/**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ // syntax table for Singular // // - search for an exact match of the argument types // - otherwise search for the first possibility // with converted types of the arguments // - otherwise report an error // // -------------------------------------------------- // depends on Singular/table.h and kernel/mod2.h // operation: ++ (identifier) -> nothing // operation: -- (identifier) -> nothing // operation: - (int) -> int // operation: - (bigint) -> bigint // operation: - (number) -> number // operation: - (poly) -> poly // operation: - (vector) -> vector // operation: - (matrix) -> matrix // operation: - (intvec) -> intvec // operation: - (intmat) -> intmat // operation: - (bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: ( (proc) -> any_type // operation: attrib (def) -> nothing // operation: bareiss (bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: bareiss (module) -> list, only commutative rings, domain coeffs // operation: betti (list) -> intmat, field coeffs // operation: betti (resolution) -> intmat, field coeffs // operation: betti (ideal) -> intmat, field coeffs // operation: betti (module) -> intmat, field coeffs // operation: bigint (bigint) -> bigint // operation: bigint (number) -> bigint // operation: bigint (poly) -> bigint // operation: bigintmat (bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: bigintvec (bigintvec) -> bigintvec // operation: char (ring) -> int // operation: char_series (ideal) -> matrix, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: charstr (ring) -> string // operation: close (link) -> nothing // operation: coeffs (ring) -> cring // operation: ncols (matrix) -> int // operation: ncols (smatrix) -> int // operation: ncols (ideal) -> int // operation: ncols (module) -> int // operation: ncols (intmat) -> int // operation: ncols (bigintmat) -> int // operation: cleardenom (poly) -> poly // operation: cleardenom (vector) -> vector // operation: size (bigint) -> int // operation: size (number) -> int // operation: size (resolution) -> int // operation: size (string) -> int // operation: size (poly) -> int // operation: size (vector) -> int // operation: size (ideal) -> int // operation: size (module) -> int // operation: size (matrix) -> int // operation: size (intvec) -> int // operation: size (intmat) -> int // operation: size (bigintmat) -> int // operation: size (bigintvec) -> int // operation: size (list) -> int // operation: size (ring) -> int // operation: cring (ring) -> cring // operation: def (int) -> def // DUMMY // operation: def (any_type) -> $INVALID$ // operation: deg (poly) -> int // operation: deg (vector) -> int // operation: deg (matrix) -> int // operation: degree (ideal) -> string, only commutative rings, domain coeffs // operation: degree (module) -> string, only commutative rings, domain coeffs // operation: defined (def) -> int // operation: denominator (number) -> number // operation: numerator (number) -> number // operation: det (bigintmat) -> bigint // operation: det (intmat) -> int // operation: det (smatrix) -> poly, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: det (matrix) -> poly, only commutative rings // operation: dim (ideal) -> int // operation: dim (module) -> int // operation: dim (resolution) -> int // operation: dump (link) -> nothing // operation: gen (int) -> vector requires currRing // operation: execute (string) -> nothing // operation: ERROR (string) -> nothing // operation: factorize (poly) -> list, only commutative rings, domain coeffs // operation: finduni (ideal) -> ideal, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: freemodule (int) -> module requires currRing // operation: facstd (ideal) -> list, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: getdump (link) -> nothing // operation: highcorner (ideal) -> poly, only commutative rings // operation: highcorner (module) -> vector, only commutative rings // operation: hilb (ideal) -> nothing, domain coeffs // operation: hilb (module) -> nothing, domain coeffs // operation: hilb (intvec) -> intvec, domain coeffs // operation: homog (ideal) -> int // operation: homog (module) -> int // operation: ideal (ideal) -> ideal // operation: ideal (vector) -> ideal // operation: ideal (matrix) -> ideal // operation: ideal (ring) -> ideal requires currRing // operation: ideal (map) -> ideal // operation: impart (number) -> number // operation: indepSet (ideal) -> intvec, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: int (int) -> int // operation: int (bigint) -> int // operation: int (number) -> int // operation: int (poly) -> int // operation: int (string) -> int // operation: interred (ideal) -> ideal // operation: interred (module) -> module // operation: intmat (bigintmat) -> intmat // operation: intmat (intmat) -> intmat // operation: intvec (intmat) -> intvec // operation: intvec (intvec) -> intvec // operation: intvec (bigintvec) -> intvec // operation: rvar (poly) -> int // operation: rvar (string) -> int // operation: rvar (any_type) -> int // operation: jacob (poly) -> ideal // operation: jacob (ideal) -> matrix // operation: jacob (module) -> module // operation: janet (ideal) -> ideal, field coeffs // operation: kbase (ideal) -> ideal, QQ coeffs // operation: kbase (module) -> module, QQ coeffs // operation: kernel (matrix) -> matrix // operation: kernel (smatrix) -> smatrix // operation: laguerre (poly) -> list, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: ludecomp (matrix) -> list, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: primefactors (bigint) -> list // operation: primefactors (number) -> list // operation: killattrib (identifier) -> nothing // operation: lead (poly) -> poly // operation: lead (ideal) -> ideal // operation: lead (vector) -> vector // operation: lead (module) -> module // operation: leadcoef (poly) -> number // operation: leadcoef (vector) -> number // operation: leadexp (poly) -> intvec // operation: leadexp (vector) -> intvec // operation: leadmonom (poly) -> poly // operation: leadmonom (vector) -> vector // operation: link (link) -> link // operation: list (def) -> list // DUMMY // operation: map (any_type) -> $INVALID$ // operation: matrix (matrix) -> matrix // operation: maxideal (int) -> ideal requires currRing // operation: memory (int) -> bigint // operation: minbase (ideal) -> ideal, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: minbase (module) -> module, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: minres (list) -> list, field coeffs // operation: minres (resolution) -> resolution, field coeffs // operation: module (module) -> module // operation: monitor (link) -> nothing // operation: monomial (intvec) -> poly requires currRing // operation: mult (ideal) -> int, only commutative rings // operation: mult (module) -> int, only commutative rings // operation: mstd (ideal) -> list, only commutative rings // operation: mstd (module) -> list, only commutative rings // operation: nameof (any_type) -> string // operation: names (int) -> list // operation: names (package) -> list // operation: names (ring) -> list // operation: not (int) -> int // operation: number (number) -> number // operation: number (poly) -> number // operation: number (bigint) -> number requires currRing // operation: $INVALID$ ($INVALID$) -> $INVALID$ // operation: npars (ring) -> int // operation: nvars (ring) -> int // operation: open (link) -> nothing // operation: option (def) -> nothing // operation: ord (poly) -> int // operation: ord (vector) -> int // operation: ordstr (ring) -> string // operation: par (int) -> number requires currRing // operation: pardeg (number) -> int // operation: parstr (int) -> string // operation: parstr (ring) -> string // operation: poly (poly) -> poly // operation: poly (bigint) -> poly requires currRing // operation: preimage (map) -> ring, letterplace rings // operation: prime (int) -> int // operation: print (list) -> string // operation: print (def) -> string // operation: proc (proc) -> proc // operation: prune (module) -> module, field coeffs // operation: qhweight (ideal) -> intvec // operation: qhweight (module) -> intvec // operation: rank (matrix) -> int, field coeffs // operation: read (link) -> string // operation: regularity (list) -> int, only commutative rings // operation: repart (number) -> number // operation: reservedName (string) -> int // operation: resolution (list) -> resolution requires currRing // operation: resolution (resolution) -> resolution // operation: restart (int) -> nothing // operation: rightstd (ideal) -> ideal, field coeffs // operation: ringlist (ring) -> list // operation: ring_list (cring) -> list // operation: ring_list (ring) -> list // operation: ring (ring) -> ring // operation: ring (list) -> ring // operation: nrows (vector) -> int // operation: nrows (module) -> int // operation: nrows (matrix) -> int // operation: nrows (smatrix) -> int // operation: nrows (intmat) -> int // operation: nrows (bigintmat) -> int // operation: nrows (intvec) -> int // operation: sba (ideal) -> ideal // operation: sba (module) -> module // operation: setring (ring) -> nothing // operation: slimgb (ideal) -> ideal, field coeffs // operation: slimgb (module) -> module, field coeffs // operation: smatrix (smatrix) -> smatrix // operation: sortvec (ideal) -> intvec // operation: sortvec (module) -> intvec // operation: sqrfree (poly) -> list, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: std (ideal) -> ideal // operation: std (module) -> module // operation: std (smatrix) -> smatrix // operation: string (string) -> string // operation: syz (ideal) -> module // operation: syz (module) -> module // operation: envelope (ring) -> ring, field coeffs // operation: opposite (ring) -> ring, field coeffs // operation: twostd (ideal) -> ideal // operation: twostd (module) -> module, letterplace rings // operation: trace (intmat) -> int // operation: trace (matrix) -> poly // operation: transpose (intvec) -> intmat // operation: transpose (intmat) -> intmat // operation: transpose (bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: transpose (matrix) -> matrix // operation: transpose (module) -> module // operation: transpose (smatrix) -> smatrix // operation: typeof (any_type) -> string // operation: univariate (poly) -> int // operation: variables (poly) -> ideal // operation: variables (ideal) -> ideal // operation: variables (matrix) -> ideal // operation: vector (vector) -> vector // operation: vdim (ideal) -> int, QQ coeffs // operation: vdim (module) -> int, QQ coeffs // operation: var (int) -> poly requires currRing // operation: varstr (int) -> string // operation: varstr (ring) -> string // operation: weight (ideal) -> intvec // operation: weight (module) -> intvec // operation: load (string) -> nothing // operation: convhull (ideal) -> ideal // operation: waitfirst (list) -> int // operation: waitall (list) -> int /*---------------------------------------------*/ // operation: :: (def, def) -> any_type // operation: + (int, int) -> int // operation: + (bigint, bigint) -> bigint // operation: + (number, number) -> number // operation: + (poly, poly) -> polyBucket // operation: + (vector, vector) -> vector // operation: + (ideal, ideal) -> ideal // operation: + (module, module) -> module // operation: + (poly, matrix) -> matrix // operation: + (matrix, poly) -> matrix // operation: + (matrix, matrix) -> matrix // operation: + (smatrix, smatrix) -> smatrix // operation: + (string, string) -> string // operation: + (bigintmat, bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: + (bigintvec, bigintvec) -> bigintvec // operation: + (bigintmat, int) -> bigintmat // operation: + (int, bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: + (bigintmat, bigint) -> bigintmat // operation: + (bigint, bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: + (bigintvec, int) -> bigintvec // operation: + (int, bigintvec) -> bigintvec // operation: + (bigintvec, bigint) -> bigintvec // operation: + (bigint, bigintvec) -> bigintvec // operation: + (intvec, int) -> intvec // operation: + (int, intvec) -> intvec // operation: + (intmat, int) -> intmat // operation: + (int, intmat) -> intmat // operation: + (intvec, intvec) -> intvec // operation: + (intmat, intmat) -> intmat // operation: + (list, list) -> list // operation: + (ring, ring) -> ring // operation: + (ring, string) -> ring // operation: + (string, ring) -> ring // operation: + (polyBucket, poly) -> polyBucket // operation: - (int, int) -> int // operation: - (bigint, bigint) -> bigint // operation: - (number, number) -> number // operation: - (poly, poly) -> polyBucket // operation: - (vector, vector) -> vector // operation: - (vector, vector) -> vector // operation: - (matrix, poly) -> matrix // operation: - (matrix, matrix) -> matrix // operation: - (smatrix, smatrix) -> smatrix // operation: - (bigintmat, bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: - (bigintmat, int) -> bigintmat // operation: - (int, bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: - (bigintmat, bigint) -> bigintmat // operation: - (bigint, bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: - (bigintvec, bigintvec) -> bigintvec // operation: - (bigintvec, int) -> bigintvec // operation: - (int, bigintvec) -> bigintvec // operation: - (bigintvec, bigint) -> bigintvec // operation: - (bigint, bigintvec) -> bigintvec // operation: - (intvec, int) -> intvec // operation: - (intmat, int) -> intmat // operation: - (intvec, intvec) -> intvec // operation: - (intmat, intmat) -> intmat // operation: - (ring, string) -> ring // operation: - (polyBucket, poly) -> polyBucket // DUMMY // operation: - (ideal, ideal) -> nothing // DUMMY // operation: - (module, module) -> nothing // operation: * (int, int) -> int // operation: * (bigint, bigint) -> bigint // operation: * (number, number) -> number // operation: * (poly, poly) -> poly // operation: * (poly, vector) -> vector // operation: * (vector, poly) -> vector // operation: * (ideal, poly) -> ideal // operation: * (poly, ideal) -> ideal // operation: * (module, poly) -> module // operation: * (poly, module) -> module // operation: * (ideal, ideal) -> ideal // operation: * (ideal, vector) -> module // operation: * (vector, ideal) -> module // operation: * (ideal, module) -> module // operation: * (module, ideal) -> module // operation: * (matrix, poly) -> matrix // operation: * (poly, matrix) -> matrix // operation: * (matrix, number) -> matrix // operation: * (number, matrix) -> matrix // operation: * (matrix, int) -> matrix // operation: * (int, matrix) -> matrix // operation: * (matrix, matrix) -> matrix // operation: * (matrix, bigint) -> matrix // operation: * (bigint, matrix) -> matrix // operation: * (smatrix, smatrix) -> smatrix // operation: * (bigintmat, bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: * (bigintmat, int) -> bigintmat // operation: * (int, bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: * (bigintmat, bigint) -> bigintmat // operation: * (bigint, bigintmat) -> bigintmat // operation: * (bigintvec, int) -> bigintvec // operation: * (int, bigintvec) -> bigintvec // operation: * (bigintvec, bigint) -> bigintvec // operation: * (bigint, bigintvec) -> bigintvec // operation: * (intvec, int) -> intvec // operation: * (int, intvec) -> intvec // operation: * (intmat, int) -> intmat // operation: * (int, intmat) -> intmat // operation: * (intmat, intvec) -> intvec // operation: * (intmat, intmat) -> intmat // operation: * (intvec, intmat) -> intmat // DUMMY // operation: * (module, module) -> $INVALID$ // operation: / (number, number) -> number // operation: / (poly, poly) -> poly // operation: / (vector, poly) -> vector // operation: / (matrix, poly) -> matrix, field coeffs // operation: / (int, int) -> int // operation: / (bigint, bigint) -> bigint // operation: / (intvec, int) -> intvec // operation: / (intmat, int) -> intmat // operation: / (cring, int) -> cring // operation: / (cring, bigint) -> cring // operation: div (int, int) -> int // operation: div (bigint, bigint) -> bigint // operation: div (intvec, int) -> intvec // operation: div (intmat, int) -> intmat // operation: div (poly, poly) -> poly // operation: div (vector, poly) -> vector // operation: % (int, int) -> int // operation: % (bigint, bigint) -> bigint // operation: % (intvec, int) -> intvec // operation: % (intmat, int) -> intmat // operation: % (number, number) -> number // operation: % (poly, poly) -> poly, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: ^ (int, int) -> int // operation: ^ (bigint, int) -> bigint // operation: ^ (number, int) -> number // operation: ^ (poly, int) -> poly // operation: ^ (ideal, int) -> ideal // operation: <= (int, int) -> int // operation: <= (bigint, bigint) -> int // operation: <= (number, number) -> int // operation: <= (string, string) -> int // operation: <= (intvec, int) -> int // operation: <= (intvec, intvec) -> int // operation: <= (poly, poly) -> int // operation: <= (vector, vector) -> int // operation: <= (matrix, matrix) -> int // operation: < (int, int) -> int // operation: < (bigint, bigint) -> int // operation: < (number, number) -> int // operation: < (intvec, int) -> int // operation: < (intvec, intvec) -> int // operation: < (string, string) -> int // operation: < (poly, poly) -> int // operation: < (vector, vector) -> int // operation: < (matrix, matrix) -> int // operation: >= (int, int) -> int // operation: >= (bigint, bigint) -> int // operation: >= (number, number) -> int // operation: >= (string, string) -> int // operation: >= (intvec, int) -> int // operation: >= (intvec, intvec) -> int // operation: >= (poly, poly) -> int // operation: >= (vector, vector) -> int // operation: >= (matrix, matrix) -> int // operation: > (int, int) -> int // operation: > (bigint, bigint) -> int // operation: > (number, number) -> int // operation: > (string, string) -> int // operation: > (intvec, int) -> int // operation: > (intvec, intvec) -> int // operation: > (poly, poly) -> int // operation: > (vector, vector) -> int // operation: > (matrix, matrix) -> int // operation: and (int, int) -> int // operation: or (int, int) -> int // operation: == (int, int) -> int // operation: == (ring, int) -> int // operation: == (ring, ring) -> int // operation: == (bigint, bigint) -> int // operation: == (number, number) -> int // operation: == (string, string) -> int // operation: == (poly, poly) -> int // operation: == (vector, vector) -> int // operation: == (intvec, int) -> int // operation: == (intvec, intvec) -> int // operation: == (intmat, intmat) -> int // operation: == (bigintmat, bigintmat) -> int // operation: == (bigintvec, bigintvec) -> int // operation: == (cring, cring) -> int // operation: == (matrix, matrix) -> int // operation: == (smatrix, smatrix) -> int // operation: == (ring, ring) -> int // DUMMY // operation: == (ideal, ideal) -> $INVALID$ // DUMMY // operation: == (module, module) -> $INVALID$ // DUMMY // operation: == (ideal, module) -> $INVALID$ // DUMMY // operation: == (module, ideal) -> $INVALID$ // operation: <> (int, int) -> int // operation: <> (bigint, bigint) -> int // operation: <> (number, number) -> int // operation: <> (string, string) -> int // operation: <> (poly, poly) -> int // operation: <> (vector, vector) -> int // operation: <> (intvec, intvec) -> int // operation: <> (intmat, intmat) -> int // operation: <> (matrix, matrix) -> int // operation: <> (smatrix, smatrix) -> int // operation: <> (bigintmat, bigintmat) -> int // operation: <> (bigintvec, bigintvec) -> int // operation: <> (cring, cring) -> int // DUMMY // operation: <> (ideal, ideal) -> $INVALID$ // DUMMY // operation: <> (module, module) -> $INVALID$ // DUMMY // operation: <> (ideal, module) -> $INVALID$ // DUMMY // operation: <> (module, ideal) -> $INVALID$ // operation: <> (ring, ring) -> int // operation: .. (int, int) -> intvec // operation: [ (intvec, int) -> int // operation: [ (intvec, intvec) -> int // operation: [ (bigintvec, int) -> bigint // operation: [ (bigintvec, intvec) -> bigint // operation: [ (ideal, int) -> poly // operation: [ (map, int) -> poly // operation: [ (ideal, intvec) -> poly // operation: [ (module, int) -> vector // operation: [ (module, intvec) -> vector // operation: [ (string, int) -> string // operation: [ (string, intvec) -> string // operation: [ (list, int) -> any_type // operation: [ (list, intvec) -> any_type // operation: [ (poly, int) -> poly // operation: [ (polyBucket, int) -> poly // operation: [ (poly, intvec) -> poly // operation: [ (vector, int) -> poly // operation: [ (vector, intvec) -> vector // operation: [ (cring, any_type) -> ring // operation: ( (proc, def) -> any_type // operation: ( (map, def) -> any_type // operation: ( (LIB, string) -> nothing // operation: ( (any_type, int) -> any_type // operation: ( (any_type, intvec) -> any_type // operation: : (int, int) -> intvec // operation: align (vector, int) -> vector // operation: align (module, int) -> module // operation: attrib (def, string) -> nothing // operation: betti (list, int) -> intmat // operation: betti (resolution, int) -> intmat // operation: betti (ideal, int) -> intmat // operation: betti (module, int) -> intmat // operation: bracket (poly, poly) -> poly // operation: chinrem (intvec, intvec) -> bigint // operation: chinrem (list, intvec) -> any_type // operation: chinrem (list, list) -> any_type // operation: coef (poly, poly) -> matrix // operation: coef (ideal, poly) -> matrix // operation: coeffs (ideal, poly) -> matrix // operation: coeffs (module, poly) -> matrix // operation: coeffs (ideal, ideal) -> matrix // operation: coeffs (module, module) -> matrix // operation: contract (ideal, ideal) -> matrix // operation: deg (poly, intvec) -> int // operation: deg (vector, intvec) -> int // operation: deg (matrix, intvec) -> int // operation: delete (intvec, int) -> intvec // operation: delete (ideal, int) -> ideal // operation: delete (ideal, intvec) -> ideal // operation: delete (module, int) -> module // operation: delete (module, intvec) -> module // operation: delete (list, int) -> list // operation: delete (list, intvec) -> list // operation: det (smatrix, string) -> poly, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: det (matrix, string) -> poly, only commutative rings // operation: diff (poly, poly) -> poly // operation: diff (vector, poly) -> vector // operation: diff (ideal, poly) -> ideal // operation: diff (ideal, ideal) -> matrix // operation: diff (module, poly) -> module // operation: diff (matrix, poly) -> matrix // operation: diff (number, number) -> number // operation: dim (ideal, ideal) -> int // operation: dim (module, ideal) -> int // operation: division (ideal, ideal) -> list // operation: division (module, module) -> list // operation: eliminate (ideal, poly) -> ideal // operation: eliminate (module, poly) -> module // operation: eliminate (ideal, intvec) -> ideal // operation: eliminate (module, intvec) -> module // operation: exportto (package, identifier) -> nothing // operation: extgcd (int, int) -> list // operation: extgcd (bigint, bigint) -> list // operation: extgcd (poly, poly) -> list, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: factorize (poly, int) -> ideal, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: facstd (ideal, ideal) -> list, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: farey (bigint, bigint) -> number requires currRing, field coeffs // operation: farey (ideal, bigint) -> ideal, field coeffs // operation: farey (module, bigint) -> module, field coeffs // operation: farey (matrix, bigint) -> matrix, field coeffs // operation: farey (smatrix, bigint) -> smatrix, field coeffs // operation: farey (list, bigint) -> list, field coeffs // operation: fetch (ring, any_type) -> any_type // operation: fglm (ring, def) -> ideal requires currRing, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: fglmquot (ideal, poly) -> ideal, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: find (string, string) -> int // operation: fres (ideal, int) -> resolution, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: fres (module, int) -> resolution, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: frwalk (ring, def) -> ideal requires currRing, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: gcd (int, int) -> int // operation: gcd (number, number) -> number // operation: gcd (bigint, bigint) -> bigint // operation: gcd (poly, poly) -> poly, only commutative rings // operation: hilb (ideal, int) -> bigintvec, domain