D.6.11.4 lift_rel_kb
Procedure from library deform.lib (see deform_lib).
- Usage:
- lift_rel_kb(N,M[,kbaseM,p]);
- Assume:
- [p a monomial ] or the product of all variables
N, M modules of same rank, M depending only on variables not in p
and vdim(M) is finite in this ring,
[ kbaseM the kbase of M in the subring given by variables not in p ]
warning: these assumptions are not checked by the procedure
- Return:
- matrix A, whose j-th columns present the coeff's of N[j] in kbaseM,
i.e. kbaseM*A = reduce(N,std(M))
| LIB "deform.lib";
ring r=0,(A,B,x,y),dp;
module M = [x2,xy],[xy,y3],[y2],[0,x];
module kbaseM = [1],[x],[xy],[y],[0,1],[0,y],[0,y2];
poly f=xy;
module N = [AB,BBy],[A3xy+x4,AB*(1+y2)];
matrix A = lift_rel_kb(N,M,kbaseM,f);
==> AB,0,
==> 0, 0,
==> 0, A3,
==> 0, 0,
==> 0, AB,
==> B2,0,
==> 0, AB
==> TEST:
==> 0,0,
==> 0,0