D.2.9.2 memberpos
Procedure from library redcgs.lib (see redcgs_lib).
- Usage:
- memberpos(f,J);
(f,J) expected (polynomial,ideal)
or (int,list(int))
or (int,intvec)
or (intvec,list(intvec))
or (list(int),list(list(int)))
or (ideal,list(ideal))
or (list(intvec), list(list(intvec))).
The ring can be @R or @P or @RP or any other.
- Return:
- The list (t,pos) t int; pos int;
t is 1 if f belongs to J and 0 if not.
pos gives the position in J (or 0 if f does not belong).
| LIB "redcgs.lib";
list L=(7,4,5,1,1,4,9);
==> [1]:
==> 1
==> [2]:
==> 4