coeffs // operation: hilb (module, int) -> bigintvec, domain coeffs // operation: homog (ideal, intvec) -> int // operation: homog (module, intvec) -> int // operation: homog (poly, poly) -> poly // operation: homog (vector, poly) -> vector // operation: homog (ideal, poly) -> ideal // operation: homog (module, poly) -> module // operation: hres (ideal, int) -> resolution, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: imap (ring, any_type) -> any_type // operation: importfrom (package, any_type) -> nothing // operation: indepSet (ideal, int) -> list, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: insert (list, def) -> list // operation: interpolation (list, intvec) -> ideal requires currRing, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: intersect (ideal, ideal) -> ideal // operation: intersect (module, module) -> module // operation: janet (ideal, int) -> ideal, field coeffs // operation: jet (poly, int) -> poly // operation: jet (ideal, int) -> ideal // operation: jet (vector, int) -> vector // operation: jet (module, int) -> module // operation: jet (matrix, int) -> matrix // operation: kbase (ideal, int) -> ideal, QQ coeffs // operation: kbase (module, int) -> module, QQ coeffs // operation: kernel (ring, any_type) -> ideal requires currRing // operation: killattrib (identifier, string) -> nothing // operation: koszul (int, int) -> matrix requires currRing, only commutative rings // operation: koszul (int, ideal) -> matrix, only commutative rings // operation: kres (ideal, int) -> resolution, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: lift (ideal, ideal) -> matrix // operation: lift (module, module) -> matrix // operation: liftstd (ideal, matrix) -> ideal // operation: liftstd (module, matrix) -> module // operation: load (string, string) -> nothing // operation: lres (ideal, int) -> resolution, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: modulo (ideal, ideal) -> module // operation: modulo (module, module) -> module // operation: monitor (link, string) -> nothing // operation: mpresmat (ideal, int) -> module, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: newstruct (string, string) -> nothing // operation: mres (ideal, int) -> resolution, field coeffs // operation: mres (module, int) -> resolution, field coeffs // operation: primefactors (bigint, int) -> list // operation: primefactors (number, int) -> list // operation: ncalgebra (poly, poly) -> nothing, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: ncalgebra (poly, matrix) -> nothing, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: ncalgebra (matrix, poly) -> nothing, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: ncalgebra (matrix, matrix) -> nothing, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: nc_algebra (poly, poly) -> ring, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: nc_algebra (poly, matrix) -> ring, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: nc_algebra (matrix, poly) -> ring, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: nc_algebra (matrix, matrix) -> ring, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: oppose (ring, def) -> any_type, field coeffs // operation: parstr (ring, int) -> string // operation: print (def, string) -> string // operation: prune_map (module, identifier) -> module // operation: quotient (ideal, ideal) -> ideal // operation: quotient (module, ideal) -> module // operation: quotient (module, module) -> ideal // operation: random (int, int) -> int // operation: rank (matrix, int) -> int, field coeffs // operation: read (link, string) -> string // operation: reduce (poly, ideal) -> poly // operation: reduce (vector, ideal) -> vector // operation: reduce (vector, module) -> vector // operation: reduce (ideal, ideal) -> ideal // operation: reduce (module, ideal) -> module // operation: reduce (module, module) -> module // operation: nres (ideal, int) -> resolution, field coeffs // operation: nres (module, int) -> resolution, field coeffs // operation: sba (ideal, int) -> ideal // operation: sba (module, int) -> module // operation: simplify (poly, int) -> poly // operation: simplify (vector, int) -> vector // operation: simplify (ideal, int) -> ideal // operation: simplify (module, int) -> module // operation: sqrfree (poly, int) -> ideal, only commutative rings // operation: status (link, string) -> string // operation: status (list, int) -> int // operation: sres (ideal, int) -> resolution, only commutative rings // operation: sres (module, int) -> resolution, only commutative rings // operation: std (ideal, poly) -> ideal // operation: std (module, vector) -> module // operation: std (ideal, ideal) -> ideal // operation: std (module, module) -> module // operation: std (ideal, bigintvec) -> ideal, field coeffs // operation: std (module, bigintvec) -> module, field coeffs // operation: syz (ideal, string) -> module // operation: syz (module, string) -> module // operation: tensor (matrix, matrix) -> matrix // operation: tensor (module, module) -> module // operation: tensor (smatrix, smatrix) -> smatrix // operation: varstr (ring, int) -> string // operation: waitfirst (list, int) -> int // operation: waitall (list, int) -> int // operation: wedge (matrix, int) -> matrix, only commutative rings /*---------------------------------------------*/ // operation: [ (string, int, int) -> string // operation: [ (intmat, int, int) -> int // operation: [ (bigintmat, int, int) -> bigint // operation: [ (intmat, int, intvec) -> int // operation: [ (bigintmat, int, intvec) -> bigint // operation: [ (intmat, intvec, int) -> int // operation: [ (bigintmat, intvec, int) -> bigint // operation: [ (intmat, intvec, intvec) -> int // operation: [ (bigintmat, intvec, intvec) -> bigint // operation: [ (matrix, int, int) -> poly // operation: [ (smatrix, int, int) -> poly // operation: [ (matrix, int, intvec) -> poly // operation: [ (matrix, intvec, int) -> poly // operation: [ (matrix, intvec, intvec) -> poly // operation: [ (cring, any_type, any_type) -> ring // operation: ( (proc, def, def) -> any_type // operation: attrib (identifier, string, def) -> nothing // operation: bareiss (module, int, int) -> list, only commutative rings, domain coeffs // operation: bracket (poly, poly, int) -> poly // operation: coeffs (poly, poly, matrix) -> matrix // operation: coeffs (vector, poly, matrix) -> matrix // operation: coeffs (ideal, poly, matrix) -> matrix // operation: coeffs (module, poly, matrix) -> matrix // operation: coeffs (ideal, ideal, poly) -> matrix // operation: coeffs (module, module, poly) -> matrix // operation: eliminate (ideal, poly, bigintvec) -> ideal, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: eliminate (module, poly, bigintvec) -> module, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: eliminate (ideal, poly, string) -> ideal // operation: eliminate (module, poly, string) -> module // operation: find (string, string, int) -> int // operation: fres (ideal, int, string) -> resolution, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: fres (module, int, string) -> resolution, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: frwalk (ring, def, int) -> ideal requires currRing, only commutative rings // operation: hilb (ideal, int, intvec) -> intvec, domain coeffs // operation: hilb (module, int, intvec) -> intvec, domain coeffs // operation: hilb (ideal, ring, string) -> nothing, domain coeffs // operation: hilb (module, ring, string) -> nothing, domain coeffs // operation: homog (poly, poly, intvec) -> poly // operation: homog (vector, poly, intvec) -> vector // operation: homog (ideal, poly, intvec) -> ideal // operation: homog (module, poly, intvec) -> module // operation: homog (module, intvec, intvec) -> int // operation: insert (list, def, int) -> list // operation: intersect (ideal, ideal, string) -> ideal // operation: intersect (module, module, string) -> module // operation: intersect (ideal, ideal, ideal) -> ideal // operation: intersect (module, module, module) -> module // operation: intmat (intmat, int, int) -> intmat // operation: jet (poly, int, intvec) -> poly, field coeffs // operation: jet (ideal, int, intvec) -> ideal, field