
May 4, 2021:

4:35 PM Changeset in git [502859]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
opt: CanonicalizeP
3:32 PM Changeset in git [182ac7]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
moved kutil.cc -> kstd2.cc: ind2, ind_fact_2, removed VANIDEAL RING2TOM
11:47 AM Changeset in git [d56a028]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
opt: GetpLength, static

May 3, 2021:

8:56 PM Changeset in git [9b7d66]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
opt: compute length for redBest
7:11 PM Changeset in git [18d3e9]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
opt: compute length only for OPT_LENGTH
11:32 AM Ticket #874 (bug in codim) closed by hannes
fixed: fixed with 1869c3489b4d2fa54eca46142f7d0a0ff185c4a6

May 2, 2021:

5:30 PM Changeset in git [1869c3]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: tr #874 (codim)
4:05 PM Changeset in git [f7e3f62]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
doc: letterplace: map,imap,fetch
3:59 PM Ticket #874 (bug in codim) created by greuel@…
Development version 4.1.3 (but also in earlier versions). Example: …
3:22 PM Changeset in git [a046c4]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
simplify rIsNCRing
3:03 PM Changeset in git [986129]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
Merge branch 'kabouzeid-letterplace-map' into spielwiese

Apr 30, 2021:

8:52 AM Changeset in git [36966d9]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: ASCII

Apr 28, 2021:

9:48 PM Changeset in git [bb8b31]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: --enable-dynamic-modules
8:12 PM Changeset in git [25fe37b]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
add: --enable-dynamic-modules
7:48 PM Changeset in git [28ae67]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>

Apr 27, 2021:

11:25 PM Changeset in git [76f3202]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
redHoney, redHomog, redLazy
11:22 AM Changeset in git [5e6cda]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
doc: rings as coeffs

Apr 24, 2021:

8:23 PM Changeset in git [385385f]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
opt: redHoney

Apr 23, 2021:

10:20 PM Changeset in git [600ab7b]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
opt: red* routines
5:59 PM Changeset in git [10c7e0]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: redLiftstd
5:21 PM Changeset in git [4c0fd3]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: reduce for ring-cf != Z, Z/n
2:48 PM Ticket #873 (Bug using polynomial ring as coefficient ring) closed by hannes
fixed: fixed with 1f547ed4cc617ebefd435098637414a0fabd2084
2:45 PM Changeset in git [1f547ed]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: tr. #873 (redef. trans. ext. rings)
1:24 PM Ticket #873 (Bug using polynomial ring as coefficient ring) created by anonymous
Here is a minimal example: running the following code twice […] …
11:01 AM Changeset in git [bf8b65]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: n_IsUnit, n_GetUnit (Tst/Manual/simplify.tst)

Apr 22, 2021:

4:28 PM Changeset in git [5fd24e6]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
redtailBba_Z: use ksReducePolyTail_Z
4:03 PM Changeset in git [8ea64b]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: ndIsUnit, ndGetUnit
2:58 PM Changeset in git [7760bc]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
chg: p_Normalize for all coeffs

Apr 21, 2021:

6:40 PM Changeset in git [fe846e]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
P.pContent() -> P.pCleardenom()
6:38 PM Changeset in git [805315e]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
opt: idElimination, intro. V_IDELIM

Apr 20, 2021:

3:24 PM Changeset in git [30e184]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: liftstd with 2 args (and clean up)

Apr 19, 2021:

7:31 PM Changeset in git [ddebd7]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: handle currRing==tailRing in splitAt..
10:48 AM Changeset in git [3cda50]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: issue #1086

Apr 17, 2021:

1:01 AM Changeset in git [206d95]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: TAG handling in doc

Apr 16, 2021:

8:43 PM Changeset in git [776b170]spielwiese by Karim Abou Zeid <karim23697@…>
Support ncgen in letterplace map()
6:45 PM Changeset in git [d647e3d]spielwiese by Karim Abou Zeid <karim23697@…>
Add tests to Letterplace.lst
6:18 PM Changeset in git [6372c1]spielwiese by Karim Abou Zeid <karim23697@…>
Merge branch 'spielwiese' into letterplace-map

Apr 14, 2021:

2:26 PM Changeset in git [6f68939]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
doc: liftstd, build system
2:18 PM Changeset in git [66c68b]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: system("verifyGB",I): stop child
1:06 PM Changeset in git [817917a]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: example warkedPreimageStd
12:32 PM Changeset in git [5f5ce61]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
missing kLiftstd.cc
11:58 AM Changeset in git [f4a2d60]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
11:50 AM Changeset in git [9f5bec]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
add redLiftstd (liftstd with 2 args), idea by zickgraf
11:26 AM Changeset in git [2fe56d]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
suggested by Mauricio Collares

Apr 12, 2021:

10:08 PM Changeset in git [8a01e54]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
7:28 PM Changeset in git [8eb795]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
Merge pull request #1084 from mkoeppe/cygwin-docbuild-set-PATH-for-DLLs doc/Makefile-docbuild.in: Include .libs directories in PATH for Cygwin
12:45 PM Changeset in git [a3c2eb6]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: typo
12:30 PM Changeset in git [510427]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: system("verifyGB",I) only for commutive rings
12:30 PM Changeset in git [ed7a738]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
opt: size(reduce(..)==0

Apr 11, 2021:

3:03 AM Changeset in git [8e6f76]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
doc/Makefile-docbuild.in: Also add resources/.libs to PATH
1:14 AM Changeset in git [033a51]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
doc/Makefile-docbuild.in: Include .libs directories in PATH for Cygwin

Apr 10, 2021:

11:53 PM Changeset in git [bce2eb]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
Merge pull request #1082 from mkoeppe/libparse_EXEEXT cygwin: Fix build error with "configure --with-libparse"
11:26 PM Changeset in git [2d1dc4]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: kVerify2 only for commutaive rings over Q
10:43 PM Changeset in git [d737325]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
.github/workflows/ci-sage.yml: Do not use qepcad (broken on cygwin)
10:00 PM Changeset in git [32ebcf]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
.github/workflows/ci-sage.yml (cygwin): Don't wait for the ubuntu-focal run
9:45 PM Changeset in git [886fb4]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
.github/workflows/ci-sage.yml: Build with target ticket #31642
9:41 PM Changeset in git [296a6b]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
configure.ac: Use EXEEXT in optional_Singular_programs

Apr 9, 2021:

6:13 PM Changeset in git [0ecd37]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
doc: singmatic
6:12 PM Changeset in git [26a278d]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
doc: add PERL5LIB
5:44 PM Changeset in git [d9a8d6]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
doc: polybori: no_ex
5:44 PM Changeset in git [2bfa41]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
Merge branch 'levandov-spielwiese' into spielwiese
5:43 PM Changeset in git [030999]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: add LIB"freegb.lib"
5:42 PM Changeset in git [f7a20a]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
Merge branch 'spielwiese' of https://github.com/levandov/Sources into levandov-spielwiese
3:17 PM Changeset in git [e5dfae]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
doc: more polymake dep.
2:47 PM Changeset in git [15e9b1]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
doc: more polymake dep.
2:21 PM Changeset in git [b5a454]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
Revert "GB stuff: removed strat->R, S_2_R, etc" This reverts commit 4ecc6fa47a73c3c0cb1cdc30fa5fe0bbe3f15a37.
2:17 PM Changeset in git [8ce14c]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
doc: more polymake dep.
2:10 PM Changeset in git [914c47]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: more polymake dep.
12:54 PM Changeset in git [c193efc]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
doc: optional paramter->index
12:51 PM Changeset in git [1243bc]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
more polymake dep.
12:24 PM Changeset in git [0dca22]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
more polymake dep.
11:59 AM Changeset in git [ff3047]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: program from TOPCOM (used in polymake.lib)
11:54 AM Changeset in git [7c9f0a]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
removed dependency on polymake (not compatible with current version)

