size(#) > 1){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[2] > 0){n = #[2];}}} list L; ideal R; R = normalize(lead(G)); L = lp2ivId(R); L = ivSickle(L,n,degbound); R = ivL2lpI(L); return(R); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal G = x*x, y*y,x*y*x; // ideal G contains a //Groebner basis lpSickle(G); //invokes the procedure with ring parameters // the factor algebra is finite, so the degree bound given by the Letterplace // ring is not necessary lpSickle(G,0); // procedure without any degree bound } proc teach_lpSickleDim(ideal G, list #) "USAGE: teach_lpSickleDim(G[,degbound,n]); G an ideal, degbound, n optional integers RETURN: list PURPOSE:Compute the K-dimension and the mistletoes of K/ ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If L is the list returned, then L[1] is an integer, the K-dimension, @* L[2] is an ideal, the mistletoes. @* - If degbound is set, there will be a degree bound added. 0 means no @* degree bound. Default: attrib(basering,uptodeg). @* - n is the number of variables, which can be set to a different number. @* Default: attrib(basering, lV). @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example teach_lpSickleDim; shows examples " {int degbound = lpDegBound(basering);int n = lpVarBlockSize(basering); if (size(#) > 0){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] >= 0){degbound = #[1];}}} if (size(#) > 1){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[2] > 0){n = #[2];}}} list L; L = lp2ivId(normalize(lead(G))); L = ivSickleDim(L,n,degbound); L[2] = ivL2lpI(L[2]); return(L); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal G = x*x, y*y,x*y*x; // G is a monomial Groebner basis teach_lpSickleDim(G); // invokes the procedure with ring parameters // the factor algebra is finite, so the degree bound, given // by the Letterplace ring is not necessary teach_lpSickleDim(G,0); // procedure without any degree bound } static proc lpSickleHil(ideal G, list #) "USAGE: lpSickleHil(G); RETURN: list PURPOSE:Compute the Hilbert series and the mistletoes ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: - If L is the list returned, then L[1] is an intvec, corresponding to the @* Hilbert series, L[2] is an ideal, the mistletoes. @* - If degbound is set, there will be a degree bound added. 0 means no @* degree bound. Default: attrib(basering,uptodeg). @* - n is the number of variables, which can be set to a different number. @* Default: attrib(basering, lV). @* - If I = L[1] is the intvec returned, then I[k] is the (k-1)-th @* coefficient of the Hilbert series. @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example lpSickleHil; shows examples " {int degbound = lpDegBound(basering);int n = lpVarBlockSize(basering); if (size(#) > 0){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] >= 0){degbound = #[1];}}} if (size(#) > 1){if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[2] > 0){n = #[2];}}} list L; L = lp2ivId(normalize(lead(G))); L = ivSickleHil(L,n,degbound); L[2] = ivL2lpI(L[2]); return(L); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal G = x*x, y*y,x*y*x; // ideal G contains a //Groebner basis lpSickleHil(G); // invokes the procedure with ring parameters // the factor algebra is finite, so the degree bound given by the Letterplace // ring is not necessary lpSickleHil(G,0); // procedure without any degree bound } static proc sickle(ideal G, list #) "USAGE: sickle(G[,m, d, h, degbound]); G an ideal; m,d,h,degbound optional @* integers RETURN: list PURPOSE:Allowing the user to access all procs with one command ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - if you specify a different degree bound degbound, @* degbound <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. NOTE: The returned object will always be a list, but the entries of the @* returned list may be very different @* case m=1,d=1,h=1: see lpDHilbertSickle @* case m=1,d=1,h=0: see teach_lpSickleDim @* case m=1,d=0,h=1: see lpSickleHil @* case m=1,d=0,h=0: see lpSickle (this is the default case) @* case m=0,d=1,h=1: see lpDHilbert @* case m=0,d=1,h=0: see teach_lpKDim @* case m=0,d=0,h=1: see lpHilbert @* case m=0,d=0,h=0: returns an error @* - If degbound is set, there will be a degree bound added. 