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D.15 Experimental libraries

This sections collect libraries in the beta test phase. Everything in these libraries may change.

For the minimal requirements and guidelines see Libraries.

Comments should be send to the author of the library directly.

D.15.1 autgradalg_lib  automorphism groups of pointedly graded algebras and of Mori dream spaces
D.15.2 combinat_lib  Some useful functions from combinatoric
D.15.3 difform_lib  Procedures for differential forms
D.15.4 finitediff_lib  finite difference schemes for linear differential equations
D.15.7 GND_lib  General Neron Desingularization
D.15.5 goettsche_lib  Goettsche's formula for the Betti numbers of the Hilbert scheme
D.15.6 graal_lib  localization at prime ideals and their associated graded rings
D.15.8 gradedModules_lib  Operations with graded modules/matrices/resolutions
D.15.9 maxlike_lib  maximum likelihood estimates
D.15.10 methods_lib  construction procedures
D.15.11 modules_lib  Representations of Modules
D.15.12 modwalk_lib  Groebner basis conversion
D.15.13 multigrading_lib  Multigradings and related computations
D.15.14 nets_lib  Pretty printing
D.15.15 pfd_lib  Multivartiate partial fraction decomposition
D.15.16 polyclass_lib  class of polynomials
D.15.17 ringgb_lib  Functions for coefficient rings
D.15.18 rwalk_lib  Groebner Walk Conversion
D.15.19 sets_lib  Sets
D.15.20 stanleyreisner_lib  T1 and T2 for a general Stanley-Reiser ring
D.15.21 swalk_lib  Sagbi Walk Conversion Algorithm
D.15.22 systhreads_lib  multi-threaded objects
D.15.23 VecField_lib  vector fields