Apr 8, 2021:

3:57 PM Changeset in git [a7810b5]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
doc: removed tst_* from manual

Apr 7, 2021:

10:24 PM Changeset in git [17a1132]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
Merge pull request #1081 from mkoeppe/docbuild_fixes Docbuild fixes
9:24 PM Changeset in git [e596bb3]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: off by 1 in tgb.cc
9:18 PM Changeset in git [0941e6]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
fix: omRealloc0Size for xalloc
6:09 PM Changeset in git [4ecc6fa]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
GB stuff: removed strat->R, S_2_R, etc

Apr 6, 2021:

11:28 PM Changeset in git [8f7098]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
.github/workflows/ci-sage.yml: Build with https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31592
10:21 PM Changeset in git [e324766]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
doc/Makefile-docbuild.in: Unset SINGULAR_EXECUTABLE in TESTS_ENVIRONMENT
10:19 PM Changeset in git [4e63b4e]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
configure.ac: Have --enable-doc-build imply --with-libparse
10:17 PM Changeset in git [249b97]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
configure.ac: Use '-exclude sing4ti2' if 4ti2 executables cannot be found
11:15 AM Changeset in git [c69c14]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
10:56 AM Changeset in git [3b920ed]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
Merge pull request #1080 from mkoeppe/DEFAULT_CHECKING_PATH_try_default_flags_first m4/*-check.m4: Check DEFAULTS first, following flint-check.m4
1:19 AM Changeset in git [ec35b0]spielwiese by Viktor Levandovskyy <levandov@…>
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/spielwiese' into spielwiese
12:41 AM Changeset in git [d66b187]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
m4/ntl-check.m4: Fixup

Apr 5, 2021:

9:46 PM Changeset in git [4ad5cde]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
m4/*-check.m4: Check DEFAULTS first, following flint-check.m4 This removes /usr from the end of DEFAULT_CHECKING_PATH and instead puts the special token DEFAULTS to the front of NTL_HOME_PATH, GMP_HOME_PATH. Because ccluster-check.m4 has not been switched to compiler-based header file detection, we do not change the search algorithm there. We add /usr back at the end of CCLUSTER_HOME_PATH to compensate for the change of DEFAULT_CHECKING_PATH. We also fix a typo that makes --with-ccluster=PATH actually work (untested, as this library does not seem available)
8:53 PM Changeset in git [950a94]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
Merge pull request #1078 from mkoeppe/DEFAULT_CHECKING_PATH_refactor_flint_check m4/flint-check.m4: Refactor
8:48 PM Changeset in git [0351435]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
Merge pull request #1079 from kabouzeid/reduce-fix Letterplace: fix critical bug in `reduce`
2:45 PM Changeset in git [f3febc]spielwiese by Karim Abou Zeid <karim23697@…>
Add tests for `imap` and `fetch`
2:14 PM Changeset in git [03e1a6]spielwiese by Karim Abou Zeid <karim23697@…>
Merge branch 'spielwiese' into letterplace-map
1:40 PM Changeset in git [1e47de1]spielwiese by Karim Abou Zeid <karim23697@…>
Add comment to fix
1:36 PM Changeset in git [2151c5]spielwiese by Karim Abou Zeid <karim23697@…>
Merge branch 'spielwiese' into reduce-fix

Apr 4, 2021:

5:59 PM Changeset in git [68efee]spielwiese by Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@…>
m4/flint-check.m4: Refactor
5:18 PM Changeset in git [d42570]spielwiese by Hans Schoenemann <hannes@…>
Merge pull request #1076 from mkoeppe/DEFAULT_CHECKING_PATH_use_AC_CHECK_HEADER_instead_of_test m4/*.m4: In the search loops, test for the presence of headers using the compiler
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.