0 means no @* degree bound. Default: attrib(basering,uptodeg). @* - If the K-dimension is known to be infinite, a degree bound is needed EXAMPLE: example sickle; shows examples " {int m,d,h,degbound; m = 1; d = 0; h = 0; degbound = lpDegBound(basering); if (size(#) > 0) {if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[1] < 1) {m = 0;}}} if (size(#) > 1) {if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[2] > 0) {d = 1;}}} if (size(#) > 2) {if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[3] > 0) {h = 1;}}} if (size(#) > 3) {if (typeof(#[1])=="int"){if (#[4] >= 0) {degbound = #[4];}}} if (m == 1) {if (d == 0) {if (h == 0) {return(lpSickle(G,degbound,lpVarBlockSize(basering)));} else {return(lpSickleHil(G,degbound,lpVarBlockSize(basering)));} } else {if (h == 0) {return(teach_lpSickleDim(G,degbound,lpVarBlockSize(basering)));} else {return(lpDHilbertSickle(G,degbound,lpVarBlockSize(basering)));} } } else {if (d == 0) {if (h == 0) {ERROR("You request to do nothing, so relax and do so");} else {return(lpHilbert(G,degbound,lpVarBlockSize(basering)));} } else {if (h == 0) {return(teach_lpKDim(G,degbound,lpVarBlockSize(basering)));} else {return(lpDHilbert(G,degbound,lpVarBlockSize(basering)));} } } } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal G = x*x, y*y,x*y*x; // G contains a Groebner basis sickle(G,1,1,1); // computes mistletoes, K-dimension and the Hilbert series sickle(G,1,0,0); // computes mistletoes only sickle(G,0,1,0); // computes K-dimension only sickle(G,0,0,1); // computes Hilbert series only } proc lpMonomialBasis(int d, int donly, ideal J) "USAGE: lpMonomialBasis(d, donly, J); d, donly integers, J an ideal RETURN: ideal PURPOSE: computes a list of free monomials in a Letterplace @* basering R of degree at most d and not contained in @* if donly <> 0, only monomials of degree d are returned ASSUME: - basering is a Letterplace ring. @* - d <= attrib(basering,uptodeg) holds. @* - J is a Groebner basis NOTE: will be replaced with reduce(maxideal(d), J); soon " { if (d < 0) { return (delete(ideal(0), 1)); // no monomials } ideal I = maxideal(d); if (!donly) { for (int i = d-1; i >= 0; i--) { I = maxideal(i), I; } kill i; } for (int i = ncols(I); i >= 1; i--) { if (lpLmDivides(J, I[i])) { I = delete(I, i); } } kill i; return (I); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; ring r = 0,(x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 7); setring R; ideal J = x*y*x - y*x*y; option(redSB); option(redTail); J = letplaceGBasis(J); J; //monomials of degree 2 only in K: lpMonomialBasis(2,1,ideal(0)); //monomials of degree <=2 in K lpMonomialBasis(2,0,ideal(0)); //monomials of degree 3 only in K/J lpMonomialBasis(3,1,J); //monomials of degree <=3 in K/J lpMonomialBasis(3,0,J); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Here are some examples one may try. Just copy them into your console. These are relations for braid groups, up to degree d: LIB "fpadim.lib"; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; int d =10; // degree def R = freeAlgebra(r, d); setring R; ideal I = y*x*y - z*y*z, x*y*x - z*x*y, z*x*z - y*z*x, x*x*x + y*y*y + z*z*z + x*y*z; option(prot); option(redSB);option(redTail);option(mem); ideal J = system("freegb",I,d,3); teach_lpKDimCheck(J); sickle(J,1,1,1,d);//Computes mistletoes, K-dimension and the Hilbert series LIB "fpadim.lib"; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; int d =11; // degree def R = freeAlgebra(r, d); setring R; ideal I = y*x*y - z*y*z, x*y*z - z*x*y, z*x*z - y*z*x, x*x*x + y*y*y + z*z*z + x*y*z; option(prot); option(redSB);option(redTail);option(mem); ideal J = system("freegb",I,d,3); teach_lpKDimCheck(J); sickle(J,1,1,1,d); LIB "fpadim.lib"; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; int d = 6; // degree def R = freeAlgebra(r, d); setring R; ideal I = y*x*y - z*y*z, x*y*x - z*x*y, z*x*z - y*z*x, x*x*x -2*y*y*y + 3*z*z*z -4*x*y*z + 5*x*z*z- 6*x*y*y +7*x*x*z - 8*x*x*y; option(prot); option(redSB);option(redTail);option(mem); ideal J = system("freegb",I,d,3); teach_lpKDimCheck(J); sickle(J,1,1,1,d); */ /* Here are some examples, which can also be found in [studzins]: // takes up to 880Mb of memory LIB "fpadim.lib"; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; int d =10; // degree def R = freeAlgebra(r, d); setring R; ideal I = z*z*z*z + y*x*y*x - x*y*y*x - 3*z*y*x*z, x*x*x + y*x*y - x*y*x, z*y*x-x*y*z + z*x*z; option(prot); option(redSB);option(redTail);option(mem); ideal J = system("freegb",I,d,nvars(r)); teach_lpKDimCheck(J); sickle(J,1,1,1,d); // dimension is 24872 LIB "fpadim.lib"; ring r = 0,(x,y,z),dp; int d =10; // degree def R = freeAlgebra(r, d); setring R; ideal I = x*y + y*z, x*x + x*y - y*x - y*y; option(prot); option(redSB);option(redTail);option(mem); ideal J = system("freegb",I,d,3); teach_lpKDimCheck(J); sickle(J,1,1,1,d); */ /* Example for Compute GK dimension: returns a ring which contains an ideal I run gkDim(I) inside this ring and it should return 2n (the GK dimension of n-th Weyl algebra including evaluation operators). static proc createWeylEx(int n, int d) " " { int baseringdef; if (defined(basering)) // if a basering is defined, it should be saved for later use { def save = basering; baseringdef = 1; } ring r = 0,(d(1..n),x(1..n),e(1..n)),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, d); setring R; ideal I; int i,j; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for (j = i+1; j<= n; j++) { I[size(I)+1] = lpMult(var(i),var(j)); } } for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for (j = i+1; j<= n; j++) { I[size(I)+1] = lpMult(var(n+i),var(n+j)); } } for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for (j = 1; j<= n; j++) { I[size(I)+1] = lpMult(var(i),var(n+j)); } } for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for (j = 1; j<= n; j++) { I[size(I)+1] = lpMult(var(i),var(2*n+j)); } } for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for (j = 1; j<= n; j++) { I[size(I)+1] = lpMult(var(2*n+i),var(n+j)); } } for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for (j = 1; j<= n; j++) { I[size(I)+1] = lpMult(var(2*n+i),var(2*n+j)); } } I = simplify(I,2+4); I = letplaceGBasis(I); export(I); if (baseringdef == 1) {setring save;} return(R); } proc TestGKAuslander3() { ring r = (0,q),(z,x,y),(dp(2),dp(2)); def R = freeAlgebra(r, 5); // constructs a Letterplace ring R; setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal I; I = q*x*y - y*x, z*y - y*z, z*x - x*z; I = letplaceGBasis(I); lpGkDim(I); // must be 3 I = x*y*z - y*x, z*y - y*z, z*x - x*z;//gkDim = 2 I = letplaceGBasis(I); // not finite BUT contains a poly in x,y only lpGkDim(I); // must be 4 ring r = 0,(y,x,z),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 10); // constructs a Letterplace ring R; setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal I; I = x*y*z - y*x, z*y - y*z, z*x - x*z;//gkDim = 2 I = letplaceGBasis(I); // computed as it would be homogenized; infinite poly p = x*y*y*x-y*x*x*y; lpNF(p, I); // 0 as expected // with inverse of z ring r = 0,(iz,z,x,y),dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 11); // constructs a Letterplace ring R; setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal I; I = x*y*z - y*x, z*y - y*z, z*x - x*z, iz*y - y*iz, iz*x - x*iz, iz*z-1, z*iz -1; I = letplaceGBasis(I); // setring r; def R2 = freeAlgebra(r, 23); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R2; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal I = imap(R,I); lpGkDim(I); ring r = 0,(t,z,x,y),(dp,dp); def R = freeAlgebra(r, 20); // constructs a Letterplace ring R; setring R; // sets basering to Letterplace ring ideal I; I = x*y*z - y*x*t, z*y - y*z, z*x - x*z, t*y - y*t, t*x - x*t, t*z - z*t;//gkDim = 2 I = letplaceGBasis(I); // computed as it would be homogenized; infinite LIB "elim.lib"; ideal Inoz = nselect(I,intvec(2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30)); for(int i=1; i<=20; i++) { Inoz=subst(Inoz,t(i),1); } ideal J = x*y*y*x-y*x*x*y; J = letplaceGBasis(J); poly p = x*y*y*x-y*x*x*y; lpNF(p, I); // 0 as expected ring r2 = 0,(x,y),dp; def R2 = freeAlgebra(r2, 50); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R2; ideal J = x*y*y*x-y*x*x*y; J = letplaceGBasis(J); } */ /* more tests : downup algebra A LIB "fpadim.lib"; ring r = (0,a,b,g),(x,y),Dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 6); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; poly F1 = g*x; poly F2 = g*y; ideal J = x*x*y-a*x*y*x - b*y*x*x - F1, x*y*y-a*y*x*y - b*y*y*x - F2; J = letplaceGBasis(J); lpGkDim(J); // 3 == correct // downup algebra B LIB "fpadim.lib"; ring r = (0,a,b,g, p(1..7),q(1..7)),(x,y),Dp; def R = freeAlgebra(r, 6); // constructs a Letterplace ring setring R; ideal imn = 1, y*y*y, x*y, y*x, x*x, y*y, x, y; int i; poly F1, F2; for(i=1;i<=7;i++) { F1 = F1 + p(i)*imn[i]; F2 = F2 + q(i)*imn[i]; } ideal J = x*x*y-a*x*y*x - b*y*x*x - F1, x*y*y-a*y*x*y - b*y*y*x - F2; J = letplaceGBasis(J); lpGkDim(J); // 3 == correct */