| vec2poly
Procedure from library bfun.lib (see bfun_lib).
- Usage:
- vec2poly(v [,i]); v a vector or an intvec, i an optional int
- Return:
- poly, an univariate polynomial in i-th variable with coefficients given by v
- Purpose:
- constructs an univariate polynomial in K[var(i)] with given coefficients,
such that the coefficient at var(i)^{j-1} is v[j].
- Note:
- The optional argument i must be positive, by default i is 1.
| LIB "bfun.lib";
ring r = 0,(x,y),dp;
vector v = gen(1) + 3*gen(3) + 22/9*gen(4);
intvec iv = 3,2,1;
==> 22/9y3+3y2+1
==> x2+2x+3