coeffs // operation: jet (vector, int, intvec) -> vector, field coeffs // operation: jet (module, int, intvec) -> module, field coeffs // operation: jet (poly, poly, int) -> poly, field coeffs // operation: jet (vector, poly, int) -> vector, field coeffs // operation: jet (ideal, matrix, int) -> ideal, field coeffs // operation: jet (module, matrix, int) -> module, field coeffs // DUMMY // operation: jet (poly, int, int) -> poly, field coeffs // operation: koszul (int, int, ideal) -> matrix, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: lift (ideal, ideal, matrix) -> matrix // operation: lift (module, module, matrix) -> matrix // operation: liftstd (ideal, matrix, module) -> ideal // operation: liftstd (module, matrix, module) -> module // operation: liftstd (ideal, matrix, string) -> ideal // operation: liftstd (module, matrix, string) -> module // operation: matrix (ideal, int, int) -> matrix // operation: matrix (module, int, int) -> matrix // operation: matrix (matrix, int, int) -> matrix // operation: modulo (ideal, ideal, matrix) -> module // operation: modulo (ideal, ideal, string) -> module // operation: modulo (module, module, matrix) -> module // operation: modulo (module, module, string) -> module // operation: mres_map (ideal, int, smatrix) -> resolution, field coeffs // operation: mres_map (module, int, smatrix) -> resolution, field coeffs // operation: smatrix (module, int, int) -> smatrix // operation: smatrix (smatrix, int, int) -> smatrix // operation: newstruct (string, string, string) -> nothing // operation: preimage (ring, any_type, any_type) -> ideal requires currRing // operation: random (int, int, int) -> intmat // operation: reduce (poly, ideal, int) -> poly // operation: reduce (vector, ideal, int) -> vector // operation: reduce (vector, module, int) -> vector // operation: reduce (ideal, ideal, int) -> ideal // operation: reduce (module, module, int) -> module // operation: reduce (module, ideal, int) -> module // operation: reduce (poly, poly, ideal) -> poly // operation: reduce (vector, poly, module) -> vector // operation: reduce (ideal, ideal, matrix) -> ideal // operation: reduce (module, module, matrix) -> module // operation: resultant (poly, poly, poly) -> poly, only commutative rings // operation: ring (def, def, def) -> ring // operation: sba (ideal, int, int) -> ideal // operation: sba (module, int, int) -> module // operation: status (link, string, string) -> int // operation: std (ideal, bigintvec, intvec) -> ideal, field coeffs // operation: std (module, bigintvec, intvec) -> module, field coeffs // operation: subst (def, poly, polyBucket) -> any_type // operation: subst (poly, poly, poly) -> poly // operation: subst (vector, poly, poly) -> vector // operation: subst (ideal, poly, poly) -> ideal // operation: subst (module, poly, poly) -> module // operation: subst (matrix, poly, poly) -> matrix // operation: subst (matrix, poly, int) -> matrix // operation: subst (matrix, poly, number) -> matrix // operation: laguerre (poly, int, int) -> list, only commutative rings, field coeffs // operation: vandermonde (ideal, ideal, int) -> poly, only commutative rings, field coeffs /*---------------------------------------------*/ // operation: ( (...) -> any_type ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: [ (...) -> ring ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: bigintvec (...) -> bigintvec ( 1 arguments ) // operation: bigintvec (...) -> bigintvec ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: breakpoint (...) -> nothing ( 0 arguments ) // operation: breakpoint (...) -> nothing ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: branchTo (...) -> nothing ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: coef (...) -> matrix ( 2 arguments ) // operation: coef (...) -> nothing ( 4 arguments ) // operation: division (...) -> list ( 2 arguments ) // operation: division (...) -> list ( 3 arguments ) // operation: division (...) -> list ( 4 arguments ) // operation: dbprint (...) -> nothing ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: fetch (...) -> any_type ( 2 arguments ) // operation: fetch (...) -> any_type ( 3 arguments ) // operation: fetch (...) -> any_type ( 4 arguments ) // operation: hilb (...) -> any_type ( 1 arguments ) // operation: hilb (...) -> any_type ( 2 arguments ) // operation: hilb (...) -> any_type ( 3 arguments ) // operation: ideal (...) -> ideal ( 1 arguments ) // operation: ideal (...) -> ideal ( any number of arguments ) // operation: intersect (...) -> ideal ( 2 arguments ) // operation: intersect (...) -> ideal ( 3 arguments ) // operation: intersect (...) -> ideal ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: intvec (...) -> intvec ( 1 arguments ) // operation: intvec (...) -> intvec ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: jet (...) -> poly ( 2 arguments ) // operation: jet (...) -> poly ( 3 arguments ) // operation: jet (...) -> poly ( 4 arguments ) // operation: LIB (...) -> nothing ( 1 arguments ) // operation: lift (...) -> matrix ( 2 arguments ) // operation: lift (...) -> matrix ( 3 arguments ) // operation: lift (...) -> matrix ( 4 arguments ) // operation: liftstd (...) -> ideal ( 2 arguments ) // operation: liftstd (...) -> ideal ( 3 arguments ) // operation: liftstd (...) -> ideal ( 4 arguments ) // operation: liftstd (...) -> ideal ( 5 arguments ) // operation: list (...) -> list ( any number of arguments ) // operation: luinverse (...) -> list ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: lusolve (...) -> list ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: minor (...) -> nothing ( 1 arguments ) // operation: minor (...) -> ideal ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: module (...) -> module ( 1 arguments ) // operation: module (...) -> module ( any number of arguments ) // operation: modulo (...) -> module ( 2 arguments ) // operation: modulo (...) -> module ( 3 arguments ) // operation: modulo (...) -> module ( 4 arguments ) // operation: names (...) -> list ( 1 arguments ) // operation: names (...) -> list ( 0 arguments ) // operation: $INVALID$ (...) -> $INVALID$ ( 2 arguments ) // operation: option (...) -> string ( any number of arguments ) // operation: reduce (...) -> ideal ( 2 arguments ) // operation: reduce (...) -> ideal ( 3 arguments ) // operation: reduce (...) -> ideal ( 4 arguments ) // operation: reduce (...) -> ideal ( 5 arguments ) // operation: reservedName (...) -> int ( 1 arguments ) // operation: reservedName (...) -> nothing ( 0 arguments ) // operation: reservedNameList (...) -> list ( 0 arguments ) // operation: string (...) -> string ( any number of arguments ) // operation: subst (...) -> nothing ( 3 arguments ) // operation: subst (...) -> nothing ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: system (...) -> nothing ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: test (...) -> nothing ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: write (...) -> nothing ( number of arguments >0 ) // operation: status (...) -> string ( 2 arguments ) // operation: status (...) -> int ( 3 arguments ) // operation: status (...) -> int ( 4 arguments ) // operation: simplex (...) -> list ( 6 arguments ) // operation: uressolve (...) -> list ( 4 arguments ) // operation: std (...) -> ideal ( 1 arguments ) // operation: std (...) -> ideal ( 2 arguments ) // operation: std (...) -> ideal ( 3 arguments ) // operation: std (...) -> ideal ( 4 arguments ) // operation: qrds (...) -> list ( 4 arguments ) // operation: factmodd (...) -> list ( number of arguments >0 ) /*---------------------------------------------*/ // assign: bigint = bigint // assign: bigint = number // assign: bigintvec = bigintvec // assign: bigintvec = intvec // assign: bigintmat = bigintmat // assign: cring = cring // assign: ideal = ideal // assign: ideal = module // assign: ideal = matrix // assign: int = int // assign: int = intmat // assign: intvec = intvec // assign: intmat = intmat // assign: link = string // assign: link = link // assign: list = resolution // assign: list = list // assign: map = ideal // assign: map = map // assign: matrix = matrix // assign: module = module // assign: module = poly // assign: number = number // assign: package = package // assign: poly = poly // assign: poly = matrix // assign: poly = polyBucket // assign: proc = string // assign: proc = proc // assign: resolution = resolution // assign: ring = ring // assign: ring = ideal // assign: smatrix = smatrix // assign: smatrix = module // assign: string = string // assign: vector = vector // assign: def = def /*---------------------------------------------*/ // convert bigintvec -> bigintmat // convert intmat -> bigintmat // convert int -> bigintvec // convert intvec -> bigintvec // convert intvec -> intmat // convert polyBucket -> ideal // convert poly -> ideal // convert bigint -> ideal // convert int -> ideal // convert intmat -> matrix // convert polyBucket -> matrix // convert ideal -> matrix // convert module -> matrix // convert number -> matrix // convert poly -> matrix // convert smatrix -> matrix // convert vector -> matrix // convert bigint -> matrix // convert int -> matrix // convert intvec -> matrix // convert ideal -> module // convert matrix -> module // convert smatrix -> module // convert vector -> module // convert bigint -> number // convert int -> number // convert polyBucket -> poly // convert number -> poly // convert bigint -> poly // convert int -> poly // convert list -> resolution // convert matrix -> smatrix // convert module -> smatrix // convert polyBucket -> vector // convert poly -> vector // convert bigint -> vector // convert int -> vector // convert int -> bigint // convert int -> intvec // convert string -> link // convert resolution -> list /*---------------------------------------------*/ // token 61 : = // token 62 : > // token 60 : < // token 43 : + // token 42 : * // token 47 : / // token 91 : [ // token 46 : . // token 94 : ^ // token 44 : , // token 37 : % // token 40 : ( // token 59 : ; // token 258 : .. // token 259 : == // token 260 : >= // token 261 : <= // token 262 : -- // token 263 : not // token 264 : <> // token 265 : ++ // token 266 : :: // token 269 : bigintmat // token 270 : bigintvec // token 271 : intmat // token 272 : proc // token 273 : ring // token 275 : polyBucket // token 276 : ideal // token 277 : map // token 278 : matrix // token 279 : module // token 280 : number // token 281 : poly // token 282 : resolution // token 283 : smatrix // token 284 : vector // token 285 : betti // token 286 : gen // token 287 : fetch // token 288 : freemodule // token 289 : keepring // token 290 : imap // token 291 : koszul // token 292 : maxideal // token 293 : monomial // token 294 : par // token 295 : preimage // token 296 : var // token 298 : degBound // token 299 : multBound // token 300 : noether // token 301 : minpoly // token 302 : nothing // token 315 : example // token 316 : export // token 318 : kill // token 319 : LIB // token 320 : listvar // token 321 : setring // token 322 : type // token 329 : apply // token 330 : ASSUME // token 331 : break // token 332 : continue // token 333 : else // token 334 : eval // token 335 : quote // token 337 : forif // token 340 : return // token 341 : parameter // token 345 : command // token 346 : any_type // token 347 : identifier // token 358 : alias // token 359 : align // token 360 : attrib // token 361 : bareiss // token 362 : bigint // token 363 : branchTo // token 364 : bracket // token 365 : breakpoint // token 366 : char // token 367 : charstr // token 368 : char_series // token 369 : chinrem // token 373 : close // token 374 : coeffs // token 375 : coef // token 376 : ncols // token 377 : cleardenom // token 378 : contract // token 379 : size // token 380 : cring // token 381 : dbprint // token 382 : def // token 383 : defined // token 384 : deg // token 385 : degree // token 386 : delete // token 387 : denominator // token 388 : det // token 389 : diff // token 390 : dim // token 391 : division // token 392 : dump // token 393 : eliminate // token 394 : RETURN // token 395 : envelope // token 396 : ERROR // token 397 : execute // token 398 : exportto // token 399 : extgcd // token 400 : factorize // token 401 : farey // token 402 : find // token 403 : facstd // token 404 : factmodd // token 405 : fres // token 406 : frwalk // token 407 : fglm // token 408 : fglmquot // token 409 : finduni // token 410 : gcd // token 411 : getdump // token 412 : highcorner // token 413 : hilb // token 414 : homog // token 415 : hres // token 416 : impart // token 417 : importfrom // token 418 : indepSet // token 419 : insert // token 420 : int // token 421 : div // token 422 : interpolation // token 423 : interred // token 424 : intersect // token 425 : intvec // token 426 : rvar // token 427 : jacob // token 428 : janet // token 429 : jet // token 430 : kbase // token 431 : kernel // token 432 : killattrib // token 433 : kres // token 434 : laguerre // token 435 : lead // token 436 : leadcoef // token 437 : leadexp // token 438 : leadmonom // token 439 : liftstd // token 440 : lift // token 441 : link // token 442 : list // token 443 : load // token 444 : lres // token 445 : ludecomp // token 446 : luinverse // token 447 : lusolve // token 448 : memory // token 449 : minbase // token 450 : minor // token 451 : minres // token 452 : modulo // token 453 : monitor // token 454 : mpresmat // token 455 : mres // token 456 : mres_map // token 457 : mstd // token 458 : mult // token 459 : nameof // token 460 : names // token 461 : newstruct // token 462 : ncalgebra // token 463 : nc_algebra // token 464 : convhull // token 465 : npars // token 466 : numerator // token 467 : nvars // token 468 : ord // token 469 : open // token 470 : oppose // token 471 : opposite // token 472 : option // token 473 : ordstr // token 474 : package // token 475 : pardeg // token 477 : parstr // token 478 : primefactors // token 479 : prime // token 480 : print // token 481 : prune // token 482 : prune_map // token 483 : qhweight // token 484 : qring // token 485 : qrds // token 486 : quotient // token 487 : random // token 488 : rank // token 489 : read // token 490 : reduce // token 491 : regularity // token 492 : repart // token 493 : nres // token 494 : reservedName // token 495 : reservedNameList // token 496 : restart // token 497 : resultant // token 498 : rightstd // token 499 : ringlist // token 500 : ring_list // token 501 : nrows // token 502 : sba // token 503 : simplex // token 504 : simplify // token 505 : slimgb // token 506 : sortvec // token 507 : sqrfree // token 508 : sres // token 509 : status // token 510 : std // token 511 : string // token 512 : subst // token 513 : system // token 514 : syz // token 515 : tensor // token 516 : test // token 517 : transpose // token 518 : trace // token 519 : twostd // token 520 : typeof // token 521 : univariate // token 523 : uressolve // token 524 : vandermonde // token 525 : variables // token 526 : varstr // token 527 : vdim // token 528 : waitfirst // token 529 : waitall // token 530 : wedge // token 531 : weight // token 532 : write // token 533 : echo // token 534 : pagewidth // token 535 : timer // token 536 : rtimer // token 537 : TRACE // token 538 : voice // token 539 : short // token 540 : printlevel /*--max. token: 541, gr: 343 --*/ /*---------------------------------------------*/ const struct sValCmdTab dArithTab1[]= { { 40,11 }, /* ( */ { 45,2 }, /* - */ { 262,1 }, /* -- */ { 263,152 }, /* not */ { 265,0 }, /* ++ */ { 269,22 }, /* bigintmat */ { 270,23 }, /* bigintvec */ { 271,100 }, /* intmat */ { 272,174 }, /* proc */ { 273,190 }, /* ring */ { 276,86 }, /* ideal */ { 277,133 }, /* map */ { 278,134 }, /* matrix */ { 279,141 }, /* module */ { 280,153 }, /* number */ { 281,168 }, /* poly */ { 282,183 }, /* resolution */ { 283,204 }, /* smatrix */ { 284,231 }, /* vector */ { 285,15 }, /* betti */ { 286,71 }, /* gen */ { 288,76 }, /* freemodule */ { 292,135 }, /* maxideal */ { 293,143 }, /* monomial */ { 294,164 }, /* par */ { 295,170 }, /* preimage */ { 296,234 }, /* var */ { 321,201 }, /* setring */ { 360,12 }, /* attrib */ { 361,13 }, /* bareiss */ { 362,19 }, /* bigint */ { 366,24 }, /* char */ { 367,26 }, /* charstr */ { 368,25 }, /* char_series */ { 371,156 }, /* $INVALID$ */ { 373,27 }, /* close */ { 374,28 }, /* coeffs */ { 