/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// version="version modfinduni.lib Dec_2023 "; // $Id$ category="Commutative Algebra"; info=" LIBRARY: modfinduni.lib finduni using modular methods AUTHORS: H. Schoenemann hannes@mathematik.uni-kl.de OVERVIEW: parallel version of finduni via modular.lib PROCEDURES: modFinduni(I); finduni of I using modular methods "; LIB "modular.lib"; proc modFinduni(ideal I) "USAGE: modFinduni(I); I ideal RETURN: NOTE: The procedure computes a standard basis of I (over the rational numbers) by using modular methods. SEE ALSO: modular EXAMPLE: example modFinduni; shows an example" { /* save options */ intvec opt = option(get); option(redSB); /* choose the right command */ string command = "nFinduni"; /* call modular() */ I = modular(command, list(I), primeTest_std, deleteUnluckyPrimes_default, pTest_default, finalTest_finduni,536870909); /* return the result */ option(set, opt); return(I); } example { "EXAMPLE:"; echo = 2; } /* test if the prime p is suitable for the input, i.e. it does not divide * the numerator or denominator of any of the coefficients */ static proc primeTest_std(int p, alias list args) { /* erase zero generators */ def I = simplify(args[1], 2); /* clear denominators and count the terms */ def J=I; // dummy assign, to get the type of I ideal K; int n = ncols(I); intvec sizes; number cnt; int i; for(i = n; i > 0; i--) { J[i] = cleardenom(I[i]); cnt = leadcoef(J[i])/leadcoef(I[i]); K[i] = numerator(cnt)*var(1)+denominator(cnt); } sizes = size(J[1..n]); /* change to characteristic p */ def br = basering; list lbr = ringlist(br); if (typeof(lbr[1]) == "int") { lbr[1] = p; } else { lbr[1][1] = p; } def rp = ring(lbr); setring(rp); def Jp = fetch(br, J); ideal Kp = fetch(br, K); /* test if any coefficient is missing */ if (intvec(size(Kp[1..n])) != 2:n) { setring(br); return(0); } if (intvec(size(Jp[1..n])) != sizes) { setring(br); return(0); } setring(br); return(1); } static proc deleteUnluckyPrimes_default(alias list modresults) { return(list()); } proc nFinduni(ideal I) { attrib(I,"isSB",1); I=finduni(I); I=simplify(I,1); return(I); } /* find entries in modresults which come from unlucky primes. * For this, sort the entries into categories depending on their leading * ideal and return the indices in all but the biggest category. */ static proc deleteUnluckyPrimes_std(alias list modresults) { int size_modresults = size(modresults); /* sort results into categories. * each category is represented by three entries: * - the corresponding leading ideal * - the number of elements * - the indices of the elements */ list cat; int size_cat; def L=modresults[1]; // dummy assign to get the type of L int i; int j; for (i = 1; i <= size_modresults; i++) { L = lead(modresults[i]); attrib(L, "isSB", 1); for (j = 1; j <= size_cat; j++) { if (size(L) == size(cat[j][1]) && size(reduce(L, cat[j][1], 5)) == 0 && size(reduce(cat[j][1], L, 5)) == 0) { cat[j][2] = cat[j][2]+1; cat[j][3][cat[j][2]] = i; break; } } if (j > size_cat) { size_cat++; cat[size_cat] = list(); cat[size_cat][1] = L; cat[size_cat][2] = 1; cat[size_cat][3] = list(i); } } /* find the biggest categories */ int cat_max = 1; int max = cat[1][2]; for (i = 2; i <= size_cat; i++) { if (cat[i][2] > max) { cat_max = i; max = cat[i][2]; } } /* return all other indices */ list unluckyIndices; for (i = 1; i <= size_cat; i++) { if (i != cat_max) { unluckyIndices = unluckyIndices + cat[i][3]; } } return(unluckyIndices); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* test if 'result' is finduni of the input ideal */ static proc finalTest_finduni(string command, alias list args, def result) { /* test if args[1] is in result */ int i; ideal I=args[1]; attrib(I,"isSB",1); for (i = ncols(result); i > 0; i--) { if (reduce(result[i], I, 5) != 0) { return(0); } } return(1); } static proc pTest_default(string command, alias list args, alias def result, int p) { return(1); }