| ncrepRegularMinimize
Procedure from library ncrat.lib (see ncrat_lib).
- Usage:
- ncrep s = ncrepRegularMinimize(q, vars, point);
- Return:
- ncrep s representing the same rational
function as ncrep q, where s is of minimal size
- Assumption:
- q is regular at scalar point a, i.e.,
if one substitutes in ai for all nc variables xi in q
then q.mat has to be invertible
- Note:
- list vars = list(x1, ..., xn) has to consist
exactly of the nc variables occurring in q and
list point = list(a1, ..., an) consists of scalars
| LIB "ncrat.lib";
ncInit(list("x", "y"));
ncrat f = ncratFromString("inv(x*y)");
ncrep q = ncrepGet(f);
==> 5
ncrep s = ncrepRegularMinimize(q, list(x, y), list(1, 1));
==> 2
==> lvec=
==> -1,0
==> mat=
==> -y,x+1,
==> 0, -x
==> rvec=
==> 1,
==> -1