376,29 }, /* ncols */ { 377,35 }, /* cleardenom */ { 379,37 }, /* size */ { 380,52 }, /* cring */ { 382,53 }, /* def */ { 383,60 }, /* defined */ { 384,55 }, /* deg */ { 385,58 }, /* degree */ { 387,61 }, /* denominator */ { 388,63 }, /* det */ { 390,67 }, /* dim */ { 392,70 }, /* dump */ { 395,214 }, /* envelope */ { 396,73 }, /* ERROR */ { 397,72 }, /* execute */ { 400,74 }, /* factorize */ { 403,77 }, /* facstd */ { 409,75 }, /* finduni */ { 411,78 }, /* getdump */ { 412,79 }, /* highcorner */ { 413,81 }, /* hilb */ { 414,84 }, /* homog */ { 416,91 }, /* impart */ { 418,92 }, /* indepSet */ { 420,93 }, /* int */ { 423,98 }, /* interred */ { 425,102 }, /* intvec */ { 426,105 }, /* rvar */ { 427,108 }, /* jacob */ { 428,111 }, /* janet */ { 430,112 }, /* kbase */ { 431,114 }, /* kernel */ { 432,120 }, /* killattrib */ { 434,116 }, /* laguerre */ { 435,121 }, /* lead */ { 436,125 }, /* leadcoef */ { 437,127 }, /* leadexp */ { 438,129 }, /* leadmonom */ { 441,131 }, /* link */ { 442,132 }, /* list */ { 443,239 }, /* load */ { 445,117 }, /* ludecomp */ { 448,136 }, /* memory */ { 449,137 }, /* minbase */ { 451,139 }, /* minres */ { 453,142 }, /* monitor */ { 457,146 }, /* mstd */ { 458,144 }, /* mult */ { 459,148 }, /* nameof */ { 460,149 }, /* names */ { 464,240 }, /* convhull */ { 465,157 }, /* npars */ { 466,62 }, /* numerator */ { 467,158 }, /* nvars */ { 468,161 }, /* ord */ { 469,159 }, /* open */ { 471,215 }, /* opposite */ { 472,160 }, /* option */ { 473,163 }, /* ordstr */ { 475,165 }, /* pardeg */ { 477,166 }, /* parstr */ { 478,118 }, /* primefactors */ { 479,171 }, /* prime */ { 480,172 }, /* print */ { 481,175 }, /* prune */ { 483,176 }, /* qhweight */ { 488,178 }, /* rank */ { 489,179 }, /* read */ { 491,180 }, /* regularity */ { 492,181 }, /* repart */ { 494,182 }, /* reservedName */ { 496,185 }, /* restart */ { 498,186 }, /* rightstd */ { 499,187 }, /* ringlist */ { 500,188 }, /* ring_list */ { 501,192 }, /* nrows */ { 502,199 }, /* sba */ { 505,202 }, /* slimgb */ { 506,205 }, /* sortvec */ { 507,207 }, /* sqrfree */ { 510,208 }, /* std */ { 511,211 }, /* string */ { 514,212 }, /* syz */ { 517,220 }, /* transpose */ { 518,218 }, /* trace */ { 519,216 }, /* twostd */ { 520,226 }, /* typeof */ { 521,227 }, /* univariate */ { 525,228 }, /* variables */ { 526,235 }, /* varstr */ { 527,232 }, /* vdim */ { 528,241 }, /* waitfirst */ { 529,242 }, /* waitall */ { 531,237 }, /* weight */ { 10000,0 } }; #define JJTAB1LEN 131 const struct sValCmdTab dArithTab2[]= { { 37,119 }, /* % */ { 38,166 }, /* and */ { 40,227 }, /* ( */ { 42,61 }, /* * */ { 43,1 }, /* + */ { 45,34 }, /* - */ { 47,103 }, /* / */ { 58,232 }, /* : */ { 60,139 }, /* < */ { 62,157 }, /* > */ { 91,208 }, /* [ */ { 94,125 }, /* ^ */ { 124,167 }, /* or */ { 258,207 }, /* .. */ { 259,168 }, /* == */ { 260,148 }, /* >= */ { 261,130 }, /* <= */ { 264,189 }, /* <> */ { 266,0 }, /* :: */ { 285,236 }, /* betti */ { 287,290 }, /* fetch */ { 290,310 }, /* imap */ { 291,327 }, /* koszul */ { 359,233 }, /* align */ { 360,235 }, /* attrib */ { 364,240 }, /* bracket */ { 369,241 }, /* chinrem */ { 374,246 }, /* coeffs */ { 375,244 }, /* coef */ { 378,250 }, /* contract */ { 384,251 }, /* deg */ { 386,254 }, /* delete */ { 388,261 }, /* det */ { 389,263 }, /* diff */ { 390,270 }, /* dim */ { 391,272 }, /* division */ { 393,274 }, /* eliminate */ { 398,278 }, /* exportto */ { 399,279 }, /* extgcd */ { 400,282 }, /* factorize */ { 401,284 }, /* farey */ { 402,293 }, /* find */ { 403,283 }, /* facstd */ { 405,294 }, /* fres */ { 406,296 }, /* frwalk */ { 407,291 }, /* fglm */ { 408,292 }, /* fglmquot */ { 410,297 }, /* gcd */ { 413,301 }, /* hilb */ { 414,303 }, /* homog */ { 415,309 }, /* hres */ { 417,311 }, /* importfrom */ { 418,312 }, /* indepSet */ { 419,313 }, /* insert */ { 421,113 }, /* div */ { 422,314 }, /* interpolation */ { 424,315 }, /* intersect */ { 428,317 }, /* janet */ { 429,318 }, /* jet */ { 430,323 }, /* kbase */ { 431,325 }, /* kernel */ { 432,326 }, /* killattrib */ { 433,329 }, /* kres */ { 439,332 }, /* liftstd */ { 440,330 }, /* lift */ { 443,334 }, /* load */ { 444,335 }, /* lres */ { 452,336 }, /* modulo */ { 453,338 }, /* monitor */ { 454,339 }, /* mpresmat */ { 455,341 }, /* mres */ { 461,340 }, /* newstruct */ { 462,345 }, /* ncalgebra */ { 463,349 }, /* nc_algebra */ { 470,353 }, /* oppose */ { 477,354 }, /* parstr */ { 478,343 }, /* primefactors */ { 480,355 }, /* print */ { 482,356 }, /* prune_map */ { 486,357 }, /* quotient */ { 487,360 }, /* random */ { 488,361 }, /* rank */ { 489,362 }, /* read */ { 490,363 }, /* reduce */ { 493,369 }, /* nres */ { 502,371 }, /* sba */ { 504,373 }, /* simplify */ { 507,377 }, /* sqrfree */ { 508,380 }, /* sres */ { 509,378 }, /* status */ { 510,382 }, /* std */ { 514,388 }, /* syz */ { 515,390 }, /* tensor */ { 526,393 }, /* varstr */ { 528,394 }, /* waitfirst */ { 529,395 }, /* waitall */ { 530,396 }, /* wedge */ { 10000,0 } }; #define JJTAB2LEN 97 /**************************************** * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR * ****************************************/ // identifier table for Singular // void iiInitCmdName() { sArithBase.nCmdUsed = 0; sArithBase.nCmdAllocated = 245; sArithBase.sCmds = (cmdnames*)omAlloc0(245/*sArithBase.nCmdAllocated*/ *sizeof(cmdnames)); // name-string alias tokval toktype index iiArithAddCmd("$INVALID$", 0, -1, 0, 0); iiArithAddCmd("ASSUME", 0, 330, 330, 1); iiArithAddCmd("ERROR", 0, 396, CMD_1, 2); iiArithAddCmd("GCD", 2, 410, CMD_2, 3); iiArithAddCmd("IN", 1, 435, CMD_1, 4); iiArithAddCmd("LIB", 0, 319, SYSVAR, 5); iiArithAddCmd("NF", 1, 490, CMD_M, 6); iiArithAddCmd("RETURN", 0, 394, 340, 7); iiArithAddCmd("TRACE", 0, 537, SYSVAR, 8); iiArithAddCmd("alias", 0, 358, 341, 9); iiArithAddCmd("align", 0, 359, CMD_2, 10); iiArithAddCmd("and", 0, 38, '&', 11); iiArithAddCmd("apply", 0, 329, 329, 12); iiArithAddCmd("attrib", 0, 360, CMD_123, 13); iiArithAddCmd("bareiss", 0, 361, CMD_13, 14); iiArithAddCmd("betti", 0, 285, CMD_12, 15); iiArithAddCmd("bigint", 0, 362, ROOT_DECL, 16); iiArithAddCmd("bigintmat", 0, 269, 269, 17); iiArithAddCmd("bigintvec", 0, 270, ROOT_DECL_LIST, 18); iiArithAddCmd("bracket", 0, 364, CMD_23, 19); iiArithAddCmd("branchTo", 0, 363, CMD_M, 20); iiArithAddCmd("break", 0, 331, 331, 21); iiArithAddCmd("breakpoint", 0, 365, CMD_M, 22); iiArithAddCmd("char", 0, 366, CMD_1, 23); iiArithAddCmd("char_series", 0, 368, CMD_1, 24); iiArithAddCmd("charstr", 0, 367, CMD_1, 25); iiArithAddCmd("chinrem", 0, 369, CMD_2, 26); iiArithAddCmd("cleardenom", 0, 377, CMD_1, 27); iiArithAddCmd("close", 0, 373, CMD_1, 28); iiArithAddCmd("coef", 0, 375, CMD_M, 29); iiArithAddCmd("coeffs", 0, 374, CMD_123, 30); iiArithAddCmd("continue", 0, 332, 332, 31); iiArithAddCmd("contract", 0, 378, CMD_2, 32); iiArithAddCmd("convhull", 0, 464, CMD_1, 33); iiArithAddCmd("cring", 0, 380, ROOT_DECL, 34); iiArithAddCmd("dbprint", 0, 381, CMD_M, 35); iiArithAddCmd("def", 0, 382, ROOT_DECL, 36); iiArithAddCmd("defined", 0, 383, CMD_1, 37); iiArithAddCmd("deg", 0, 384, CMD_12, 38); iiArithAddCmd("degBound", 0, 298, SYSVAR, 39); iiArithAddCmd("degree", 0, 385, CMD_1, 40); iiArithAddCmd("delete", 0, 386, CMD_2, 41); iiArithAddCmd("denominator", 0, 387, CMD_1, 42); iiArithAddCmd("det", 0, 388, CMD_12, 43); iiArithAddCmd("diff", 0, 389, CMD_2, 44); iiArithAddCmd("dim", 0, 390, CMD_12, 45); iiArithAddCmd("div", 0, 421, '/', 46); iiArithAddCmd("division", 0, 391, CMD_M, 47); iiArithAddCmd("dump", 0, 392, CMD_1, 48); iiArithAddCmd("echo", 0, 533, SYSVAR, 49); iiArithAddCmd("eliminate", 0, 393, CMD_23, 50); iiArithAddCmd("else", 0, 333, 333, 51); iiArithAddCmd("envelope", 0, 395, CMD_1, 52); iiArithAddCmd("eval", 0, 334, 334, 53); iiArithAddCmd("example", 0, 315, 315, 54); iiArithAddCmd("execute", 0, 397, CMD_1, 55); iiArithAddCmd("export", 0, 316, 316, 56); iiArithAddCmd("exportto", 0, 398, CMD_2, 57); iiArithAddCmd("extgcd", 0, 399, CMD_2, 58); iiArithAddCmd("facstd", 0, 403, CMD_12, 59); iiArithAddCmd("factmodd", 0, 404, CMD_M, 60); iiArithAddCmd("factorize", 0, 400, CMD_12, 61); iiArithAddCmd("farey", 0, 401, CMD_2, 62); iiArithAddCmd("fetch", 0, 287, CMD_M, 63); iiArithAddCmd("fglm", 0, 407, CMD_2, 