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D.2.8.4 defring

Procedure from library ring.lib (see ring_lib).

defring(ch,n,va,or); ch,va,or=strings, n=integer

ring R with characteristic 'ch', ordering 'or' and n variables with names derived from va.
If va is a single letter, say va="a", and if n<=26 then a and the following n-1 letters from the alphabet (cyclic order) are taken as variables. If n>26 or if va is a single letter followed by a bracket, say va="T(", the variables are T(1),...,T(n).

This proc is useful for defining a ring in a procedure. This proc uses 'execute' or calls a procedure using 'execute'.

LIB "ring.lib";
def r=defring("0",5,"u","ls"); r; setring r;"";
==> //   characteristic : 0
==> //   number of vars : 5
==> //        block   1 : ordering ls
==> //                  : names    u v w x y
==> //        block   2 : ordering C
def R=defring("2,A",10,"x(","dp(3),ws(1,2,3),ds"); R; setring R;
==> //   characteristic : 2
==> //   1 parameter    : A 
==> //   minpoly        : 0
==> //   number of vars : 10
==> //        block   1 : ordering dp
==> //                  : names    x(1) x(2) x(3)
==> //        block   2 : ordering ws
==> //                  : names    x(4) x(5) x(6)
==> //                  : weights     1    2    3
==> //        block   3 : ordering ds
==> //                  : names    x(7) x(8) x(9) x(10)
==> //        block   4 : ordering C
kill R,r;