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D.4.25.1 sagbiSPoly

Procedure from library sagbi.lib (see sagbi_lib).

sagbiSPoly(A[, returnRing, meth]); A is an ideal, returnRing and meth are integers.

ideal or ring

basering is not a qring

Returns SAGBI S-polynomials of the leading terms of a given ideal A if returnRing=0.
Otherwise returns a new ring containing the ideals algebraicRelations
and spolynomials, where these objects are explained by their name.
See the example on how to access these objects. @format The other optional argument meth determines which method is used for computing the algebraic relations.
- If meth=0 (default), the procedure std is used.
- If meth=1, the procedure slimgb is used.
- If meth=2, the prodecure uses toric_ideal.
@end format

LIB "sagbi.lib";
ring r= 0,(x,y),dp;
ideal A=x*y+x,x*y^2,y^2+y,x^2+x;
//------------------ Compute the SAGBI S-polynomials only
==> _[1]=x2y-xy2+x2-xy
==> _[2]=x2y3+1/2xy4+1/2x2y2+xy3+1/2xy2
//------------------ Extended ring is to be returned, which contains
// the ideal of algebraic relations and the ideal of the S-polynomials
def rNew=sagbiSPoly(A,1);  setring rNew;
==> spolynomials[1]=x^2*y-x*y^2+x^2-x*y
==> spolynomials[2]=x^2*y^3+1/2*x*y^4+1/2*x^2*y^2+x*y^3+1/2*x*y^2
==> algebraicRelations[1]=@y(1)^2-@y(3)*@y(4)
==> algebraicRelations[2]=@y(3)^2*@y(4)-@y(2)^2
//----------------- Now we verify that the substitution of A[i] into @y(i)
// results in the spolynomials listed above
ideal A=fetch(r,A);
map phi=rNew,x,y,A;
ideal spolynomials2=simplify(phi(algebraicRelations),1);
==> spolynomials2[1]=x^2*y-x*y^2+x^2-x*y
==> spolynomials2[2]=x^2*y^3+1/2*x*y^4+1/2*x^2*y^2+x*y^3+1/2*x*y^2