64); iiArithAddCmd("fglmquot", 0, 408, CMD_2, 65); iiArithAddCmd("find", 0, 402, CMD_23, 66); iiArithAddCmd("finduni", 0, 409, CMD_1, 67); iiArithAddCmd("forif", 0, 337, 337, 68); iiArithAddCmd("freemodule", 0, 288, CMD_1, 69); iiArithAddCmd("fres", 0, 405, CMD_23, 70); iiArithAddCmd("frwalk", 0, 406, CMD_23, 71); iiArithAddCmd("gcd", 0, 410, CMD_2, 72); iiArithAddCmd("gen", 0, 286, CMD_1, 73); iiArithAddCmd("getdump", 0, 411, CMD_1, 74); iiArithAddCmd("highcorner", 0, 412, CMD_1, 75); iiArithAddCmd("hilb", 0, 413, CMD_M, 76); iiArithAddCmd("homog", 0, 414, CMD_123, 77); iiArithAddCmd("hres", 0, 415, CMD_2, 78); iiArithAddCmd("ideal", 0, 276, 314, 79); iiArithAddCmd("if", 0, 337, 337, 80); iiArithAddCmd("imap", 0, 290, CMD_2, 81); iiArithAddCmd("impart", 0, 416, CMD_1, 82); iiArithAddCmd("importfrom", 0, 417, CMD_2, 83); iiArithAddCmd("indepSet", 0, 418, CMD_12, 84); iiArithAddCmd("insert", 0, 419, CMD_23, 85); iiArithAddCmd("int", 0, 420, ROOT_DECL, 86); iiArithAddCmd("interpolation", 0, 422, CMD_2, 87); iiArithAddCmd("interred", 0, 423, CMD_1, 88); iiArithAddCmd("intersect", 0, 424, CMD_M, 89); iiArithAddCmd("intmat", 0, 271, 271, 90); iiArithAddCmd("intvec", 0, 425, ROOT_DECL_LIST, 91); iiArithAddCmd("jacob", 0, 427, CMD_1, 92); iiArithAddCmd("janet", 0, 428, CMD_12, 93); iiArithAddCmd("jet", 0, 429, CMD_M, 94); iiArithAddCmd("kbase", 0, 430, CMD_12, 95); iiArithAddCmd("keepring", 0, 289, 289, 96); iiArithAddCmd("kernel", 0, 431, CMD_12, 97); iiArithAddCmd("kill", 0, 318, 318, 98); iiArithAddCmd("killattrib", 0, 432, CMD_12, 99); iiArithAddCmd("koszul", 0, 291, CMD_23, 100); iiArithAddCmd("kres", 0, 433, CMD_2, 101); iiArithAddCmd("laguerre", 0, 434, CMD_13, 102); iiArithAddCmd("lead", 0, 435, CMD_1, 103); iiArithAddCmd("leadcoef", 0, 436, CMD_1, 104); iiArithAddCmd("leadexp", 0, 437, CMD_1, 105); iiArithAddCmd("leadmonom", 0, 438, CMD_1, 106); iiArithAddCmd("lift", 0, 440, CMD_M, 107); iiArithAddCmd("liftstd", 0, 439, CMD_M, 108); iiArithAddCmd("link", 0, 441, ROOT_DECL, 109); iiArithAddCmd("list", 0, 442, ROOT_DECL_LIST, 110); iiArithAddCmd("listvar", 0, 320, 320, 111); iiArithAddCmd("load", 0, 443, CMD_12, 112); iiArithAddCmd("lres", 0, 444, CMD_2, 113); iiArithAddCmd("ludecomp", 0, 445, CMD_1, 114); iiArithAddCmd("luinverse", 0, 446, CMD_M, 115); iiArithAddCmd("lusolve", 0, 447, CMD_M, 116); iiArithAddCmd("map", 0, 277, RING_DECL, 117); iiArithAddCmd("matrix", 0, 278, 278, 118); iiArithAddCmd("maxideal", 0, 292, CMD_1, 119); iiArithAddCmd("memory", 0, 448, CMD_1, 120); iiArithAddCmd("minbase", 0, 449, CMD_1, 121); iiArithAddCmd("minor", 0, 450, CMD_M, 122); iiArithAddCmd("minpoly", 0, 301, SYSVAR, 123); iiArithAddCmd("minres", 0, 451, CMD_1, 124); iiArithAddCmd("mod", 0, 37, '/', 125); iiArithAddCmd("module", 0, 279, 314, 126); iiArithAddCmd("modulo", 0, 452, CMD_M, 127); iiArithAddCmd("monitor", 0, 453, CMD_12, 128); iiArithAddCmd("monomial", 0, 293, CMD_1, 129); iiArithAddCmd("mpresmat", 0, 454, CMD_2, 130); iiArithAddCmd("mres", 0, 455, CMD_2, 131); iiArithAddCmd("mres_map", 0, 456, CMD_3, 132); iiArithAddCmd("mstd", 0, 457, CMD_1, 133); iiArithAddCmd("mult", 0, 458, CMD_1, 134); iiArithAddCmd("multBound", 0, 299, SYSVAR, 135); iiArithAddCmd("multiplicity", 1, 458, CMD_1, 136); iiArithAddCmd("nameof", 0, 459, CMD_1, 137); iiArithAddCmd("names", 0, 460, CMD_M, 138); iiArithAddCmd("nc_algebra", 0, 463, CMD_2, 139); iiArithAddCmd("ncalgebra", 2, 462, CMD_2, 140); iiArithAddCmd("ncols", 0, 376, CMD_1, 141); iiArithAddCmd("newstruct", 0, 461, CMD_23, 142); iiArithAddCmd("noether", 0, 300, SYSVAR, 143); iiArithAddCmd("not", 0, 263, 263, 144); iiArithAddCmd("npars", 0, 465, CMD_1, 145); iiArithAddCmd("nres", 0, 493, CMD_2, 146); iiArithAddCmd("nrows", 0, 501, CMD_1, 147); iiArithAddCmd("number", 0, 280, RING_DECL, 148); iiArithAddCmd("numerator", 0, 466, CMD_1, 149); iiArithAddCmd("nvars", 0, 467, CMD_1, 150); iiArithAddCmd("open", 0, 469, CMD_1, 151); iiArithAddCmd("oppose", 0, 470, CMD_2, 152); iiArithAddCmd("opposite", 0, 471, CMD_1, 153); iiArithAddCmd("option", 0, 472, CMD_M, 154); iiArithAddCmd("or", 0, 124, '&', 155); iiArithAddCmd("ord", 0, 468, CMD_1, 156); iiArithAddCmd("ordstr", 0, 473, CMD_1, 157); iiArithAddCmd("package", 0, 474, ROOT_DECL, 158); iiArithAddCmd("pagewidth", 0, 534, SYSVAR, 159); iiArithAddCmd("par", 0, 294, CMD_1, 160); iiArithAddCmd("parameter", 0, 341, 341, 161); iiArithAddCmd("pardeg", 0, 475, CMD_1, 162); iiArithAddCmd("parstr", 0, 477, CMD_12, 163); iiArithAddCmd("poly", 0, 281, RING_DECL, 164); iiArithAddCmd("polyBucket", 0, 275, RING_DECL, 165); iiArithAddCmd("preimage", 0, 295, CMD_13, 166); iiArithAddCmd("prime", 0, 479, CMD_1, 167); iiArithAddCmd("primefactors", 0, 478, CMD_12, 168); iiArithAddCmd("print", 0, 480, CMD_12, 169); iiArithAddCmd("printlevel", 0, 540, SYSVAR, 170); iiArithAddCmd("proc", 0, 272, 272, 171); iiArithAddCmd("prune", 0, 481, CMD_1, 172); iiArithAddCmd("prune_map", 0, 482, CMD_2, 173); iiArithAddCmd("qhweight", 0, 483, CMD_1, 174); iiArithAddCmd("qrds", 0, 485, CMD_M, 175); iiArithAddCmd("qring", 0, 484, ROOT_DECL, 176); iiArithAddCmd("quote", 0, 335, 335, 177); iiArithAddCmd("quotient", 0, 486, CMD_2, 178); iiArithAddCmd("random", 0, 487, CMD_23, 179); iiArithAddCmd("rank", 0, 488, CMD_12, 180); iiArithAddCmd("read", 0, 489, CMD_12, 181); iiArithAddCmd("reduce", 0, 490, CMD_M, 182); iiArithAddCmd("regularity", 0, 491, CMD_1, 183); iiArithAddCmd("repart", 0, 492, CMD_1, 184); iiArithAddCmd("reservedName", 0, 494, CMD_M, 185); iiArithAddCmd("reservedNameList", 0, 495, CMD_M, 186); iiArithAddCmd("resolution", 0, 282, RING_DECL, 187); iiArithAddCmd("restart", 0, 496, CMD_1, 188); iiArithAddCmd("resultant", 0, 497, CMD_3, 189); iiArithAddCmd("return", 0, 340, 340, 190); iiArithAddCmd("rightstd", 0, 498, CMD_1, 191); iiArithAddCmd("ring", 0, 273, 273, 192); iiArithAddCmd("ring_list", 0, 500, CMD_1, 193); iiArithAddCmd("ringlist", 0, 499, CMD_1, 194); iiArithAddCmd("rtimer", 0, 536, SYSVAR, 195); iiArithAddCmd("rvar", 0, 426, CMD_1, 196); iiArithAddCmd("sba", 0, 502, CMD_123, 197); iiArithAddCmd("setring", 0, 321, 321, 198); iiArithAddCmd("short", 0, 539, SYSVAR, 199); iiArithAddCmd("simplex", 0, 503, CMD_M, 200); iiArithAddCmd("simplify", 0, 504, CMD_2, 201); iiArithAddCmd("size", 0, 379, CMD_1, 202); iiArithAddCmd("slimgb", 0, 505, CMD_1, 203); iiArithAddCmd("smatrix", 0, 283, 283, 204); iiArithAddCmd("sortvec", 0, 506, CMD_1, 205); iiArithAddCmd("sqrfree", 0, 507, CMD_12, 206); iiArithAddCmd("sres", 0, 508, CMD_2, 207); iiArithAddCmd("status", 0, 509, CMD_M, 208); iiArithAddCmd("std", 0, 510, CMD_M, 209); iiArithAddCmd("string", 0, 511, ROOT_DECL_LIST, 210); iiArithAddCmd("subst", 0, 512, CMD_M, 211); iiArithAddCmd("system", 0, 513, CMD_M, 212); iiArithAddCmd("syz", 0, 514, CMD_12, 213); iiArithAddCmd("tensor", 0, 515, CMD_2, 214); iiArithAddCmd("test", 0, 516, CMD_M, 215); iiArithAddCmd("timer", 0, 535, SYSVAR, 216); iiArithAddCmd("trace", 0, 518, CMD_1, 217); iiArithAddCmd("transpose", 0, 517, CMD_1, 218); iiArithAddCmd("twostd", 0, 519, CMD_1, 219); iiArithAddCmd("type", 0, 322, 322, 220); iiArithAddCmd("typeof", 0, 520, CMD_1, 221); iiArithAddCmd("univariate", 0, 521, CMD_1, 222); iiArithAddCmd("uressolve", 0, 523, CMD_M, 223); iiArithAddCmd("vandermonde", 0, 524, CMD_3, 224); iiArithAddCmd("var", 0, 296, CMD_1, 225); iiArithAddCmd("variables", 0, 525, CMD_1, 226); iiArithAddCmd("varstr", 0, 526, CMD_12, 227); iiArithAddCmd("vdim", 0, 527, CMD_1, 228); iiArithAddCmd("vector", 0, 284, RING_DECL, 229); iiArithAddCmd("verbose", 2, 472, CMD_M, 230); iiArithAddCmd("voice", 0, 538, SYSVAR, 231); iiArithAddCmd("waitall", 0, 529, CMD_12, 232); iiArithAddCmd("waitfirst", 0, 528, CMD_12, 233); iiArithAddCmd("wedge", 0, 530, CMD_2, 234); iiArithAddCmd("weight", 0, 531, CMD_1, 235); iiArithAddCmd("whileif", 0, 337, 337, 236); iiArithAddCmd("write", 0, 532, CMD_M, 237); iiArithAddCmd("exit", 0, -1, 0, 238); iiArithAddCmd("for", 0, -1, 0, 239); iiArithAddCmd("help", 0, -1, 0, 240); iiArithAddCmd("newline", 0, -1, 0, 241); iiArithAddCmd("pause", 2, -1, 0, 242); iiArithAddCmd("quit", 0, -1, 0, 243); iiArithAddCmd("while", 0, -1, 0, 244); /* end of list marker */ sArithBase.nLastIdentifier = 237; } #define LAST_IDENTIFIER 237